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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Obama Remembers ‘Why I’m A Democrat’

At a policy retreat for House Democrats at a resort an hour outside of Washington, President Obama and Vice President Biden rallied their fellow Democrats with a lot of talk about partisan unity at a moment when both parties have been particularly fractured.

The president on Friday cast raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour as his biggest priority, and he boasted about the executive action he took this week to raise it in future federal contracts.

Obama said, “It reminded me of why I’m a Democrat, and it reminded me of why I’m so proud of this caucus because you’re standing up” on behalf of low-wage earners.

The president’s second priority: immigration reform. He also applauded the Democrats who led the House in increasing the government’s borrowing power with no strings attached.

“The fact that we were able to pass a clean debt limit is just one example of why when you guys are unified, you guys stick together, this country is better off and I could not be more thankful and more appreciative and prouder of what you are doing.”



  1. obama is a democrat because he was born of a sleazy low class mother, doesn't know who his father is, was given a ghetto name and dumped off with relatives so his mother could continue to run around.

  2. Anon1143 - and now your elected president. What have you done with your life?

  3. Veritas has a new YT video out catching Texas Democrat voting activists breaking registration laws. Voter Fraud activism is fundamental in being a Democrat in today's America. They cry about disenfranchisement when they actively pursue the negating of the taxpaying citizen's voice at the polls.

  4. 9:06=Sitting on my 400+ acre farm (some refer to it as an estate) with my 9000sq ft barn, numerous other outbuildings and a 4700+ sq ft house. If I feel like it I may visit my other house located in a DC suburb though I doubt it. That house sits vacant except for what amounts to a few hours stop in here and there by me. Been offered nearly $800,000 for it, but we don't need the money. Keep on guessing what I've done, but one thing is certain. I've got more money in my back pocket than Obama could ever dream of having. My horses alone are worth more than Obama's net worth.
    He not my president. Ghetto trash is beneath me and no one could pay me enough to even breath the same air as him. I don't do putridness.

  5. Because they will take anybody?


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