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Saturday, February 22, 2014

She Allegedly Went on a Simple Jog in Her Toe Shoes. So Why Did She End Up Screaming and in Handcuffs? ‘I Didn’t F**king Do Anything Wrong!’

It allegedly started with her jogging in her toe shoes and sporting headphones. It ended in video of her screaming and being led away in handcuffs. What happened in between is a matter of debate, but video showing parts of the incident is certainly gaining traction online.

Whatever the woman did to get the attention of Austin, Texas police, a witness’ video of cops detaining her on a city sidewalk Thursday morning then escorting her to a nearby squad car indicate she was not happy with their actions.



  1. Folks, it's just going to get worse as long as there are Socialistic Democrats in office.

  2. She ignored traffic signal and ran toward and past an officer who tried to stop her for jaywalking offense. She ignored officer and cursed him as he tried to stop her. The area has been site of numerous pedestrian accidents/injuries. Austin PD Chief has already reviewed audio and video in the case and concurs with officers actions. This info from Austin American Statesman page B1 today.

  3. This info from Austin American Statesman page B1 today.

    February 22, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    And where did they get it from? The cops? Yeah, like we can believe them.

  4. Rick Perry is as about as worthless as Maryland's Governor..

  5. You are a fool 6:27.
    I guess you'd be on their side even if they shot her...

  6. 6:27, you still believe what you read in newspapers? And, did she cause an accident, damage to others, a scene to distract drivers?


    She was jogging and minding her own business. If she had been run down by a car she would have incurred less damage.

    Face it, the cops were arseholes, and just wanted to torture a woman that day.

  7. She broke the law , and refused to acknowledge that she did.
    She's a typical liberal Obama voter , way above the law.
    She will be a virgin when she's 80 years old. Not much of a story , white girl gone bad.


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