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Sunday, February 23, 2014


This article was published in 2005. What has changed in 9 years that makes all these statistics null and void?

Interesting read:

Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, 'Mexican visitor's lament' -- 10/25/07. She interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, They (illegal aliens) pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes...what happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?'

That's a good question - it deserves an answer. Over 80 percent of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America ? The answers may surprise you!

* In California , if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico , it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupted hospitals and overrun prisons. It would leave highways cleaner, safer and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as English became the dominant language again.


  1. I'm not buying it. First off many illegals pay taxes, and the government keeps it all. (phony SS#s or even borrowed ones, the taxes get taken out of their check, and they don't file for refunds)

    Then ok, free health care... but who works cheap as janitors, laundry workers, and food service workers to keep costs down?

    Same for food assistance.. wait who picks all that food for cheap to make it affordable to everyone else? Who works in the poultry plants, meat packing plants, on the farms?

    Even the illegals working for cash, spend a lot of cash here. (yes some goes back to home country, but most is spent here... and some of that money that goes back pays for getting someone else here).

    This country is founded on immigrants. For over 200 years.. the Irish the Italians, the Eastern Europeans, the Chinese. Mexicans, Guatamalans, etc are no different.

  2. lets keep the hard working illegals and ditch the lazy good for nothings of all races.

  3. Good thing you posted this as Anonymous because you could get run out of town fearing for your life by the friendly church going locals...

  4. Yes it was. Legal immigrants.

  5. The 1st undocumented Supreme Court JusticeFebruary 18, 2014 at 4:24 AM

    I find the Word Illegal offensive...

  6. 9:50 yes this country was founded on legal immigrants, that would be the irish, italians, eastern Europeans. they followed the law, they learned to speak the language, they took courses in american history, they earned the right to be citizens. why is this so hard for you to understand unless you are just another one of the 47%

  7. If 20 million undocumented/unauthorized residents vacated America, our grocery prices would triple overnight.

  8. The chicken plants would close.

  9. We love you "LEGALS". If the Illegals leave - Legal Americans can reap the rewards and not pay as many taxes.

  10. 8:06 Well said. The bleeding heart liberals just can't get the difference between legal and illegal. The immigrants old respected our laws and paid their dues. The illegal immigrants of today (mostly Mexicans) do not respect our laws, could care less about blending in with our culture and learning our language and count on living off the US government (working citizen's tax money). They know they can count on the lawless communist Democrats starting with the glorious dictator on down to the local congressman. I do not have a problem with immigrants. I have a problem with criminals pandered to by the Democrats.

  11. Liberals are so disingenuous illegal aliens mean a majority for their mindset and the ability to transfer trillions more to their every whim.

    I would start with elite Universities. They pay millions out to people who could be replaced with a DVD. If they cannot get their house in order they should be forced to turnover half of their endowment until they do.

    Their bastions have no baseline or controls. The fact they could care less how many illegals enter this Country is just more of their arrogant hubris and destructive mannerisms. Legal immigration should actually be a RESPONSIBILITY the Federal Government takes serious not a bargaining chip.

  12. If we get rid of illegals at the same time we get rid of welfare, the jobs will be taken by those that want to survive...the rest should become fodder for Darwin!

  13. A law abiding citizen will never respect a law breaking illegal immigrant.
    It you want to listen to Spanish everywhere that you go, move to Tijuana.

  14. Most hispanics i have known speak spanish and english which is more than I can say about most locals that barely speak english.

  15. Why can't the all go back to their beautiful Country and work to improve it?-- their culture has more integrity than America's today.

    I cannot believe they feel good about being used by contemptible self involved Progressive do nothings. Progressives only want retribution and power over all of us all. Besides they plan on changing all of the things that once appealed to our Mexican friends.

    Of course we'll be hearing about how this was written during the GW Bush era-- he was another total disgrace as far as I am concerned.

  16. 5:03 PM

    They may be able to speak two languages, but they most definitely don't have the moral integrity to obey laws.

  17. Obviously, the intent of this article is to point out the (hidden) costs, something that Obama, his lap-dog media, the Democratic Party, establishment-type mush Republicans/RINOs won't talk about.


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