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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mini Parks Downtown?

I couldn't find it on their Website but WBOC did a story tonight on a child who wants to create little mini parks around Downtown and Mayor Jim Ireton and Jake Day support it. 

They claimed he has 250 signatures and a bunch of "likes" on Facebook. Jake Day was not available for the interview, probably because he was in Court today in Anne Arundel County fighting to get his drivers license back.

Nevertheless, if there was one thing I actually liked about Barrie Tilghman it was when she refused to accept the donation of a Park in Salisbury by a Developer. All for a great reason, who will maintain it. This is a serious expense and quite frankly as WBOC did this interview the child was playing on those small exercise areas already in place Downtown that have NEVER been maintained and are completely falling apart. This is clear proof the City can't keep up what it already has. 

Now I know there will be some who will come on here complaining that I'm against a project being brought forth by a kid. Well, there are a LOT of things many people WANT. I know they claim they'll raise all the funds to build these multiple mini parks but let's NOT forget they will need to be maintained, something the City of Salisbury has proven in the past they cannot and will not do.

STOP this feel good crap Jim and Jake. STOP using little children from your cult to produce feel good ideas with your Facebook friends when there ARE NO CHILDREN hanging out Downtown. Can't you people come up with better ideas than that? Are there not enough PARKS all over Salisbury????? They are in almost every single neighborhood and GUESS WHAT, no one is ever in them, unless your a Drug Dealer.

Don't make me go back into my files Jimmy and produce pictures during your first campaign where you talked about those Drug Dealers and needles found in the Park in Camden. 

When you can produce 10,000 City Resident Signatures, maybe then you'll prove me wrong. Until you get past the numbers of regulars you have on Facebook and really prove your convincing the public ideas like this are actually supported by the entire community at taxpayers expense for upkeep, only then will the majority of us fall for your continued BS. Can't these guys, (Jim and Jake) come up with SOMETHING that is really meaningful to Salisbury? You know, like JOBS. 

In the mean time, be prepared to pony up $24,000,000.00 for Jimmy's new Rain Tax VOLUNTEERED to Governor O'Malley and NOT REQUIRED by the State.

UPDATE: Check out this new Poll from WMDT.
    • 47 Web Poll

    • With the revitalization of downtown Salisbury underway, parks are a proposed part of the new change. Would you use the new parks?

    • Thank you for participating in our poll. Here are the results so far:
      Yes, I would
      No, I would not


  1. IMHO - our current Mayor is not only an embarassment to our Town, but our entire County.

  2. Know that Ireton and Day will now make contact with ALL of their Facebook friends and the poll numbers will change dramatically. That is why I captured the REAL numbers before that crew lie, cheat and steal to make the public believe the community supports them instead.

  3. Well Folks, the WMDT poll about sums up as to how our citizens feel about our illustrious Mayor's grand plan.

    What a DISASTER.

  4. This child's parents ought to buy the child a park then. This child is well on his way to becoming a sponge. When we wanted a place to fish our grandparents bought property on Taylors Island for us to fish on. Then when the boys grew up and wanted a place to call their own to hunt we purchased 300 acres in Marion. What kind of parents teach their child that it's the government's duty to provide them with recreation?

  5. What more can you say, the Mayor is a joke.

  6. So are the two, (if not three) MSM news outlets who ran with this BS story.

    ALL they want are feel good stories and now, let's throw the children into the pot to sell it.

    Nothing but a bunch of creepy liars selling snake oil to their viewers.

    Oh you nasty person Joe. How dare you go against "the children".

    Council Members on Methadone, Food Stamps, Bankruptcy, two members fighting to keep their driver's licence and other Government Assistance.

    Yeah, you people really know how to pick then and REMEMBER, these are the very same people ALL of your local Media supported.

  7. Jimmy wants to bring back the park and rides in salisbury too.

  8. Dad, can I have a swing set. NO! Go ask Jim Ireton and Jake Day for it.

    Can I have a skate board and a ramp? NO! Come on dad, why not. Go ask Jim Ireton and Jake Day for it.

    Dad, no one gave me breakfast and I don't have money for lunch. Go ask John Fredericksen for it.

    Dad, I really don't feel good. Can you take me to the Doctor. Go ask Obama for it.

    Dad, I'm curious about who and what I am. Should I use the men's room or the ladies room? Go ask Jim Ireton.

    Need I say more people?

  9. "I like the idea of putting it on the water," said Ben Bowen, who works at Kuhn's Jewelers. "I think the downtown waterfront should be more incorporated."

    Yea until some kid falls in and drowns, city get sued. Great idea.

  10. I can not find the web poll......

  11. 8:16, that is also where ALL of the homeless hang out and drink. It's also the least patrolled area of the City. Officers must get out of their cars and walk down there and guess what, that ain't happening.

    Unlike 99.5% of the public, I used to walk to my Bank from my building Downtown and go that route along the River and I witnessed it all the time.

