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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong.

The Koch brothers, notorious for donating large sums of money to right-leaning political causes, might not be as influential as some may think.

Opensecrets.org recently compiled a list of the top “all-time donors” from 1989 to 2014 and the infamous duo not only fail to take the top slot, but even place in the top 10.

In fact, according to the data, Koch Industries places 59 on the list with $18 million in donations, 90-percent of which went to Republicans.


  1. Someone ought to point this out to Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook and Rick Pollitt's special friend Ron Pagano. The great Ron Pagano who moved to the area to marry his wife he met ONLINE. He bashes on Andy Harris every single time the Daily Rag publishes an article about him.

    The Koch brothers are so evil because they, according to him, made donations to the Harris Campaign. I would much rather accept a donation from them than the corrupt labor unions listed!!

  2. When are you people going to understand that you have no say in what goes on in the political/economic world. Even the wealthiest person on the eastern shore has no say what happens. There are a select few ultra wealthy families in the us/world that dictate what will and won't happen. You can vote republican or democrat, it doesn't matter. You have no say in the process. Look locally and think globally. the good ole boys run the eastern shore and the bigger good ole boys run the the US and global markets. Google the Griffin’s Club. Bet you never heard of it and will never dine there.


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