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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Do You Know This Guy?

He is Edward "Ed" Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937. 

Then you’ll probably say, “Who is Ed Mezvinsky?”
Well, he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa's 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms, from 1973 to 1977.
He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.
He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the nation and should be impeached.
He and the Clintons were friends and very politically intertwined for many years.

Ed Mezvinsky had an affair with NBC News reporter Marjorie Sue Margolies and later married her after his wife divorced him.
In 1993, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, then a freshman Democrat in Congress, cast the deciding vote that got President Bill Clinton’s controversial tax package through the House of Representatives.
In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.
Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.
He was found guilty and sentenced to 80 months in federal prison.
After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008 and remains on federal probation.
To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.
About now you are saying, “So what!”
Well, this is Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsky.

That’s right; Ed Mezvinsky is Chelsea Clinton's father-in law.
Now Marc and Chelsea are in their early thirties and purchased a 10.5 million dollar NYC apartment.
Has anyone heard mention of any of this in any of the media?
If this guy was Jenna or Barbara Bush's, or better yet, Sarah Palin's daughter's father-in- law, the news would be an everyday headline and every detail would be reported over and over.
And yet liberals say there are no double standards in political reporting. 
And people are already talking about Hillary as our next President!
Lying and corruption seem to make Democrat candidates more popular. 
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. 
                   ~~Thomas Jefferson


  1. Holy Shmit.why isnt this on FOX.

  2. You mean the Clinton's might be crooks?

  3. what Nixon did was NOTHING compared to the Clintons and the Obamas. wow...

  4. Richard M. Nixon was the best president this country ever had. His only problem is getting in trouble for what his staff did. I agree with 9:18pm Nixon was an angel compared to the Clintons and the Obamas. At least Nixon was an American and an intelligent one at that. RIP President Nixon.

  5. imagine what Chelsea & Marc's spawm might accomplish!

  6. Here we go again. Let's put the sins of the father on the backs of the children. Brilliant!

  7. sorry for the typo - SPAWN
    it took a village to raise those children!

  8. I've got to disagree with conclusions being drawn here.

    It's not so crazy to think that if both of their parents were friends, that they would be introduced to each other, fall in love and be married. They are not guilty for what their parents may or may not have done.

    Also, they don't have their own reality shows, they aren't pundits on Fox news, they don't try to be in the lime light.. much like Palin and her family do... they don't make themselves celebrities... like the Palin clan does.

    They are not "hiding" the fact they are married, but they are not advertising it either.

    I think the conclusions being drawn here need some more substantiation before I'm willing to accept the premise.

  9. 8:08, you are a breath of fresh air. You must be new.

  10. I love it when Progressives find a little bit of wiggle room to make things about themselves. (sarcasm)

    Hillary was removed from the Watergate Impeachment Counsel this guy served on for blatant corrupt disregard of the truth in withholding important data from Nixon..
    She could have been disbarred for what she did. That would have made both Clinton racketeers disbarred barristers.

    Ironically Hillary would have never had to hide the Rose Law Firm Billing records and perhaps the four dead American CIA Gun traders in Benghazi would still be alive today.

    Then again Bill Clinton would probably not ever married the wretch.
    (I don't watch any network's news for all you purveyors of cliches)

  11. I respect Richard Nixon, but his reckless economic intrusions into the free market actually mirror the current disgrace of a Presidency.

  12. @10:16

    What does any of that have to do with the premise of the article?

  13. 11:38 AM:

    About as much as the comments from 7:30 AM and 8:08 AM do.

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 18, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    8:08 I agree we shouldn't be putting blame on kids for "Blatant Crookedness" of their parents. Congrats on Marc & Chelsea marriage, now how did they purchase this 10.5 million dollar appartment in NYC? Oh, just a pocket change, right? It wouldn't be because of daddy's money, right? Something very fishy there and needs to be investigated. Maybe Chelsea signed the contract to play quaterback in NFL?

  15. 2:35, just because people have money is not a reason to be so snarky. You have no more idea than I do where they got their money for the purchase of their home. Try again.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 18, 2014 at 7:29 PM

      If you knew what I know, you would put things together maybe. And I do have very good idea where they got the money. Some people call it "coincidents" I call pieces of puzzle. There are reason why Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and Mezvinskys do these things and ITS NOT COINCIDENT.

  16. 11:38
    Igt was about the 78 Billion dollars of racketeering scammed cash taken from the likes of Ranchers invested in MF Global who lost their hedge and some even their property. It was all because the law doesn't apply to the Clintons.

    They skated through investigations and lied their way to a huge fortune when all they are is cheesy miscreants.

    That Apartment was paid for by the same laws Clinton signed making the Banking Industry what it is today. If we had Justice and if it started back in the 70's there would be no 10.5 Million dollar Flat in Manhattan


  17. I'll assume Chelsea and her hubby have genuine affection for each other. Perhaps she has redeemable qualities. But she was raised by two of the biggest crooks and liars we've ever seen. How far does the apple roll from the tree?

    Fresh out of college she was gifted with a $100K job in NYC. Later she was briefly a woeful TV correspondent. Her equally hard working and gifted spouse (sarc) quit his bankster job about 6 months after the marriage to spend several months out west skiing. Now he's back to bankstering.

    Horatio Alger would be envious!


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