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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Father Who 'Beheaded His Disabled Son Over Kitchen Sink' Could Be Executed After He's Indicted For First Degree Murder

The 30-year-old Louisiana man who allegedly confessed to beheading his disabled 7-year-old son has been indicted on a charge of first-degree murder.

Jeremiah Wright's son Jori Lirette was brutally killed last week. The wheelchair-bound boy was dismembered and his head was set in the yard of their home for his mother to see when she arrived home.

Defense attorney Kerry Cuccia confirmed that a Lafourche Parish grand jury handed up the indictment Friday morning against Wright.



  1. This is so disturbing! This poor child had the horrible misfortune of being born to common white trash. Tattooed up, filthy looking loser 'mother' and a loser 'father.'
    The mother had complained already to police that the 'father' wanted to kill the son and the stupid wench leaves the poor child alone with him! No doubt these are welfare people! The child had the facial features characteristic to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

  2. remember this nut is the guy that preached to Obama every Sunday!

  3. 5:09 You may want to read "more". Workers, Penny.

  4. Hey 2:41 tone down the racism the Father was obviously a crazy white trash loser, If the gloves are off on Salisbury News regarding racist statements this place will go downhill fast.

  5. Hey 7:56
    I told you guys before , There are two kinds of people , racist and liars. Deal with it!
    I will define this statement:
    All are racist , most people will lie about it.

  6. Not racism at all 7:56 just the truth. If some believe telling the truth and calling things like they are is racism, then so be it. That's their problem and a shame they don't value honesty.
    That's why black communities are in a shambles. They don't value honesty. When someone points out to them, why they are wallowing in cesspools of crime and poverty, they refuse to face the facts and scream racism.


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