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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Former Planned Parenthood Worker: ‘It Was A Money-Grubbing, Evil, Very Sad, Sad Place To Work’

INDIANAPOLIS, IN, (LifeSiteNews.com) – A former Planned Parenthood worker hasopened up to a diocesan newspaper in a gripping tell-all interview, saying she was shocked at the horrors she witnessed during the two years she worked in Indiana’s largest abortion facility.

Marianne Anderson is a nurse who assisted Planned Parenthood abortionists by partially sedating women who paid extra for that luxury. She told The Criterion newspaper that she saw many women pressured into abortions they did not want, including minor girls.



  1. She wasn't shouting out when she was getting that paycheck.

  2. Just quit the job and be LIBERATED by Obamacare.

  3. She obviously is not the one to attack 12:21
    People do sometimes have a change of heart. I suspect that if the truth was a mandated thing, abortion would stop being the election year issue and the cliches supporting it would disappear.

    It's a shame your Liberal bias is challenged on this site. Pathetic how the truth always warrants a hateful response to the messenger from people like you. Forcing a minor aged teenager to do the procedure against her will-- is a civil dysfunction as bad and no different than a rape of a child.

  4. February 18, 2014 at 5:37 PM,
    She should have reported the abused immediately. However and just like so many people, money talk. From,February 18, 2014 at 12:21 PM

  5. One might be more inclined to believe this if she made the accusations while still an employee. We see too many instances of disgruntled ex-employees making false claims.

  6. 9:16 false claims -- that is a good one
    Meanwhile that Butcher from Philadelphia was convicted by a Jury of his peers- that is enough to support the claims -- Planned Parenthood backed him up

  7. It can't be a happy job promoting the murder of innocent babies.


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