    Yeah, let's put Mini Parks in that area, NOT!

  12. 8:19, It's right on their home page Jimmy.

  13. Don't be calling me names, I am not jimmy!

  14. They have mini parks already and no one except the homeless use them, there is one by chipman cultural center on broad st and another one near E William st that is never used

  15. What about the officer that is assigned to patrol downtown

  16. I was laughin! Chill..

    Yes, I would 9%
    No, I would not 82%
    Possibly 9%
    Indifferent 0%

  17. I know, let's sell off the city's share of the government office building and then build the city a new multi million dollar office complex on the river so jimbo can watch all their sludge drift by!

  18. If you've ever traveled west on Rt. 50 heading out of the City and you make a right at the Shore Stop onto Memory Garden Lane, there's a Park right there. They are EVERYWHERE! NO ONE uses them.


    Jim and Jake are playing the child game to get things that are NOT necessary.

    WE NEED TO CUT SPENDING. That includes projects in which we'll have to maintain down the road.

    They do this kind of crap for ELECTIONS. We put a park in this or that neighborhood for YOU. Barrie Tilghman was a master at that kind of crap. It was the ONLY way she could get the black votes and it always happened just before an election.

  19. I just updated WMDT's Poll again. The "NO's" are now at 92%.

    Remember Folks, this is their Poll and we have NOTHING to do with it.

  20. Back in 2008 I did a story http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2008/08/dee-dee-deeee-award-of-year.html about how the City maintained a City Park. It was hilarious. They actually fenced in the entire Park with NO WAY IN OR OUT!

    Honest to God, go take a look at it.

  21. Joe you need to change it again. I just checked on it and now says
    3% Yes, I would

    96% No, I would not
    1% Possibly

  22. Racheal. college studentFebruary 21, 2014 at 11:21 PM

    FATBOY JT s: trying to make a big deal about this and the kid but this is NOT about a kid and a kids idea which is ok but its about how a Mayor reaches so low to inject a childs idea that he knows WONT WORK because the current parks are not kept up $$$ and most of them are hang outs at night for drug addicts and homeless people heck you CANT EVEN TAKE YOUR KIDS DOWNTOWN ON HALLOWEEN WITHOUT POLICE PROTECTION so jim Stop with the BS and trying to look like your doing something nice for the kids and lying too there faces ..If you want to do sonethin nice for our children show them the Real you AKA running from the rehoboth police acting like a moron and throwing hissy fits at council meeting on PAC TV sexualy harrassing woman in mojos disrespecting salisbury employees lying about our clean river and looking to voluntery pay for rain taxes so jim the Next time you want to use a kid for your BS agenda give the kid Small history lesson on who Jim Ireton is before you crush the poor kids Dreams......(

  23. liarton Stop using and lying to kids you dirtbag you can't even bring jobs, to Salisbury how are you going to maintain them ?.How do you sleep at night.

  24. The children are running the city anyway , what a laugh I got with this!
    I've looked at all the little(and big) parks a playgrounds around the city and county.
    I hardly ever see a child or adult using them. Good ole Gary Mackes and his brilliant ideas.

  25. I have been watching WMDT lately, and you something, they are starting to look more and more conservative by the day. Remember the coverage - a blonde female reporter - they did on the Most Declining Cities in America where Salisbury was nationally ranked as No.7, and No.5, in loss of employment base.

    I could tell it was all she could do was to 'hold back' in trying to expose the political rascals. She probably felt threatened that she might lose her job. However, she took it about as far as she could in opening up the can of worms on Ireton & his administration.

    Now we have another media that is finally seeing things for what they are.

  26. I'm in Worcester county but this seems par for course for Salisbury. I remember reading not so long ago some elected officials being pleased because so many people showed up for the New Years Eve celebration. Now this. It's seems like nothing but one big party is going on instead of concentration on the important issues. We don't go to Salisbury often but did go there a few weeks ago. It has really gotten blighted and run down. We still use a lot of the back streets to get from one area to another and I thought for sure we were going to witness a drive by before the day was over.

  27. I noticed that Poll is on WMDT. Joe - they can't say that SBYNEWS set this one up.

    Whose next - The Daily Times? I wouldn't hold my breath though.

  28. To 6:48 - I agree. I have lived here all my life and I took the back way from Rt 13 N - to the Arby's located behind the Wicomico Middle School. I thought I was in the middle of ganster village. Poverty, crime, and blight everywhere. I was actually frightened when I came to a STOP sign.

  29. We have an enormous park and zoo that we can't seem to maintain now, why invest in another. The park was beautiful when I was a child. This was way before people lost their minds and planted brush all along the river banks.

  30. Too funny! This post has JT all riled up. He is so addicted and obsessed with SbyNews. Just a week or so ago, he claimed he wasn't going to post anything else about this blog. Didn't take him long to go back on his word.

  31. They have their multi million dollar Shrines to the State called Schools,
    Have Jimmy's little darlings play on the playgrounds located on school property.

