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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Here's An Update On The Shooting In Salisbury

Not only was Salisbury News the first to break this story, (by several hours) we announced right out of the gate that it was a Salisbury Police Officer who fired the shot. 

While we had several comments come in stating I was wrong, we were right. 

As for how things went down, I have a very reliable source who has informed me that a State Trooper was also present when the suspect reached into his pocket after stating, (I'm paraphrasing) One Of Us Is Going To Die. The suspect refused to follow commands, reached into his pocket and that is when the Officer fired at the suspect. There is some back and forth talk about how the suspect may have shot off a round inside the vehicle but I cannot confirm that. 

We are told the Officer shot the suspect in the head, end of story. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Rodriguez and his Family. We thank him for his quick and solid judgment in this matter assuring no one else was hurt. Remember Ladies & Gentlemen, this could have been a LOT worse if Officer Rodriguez had not responded as a veteran with extensive experience and training. 


  1. Good work Officer it also saves us a lot money dealing with the thug - end of story.

  2. BRAVO Officer Rodriguez! Bravo!

  3. you don't get better guys then officer Rodriguez! Could have been a lot worse.. suspect obviously had a screw loose with two loaded revolvers in his hoody. never know he may have had intentions to go shoot up the mall or anything.

  4. Bag em and tag em Dannel.

  5. Wasn't it Officer Planck who was fatally shot while standing at the car window of a thug? Trusting an armed lawbreaker not to shoot a police officer is probably going to end with the officer's funeral. Two weapons in the hands of someone wanted for weapons violations, someone who won't follow commands and threatens to kill--that's enough. Glad a state trooper heard it.

  6. That was MSP Trooper Eddie Plank who was shot at a traffic stop

  7. 10:45 I love it, Bag them Tag them and then call it in like a dead deer to DNR.

  8. I thank God that Office Milt Rodriguez went home to his family at the end of his shift. The alternative would have been horrible.

  9. I feel as though Officer Rodriguez is a hero because he is responsible for getting one less criminal off the streets. One more dangerous than a lot since he had guns. As much as we would like to believe and hope that there are positive possibilities for these criminals statistics prove otherwise.
    It's really a shame that young people develop these poor attitudes and engage in high risk behaviours. Those working in the "trenches" are now seeing a 3rd generation starting to develop these bad attitudes and a disregard of any authority. The cause is simplistic-the breakdown of the family. You can't say anything though because the PC crowd will be on you like flies on manure. You can only continue to make excuses for bad behaviours which only causes it to become more acceptable.

  10. The thug's cowboy like statement was quite true. Guess he should have practiced that quick draw a little more.


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