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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gloria Allred: Obama’s “No-Match” Letter From Social Security Likely Means He’s An Undocumented Worker

According to the infamous attorney Gloria Allred a Notice of Mismatch letter from the Social Security Administration likely means that you are an undocumented worker and are not eligible to work in the United States.

At least that’s what she believes when it comes to the housekeeper of former Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman.

A Notice of Mismatch letter was sent to Whitman and her husband Dr. Griffith Harsh concerning their housekeeper Nicky Diaz Santillan. Allred was representing Santillan in a wrongful firing lawsuit against Whitman and Harsh when they fired Santillan after learning that she was in this country illegally.

But at a Press Conference Allred argued that Whitman and her husband knew their housekeeper was likely an undocumented worker long before they fired her because the Social Security Administration sent a "nomatch" letter to them indicating discrepancies in the housekeeper's name and [SSN] number.

Allred said she could prove Harsh was aware of the SSA No Match letter because he had scribbled on the letter, “Nicky, please check this, thanks.”

Barack Obama received a Notice of Mismatch letter from the Social Security Administration on August 17, 2011. Does that same letter mean that Obama is most likely an undocumented worker? Yes.



  1. It's obvious that this guy , whoever he is , is here to stay.
    You guys have elected a communist , socialist , and a racist.
    Good luck in the future guys , I'm ready.

  2. A fraud as president and no one seems willing or able to do anything about it. I personally blame the house of reps because it is their job to remove him from office. They always seem to be afraid they will be called racist if they do what they know they should do. What a shame it is that we have a bunch of wimps in congress.


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