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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Funny How Rick Pollitt Was Town Manager Of Fruitland, Yet He Lived In Allen

The more you dig into this 5 year minimum residence to file for Wicomico County Executive, the more you learn just how hypocritical Rick Pollitt and the RULES are. 

We've seen Zoo Directors come in from all over the Country. Public Works Directors, Fire Chiefs and Superintendents of Wicomico Schools from all over the Country.

I'm confident that someone from outside Wicomico County with the right background can do a great job running a failing County. 

In the mean time, create rules, (like Rick Pollitt has) to make sure only the Good Ol' Boys stay in secured power and run the County any way they see fit. Hey, it seemed to work just right for Rick when he was Town Manager of Fruitland but lived in Allen. DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO. 


  1. We need you JOE. Run for COUNTY EXECUTIVE. Two votes in this house for you.

  2. Joe

    It is also funny that when I was City Manager in Fruitland My wife and I had to uproot and move to Fruitland. None of the City Managers before me or after me has had to do that. INTERESTING is't it

    John McDonnell

  3. I remember that John. Didn't you live in Delmar before that?

  4. I think I'm making a STRONG case for a Judge to review, don't you?

  5. Yes - a very strong case...and the people deserve better!

  6. if rick wins this reelection he will hit us with the rain tax or find a way around the revenue cap asap. if you ask him now and he tell's you not, ask him to put it in writing!

  7. You'll get the votes Joe, but make sure those damn machines are not used again. Paper Ballots ONLY.

  8. Was it Rick that actually changed the rule?

  9. What's the difference between a town manager and a county executive? Is one position higher than the other?

  10. ANONYMOUS 11:45, Here's what I do know. About a year ago Rick Pollitt brought it into a legislative session for the Council to vote on. I had contacted many of the Council Members asking to change it to one year, it didn't get enough votes and I truly don't know why. So I can't say Rick originated it but I can tell you while he was County Executive he rallied to make sure it stayed 5 years.

  11. Well hell that changes everything.Go for it.

  12. It doesn't matter if he lived in Wango. He has done a great job for Wicomico county.

  13. Joe,

    You have no case and any lawyer who tells you otherwise is simply stealing your money. The Wicomico Charter that established the executive form of government had this in it. Pollitt didn't put it in place; the committee that wrote the charter (and the voters who approved it) did. You may not like this aspect of the charter, but there are many ways to change it. I don't see you collecting signatures to put a change on the ballot. I didn't see you go before the charter review committee and ask it to make the change. I don't see you approaching the county council asking them to make the change.

    There's no judge in the country that's going to rule in your favor. In fact, if you do take this to court, it will take years to make it through the system. If you were serious about running, you would have started this process long before this.

  14. anonymous 12:15, You may be 100% correct. HOWEVER, I do have the "Court Of Public Opinion" on my side and NOW the public is aware of just how crooked this ruling is.

    Look, I'm not jonesing for the job. I simply think it's a load of crap and I believe most citizens do as well.

  15. This is 12:15, I actually agree with you about this part of the charter. It should be changed. But that change needs to come about in the proper way. Let's put it on the ballot and the voters of Wicomico can decide.

  16. 12:32, I'd be perfectly happy with that choice.

  17. 12:08 - what rock have you been hiding under????

  18. To change the charter it will have to be voted on by the voters of Wicomico County. The council can put forth a change or it can be petitioned but will take 20% of the voters to sign on. Public opinion doesn't mean anything unless they are willing to put their name of the line and bring the change to referendum. Period.

  19. Rick is a nice guy like him personally but is very ineffective and goes with the flow to make it easy for himself. Time for a change

  20. To 1:16, the number of signatures that is required to get a charter amendment on the ballot is 20% of the number of voters who turned out in the last presidential election. That would mean it would take about 8,500 signatures to get it on the ballot. Start collecting.

  21. Another change in the charter should be term limits should be put on the executive of two terms. Rick would be done in December. This is needed badly. The US president and governors are 2 terms and so should this office.

  22. 11:35, "in writing" won't matter.

    Pollitt publicly said if a differential study showed the county owed the cities (Salisbury, Delmar, etc.) and their taxpayers a tax differential or rebate, he'd do everything he could to make that happen.

    The study showed just that and it took Pollitt just a few seconds to say nanny nanny boo boo, ALL your property taxes go to support the schools so we don't have to pay you anything.

  23. Yes Joe I lived in Delmar, sorry it took me this long to get back to you I WAS IN A MEETING

  24. Absolutely there should be term limits not only for governors and the president but also for congressmen, senators, and the likes of Rick Pollitt.

  25. Good ol boys vote in who they like you have No chance.

  26. 2 terms and your out.

  27. We don't have many with the balls to buck the system. Fox news and Albero , except sometimes lately Fox is not on the ball.
    Anyway , it's nice to see , with these old eyes , a whisper of hope again.Wayne E

  28. Pollitt is a waste of breath. Sorry. This man has caused more misery in Wicomico County than anyone else in the last several years. Total a$$ too. Don't let him fool you.

  29. I would vote for Rick again if I could but I agree with you 100% on the residency requirements. I don't think you could possibly win but it would stir things up and be the casue for more action in the county just like the mayoral elections did.


  30. If Fruitland didn't have a residency requirement during Ricky's reign; no harm, no foul.

    If it did, the statute of limitations probably expired a ways back.

    I think having a residency requirement before and during office makes sense for the County Executive, and all other elected county officials.

    I'm speculating the five year requirement was included as a point of comfort to help sway folks to vote for adoption of the charter since it moved power from Council President and Administrator to County Executive and how ever many folks he needed to hire to do his work because he couldn't.

    Reducing the length of residency requirement seems reasonable.

    Separate but related thought: Anyone using a county vehicle for work but residing outside of the county drives to and from work in their car.

    Best luck with your challenge.

  31. It would be easier to have 4 of the 7 council members vote to change the County Charter from a 5 year residency to a 1 year residency. It would also be faster and less expensive.

    However, on the flip side of the equation, I could run for the Elected County Exectuve and then name Joe Albero to be my County Administrator. We'll share the chores and I would be perfectly content as we both tend to think alike. Particularly relating to economic development.

  32. There was not a residency requirement in Fruitland when Rick Pollitt was City Manager. The Council that hired John McDonnell thought that it would be a good idea to require the City Manager to live in Fruitland. John did not, however, the Council did hire him under the condition that if he were to move, he would have to move within the corporate limits of Fruitland, but only after the Council formally requested he do so in writing. The council never requested him to move. He assumed that he would have to and bought a house in Fruitland. It was his decision to establish residency in Fruitland, he was never told to. That is the bottom line.

  33. Anonymous said...
    It doesn't matter if he lived in Wango. He has done a great job for Wicomico county.

    January 31, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    WTF are you smoking??? What flavor of Kool Aid is your preference.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Another change in the charter should be term limits should be put on the executive of two terms. Rick would be done in December. This is needed badly. The US president and governors are 2 terms and so should this office.

    January 31, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    There are term limits and it's called elections. The voters support their candidate and when you don't like the candidate you whine the same tired mantra of term limits. If it was a Republican in office we wouldn't hear a whimper out of you. I am a Republican and I think you cry babies should work harder on putting good candidates on the ballots. Get a life you BOZO.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Absolutely there should be term limits not only for governors and the president but also for congressmen, senators, and the likes of Rick Pollitt.

    January 31, 2014 at 2:58 PM

    Again term limits are called elections. Get over it.

  36. Who wants to live in Wicomico County?

  37. Millions of people work in cities they don't live in. So, what is the problem?


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