    Or are they off limits to the Children when school is not in session?

  32. Jake Day tells WMDT that it would not raise any city taxes, the city could requests grant funds? So tell me again how grant money just appears out of thin air at no costs to taxpayers? I applaud this young man for his time, energy and his project to better the community, but we shouldn't deceive children that all that glitters is gold and anything can be done without costs. Let this young man learn the next step in securing funds by creating a charitable organization to raise these funds. Teaching kids these things early in life will prepare them better for the future. Anything you want, takes work. One project at a time, when will the skateboard park construction begin? Those people have worked hard to come up with some funding for their skate park. How's that working out?

    as far as fat boy goes, he must be off his meds again. he's a wanna be always had a man crush on joe. jt should put his words to action and run for city council himself, if it wasn't for his anti albero posts he'd have no blog

  33. The poll has been taken down! Last look this morning had the numbers as 7, 90, 1, &2!

  34. 11:49, If that is true, that's a shame. The public was speaking volumes with their participation and it was overwhelmingly a NO.

    Someone commented earlier how WMDT seems to be more conservative lately, not true at all. They are lead and managed by Kathleen McLean and she is a Jim Ireton and Jake Day brown noser. Remember, she is the one who crated and supported the "Council of No's" and FORCED her Reporters to go to Council Members Homes, (Debbie, Terry & Tim) unannounced with cameras running. This was completely disrespectful and out of line. Now they pull a poll because it's not going their way. Main Stream Media my A$$.

  35. Want Mores is what they are called. Not an inkling of good stewardship and taking care of what's already available. That's responsible parenting-teaching children to take care of what we already have, not wanting more.
    I think it's a cultural thing. Those of a lower class are forever complaining their children haven't anything to do. Growing up, if we dared mention to Mother we were bored or had nothing to do, we were promptly told to go scrub the front porch or wash the windows or scrub the mold off the stone retaining walls.
    We had a full time housekeeper who did the windows and porch on a regular basis and a full time groundskeeper who kept the retaining walls mold free.
    We had parks in Middleburg but no one I know used them. Parents there tended to keep a better eye on their children and who they associated with.

  36. I can tell you why the parks aren't used by kids it's actually very simple - in Salisbury if you have a group of kids hanging out in the park they are automatically up to no good and the police show up to find out what they are doing. This was happening when I was a young teen in the '70s. We were playing soccer and the police were called saying there was a gang fight going on, we were told to leave! The harassment got so bad that even if 3 people were sitting at the picnic table three patrol cars would show up wanting to know what you were doing in a 'public park'! And yes you cannot go to a school play ground after school hrs, it's now considered "tresspassing"! Go ahead and try it some time, get a group of kids and go try to play ball in a park with out adults and see how fast the police show up to watch or ask 'What are you doing here?' As a kid I use to love to go and hang out, play and have fun at Woodcock park till we kept getting harassed by the police, they would show up and we would be told to leave or that we could not be in a group of more than 3! This is no joke but the god's honest truth! Salisbury has nothing to offer the youth of today, even to play a sport can cost a low income parent a weeks pay or more to participate, to me this is outrageous! My girlfriend just signed her boy up for little league in Worcester county to the cost of $95 to start, i was shocked and actually thought of all those who would like to play but can not afford to! What I would really like to know is why it cost so much and what exactly do those funds pay for? We will never know...


  37. Parklets can be a good idea if there is residential density to support its use and mix of activities and proper maintenance and security. Must have all of those elements, otherwise it fails completely.

    Parklets, and parks, come off the tax rolls so there is a permanent cost in lost revenue. Tradeoffs.

    In a town with a shrinking revenue base (# of taxable properties) and a very high rental housing percentage laying parklet expansion plans leveraged on the notion that grants will always pay for them is short-sighted.

    Since NASCAR Jake considers himself an expert in this realm it's not a big surprise stuff of this nature would surface.

    Why not try paying for and maintaining what is already in place first, and then building on those baby steps?

  38. This bunch running Salisbury would make a great Simpsons episode.

  39. I think the funniest part of the whole post is the revitalization of the downtown......... Really???? That's just too funny as the the whole area is crashing and burning......

  40. It should be noted that I met the Father and Son tonight, great people. While our discussion on the matter was brief, we agreed to discuss it further in the near future, shook hands and parted ways. More to come...

  41. If I were a betting man, I'd bet that JT notified WMDT to pull the poll. This guy has to be one of Salisbury's biggest jerks.

    But as always, it backfired again on JT as WMDT recorded its largest hits of the year because of Salisbury News spinoff directed to the WMDT poll link.

    JT - don't you get it, it was a WMDT poll and not Salisbury News.
    The park concept is a failure in the overwhelming opinion of Salisbury's voters.

  42. except for calories, there are a lot of things jt don't get

  43. JT thought a drive in barber shop was a good idea also,so... well you know.


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