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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Petition Aims To Halt Local Man’s Deportation

OCEAN CITY — While immigration reform was a significant pillar of President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, a local case of an undocumented illegal alien and single father taken into custody in Ocean City in early 2013 and now facing yet another deportation hearing continues to plod forward this week.

On Feb. 5, 2013, Noe Parra-Manrique, an undocumented Mexican living and working in construction in the resort area, was pulled over by Ocean City Police for missing a screw on the license plate of his work truck. The single father of a 6-year-old girl, born in the U.S., had just dropped off his daughter with a babysitter and was heading to work. The subsequent investigation revealed Manrique had been driving without a license and he was taken into custody and transported to the Public Safety Building where it was determined he was also undocumented.

About an hour later, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials arrived and transported Manrique to the Worcester County Detention Center. Manrique was held in Snow Hill overnight and was questioned for eight hours the following day. Finally, after the babysitter confirmed Manrique was the father of a local girl, it was determined he was eligible for release on an immigration bond. Thirty-six hours after last seeing his young daughter, Manrique was sent home with a misdemeanor traffic charge, but he was also put into deportation proceedings.



  1. please stop calling them undocumented workers. use the correct term illegal alien.

    braking the law is breaking the law

  2. He's a CRIMINAL!!! ILLEGAL alien. Send him home or send him to JAIL!!! Who's identity did he STEAL???? How many Tax dollars has he committed FRAUD to get???? CITIZENS do NOT need to support these CRIMINALS!!

  3. He's driving without a license and you are calling him a man of "outstanding moral character". He may be a good father but where is the outstanding mother. Probably working on some Democratic campaign. Give me a break!

  4. This smacks of misdirected law enforcement efforts. Go arrest somebody selling coke or crack. Or is that too dangerous??? A missing screw on his license plate? Get real!

  5. He has no right to break and enter and then continue to break laws and expect to stay here. He's Mexican...go to Mexico.

  6. yea no racial profiling there.

  7. Sad story.... Sad to because a young child involved...he chose to live here illegally....ship him and go after the employer who gave him work. Sounds harsh but it's not. We have laws for a reason and he broke them knowingly case closed.

  8. You are wasting your time. He'll likely be running for office next.

  9. Deport, deport, deport. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Go. Now.

  10. Least he was working.maybe we should deport welfare bums?

  11. He simply does not qualify to be here. He willfully chose to circumvent immigration laws and come here without authorization.
    Deport him and let him get in line to come here legally. Period.
    So far, by virtue of the laws he's broken he hasn't shown any moral character or integrity to stay.

  12. All white people are illegal aliens…American Indians are the rightful owners of this land. It is absurd that someone is pulled over for a missing screw on the license plate.

  13. Send him and his anchor baby back to their own country.

  14. Can one of you cop types enlighten the rest of us on this 'tag screw' law the man was stopped for? Or, is it just another one of your "I didn't like it" laws that you're above?

  15. No 9:22. The Kennewick man is the rightful owner of this land. The American Indians killed his kind, and took his land...look it up

  16. >>>All white people are illegal aliens…American Indians are the rightful owners of this land.<<<

    Great opportunity to educate yourself! You may want to do a little research on the Solutrean hypothesis.

  17. I hope the idiots signing this petition are the same ones saying deport other illegal aliens.


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