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Sunday, February 09, 2014

City Of Fruitland Lets Two Long Serving Employees Go

Polly Caton – 30 years of Financial responsibilities and 
Joe Derbyshire – 35 years of Utility experience. 

These City employees will surely be missed. Joe has forgotten more about Utilities than most people know.


  1. Wonder if Joe will tell the real story about the well water issue now. I still have doubt that the source isn't known.....makes no sense to me at all.

  2. With that many years they should have been retired anyway. 30 years on most jobs is enough, time for new blood at that point.

  3. "Let go" or retired as they both had planned?

  4. The King has retired.

  5. They may say retired but I know a different story

  6. Bet they didn't keep in step as they were told

  7. After 30 years if that is the best they can do then it is time for a new house of cards.

  8. they said the water contamination was from a near by farm (Glasgow)where as chemicals were just dumped or were over used or something yet no criminal charges...

    In any event, seems to me to be a conspiracy thing because this is happening on both sides of the bypass over by st likes road...

    Not to mention this is happening in Pocomoke and snow hill...

    Also one would find it funny, how the govt uses tax payer money, your money to install utilities and have a law that says you have no choice but to use and tap into the utilities when they install it on your road... Then you are forced into a monthly bill with the city or county or state in which you never had before... wither you can afford it or not... Not to mention the 20k fee to hook up to the utilities like water and sewer...

    Seems all to coincidental...

  9. I'll bite 11:17...what's the real story?

  10. What's wrong with working somewhere for 30 years & retiring from that same job? It used to happen all the time & now people think there is something wrong with you if you do that. They are good people & were obviously satisfied with their jobs & didn't see any reason to "job hop".
    There is nothing wrong with that.

  11. I didn't know Joe was the King. I thought that was someone on the council. Either way, the city will miss these 2 who provided many years of service.

  12. Will be hard to replace Joe with the knowledge he has of the water sewer system. He was there when it was all put in. Good luck with the retirement Joe

  13. Joe is not the King! He is alive and well on the council having lunch meetings to discuss Landlord License and anything else that will help Nina Lane! He wants to be a career politician I assure you!

  14. Anon 1:06pm, Totally agree. Good luck Joe and damn Fruitland.

  15. 12:18, TCE is a chemical solvent used to clean machinary. People forget Fruitland used to have the Dulany canning factory. There are irragation ditches all over town that were used to flush out the water from canning the tomatoes. Those ditches empty into the river and Morris Mill is just a dammed up portion of the river. I highly doubt this is just a isolated problem related to the Glassgo farm. As for lawsuits, what would be the point. The original Glassgo farmers are well into their 80's and one has already passed. No point in suing those that aren't here anymore. Either way, I find it easier for the blame to be pointed at a farmer, instead of a big business that had alot of pull within Wicomico County.

  16. personally dealt with polly. won't miss her at all. a real pain. and truely promoted favoritism in the department.

  17. 1:22. What is your obsession with Nina Lane?

  18. TCE was also used heavily at Dresser Wayne and Purity Bacon...and were always an issue for the City of Salisbury for years. Both are less than two miles from the effected area and are both now owned by the state...therefore not playing under the same rules....could be that over the years its finally leaked into the aquifer and certainly could be the source as well.

  19. 1:22 You must not be from Fruitland if you call it an obsession! That is the HOA that elected the King silly and the other council people do your research before you open your trap! What's for Lunch?

  20. Joe Derbyshire is a very smart man who will be missed in Fruitland! Joe and Cooper T ran that city for many many years with no trouble! Then came along the new city manager and this bright council! Now you end up with what you got! Not Much! Now there is another city manager since then and the same old council meeting at lunch time to discuss nothing that couldn't be discussed at the regular meeting. The excuse is that it saves money! If they save the tax payers anymore they will have to write us checks! Ha ! Check your tax bills

  21. What are you supposed to do if someone wants to retire after 40 years, make them stay? Good luck Joe, enjoy your retirement. Too bad all somebody has to worry about is what time the Council has a work session, hell, most county council meetings are at 10:00 in the morning so I am not really sure what your point is. Sure they get paid a hell of a lot more too. Same old broken record by 3:46. If that is all you can find problems about, I would say that things are going pretty good. Oh, I can guarantee you that the person you are referring to isn't interested in being a career politician, landlord licensing , and doesn't even live near Nina lane. All you are doing is making yourself look like a dumbass.

  22. 3:46 seems like a jealous individual without any real issues to take issue with . I feel sorry for him/her

  23. You are right 12:44. The person they are talking about has worked hard for the taxpayers of fruitland. I don't blame him for not doing another term, wish he would, but with asses like someone on here, who blames him.

  24. It is very apparent that The entire council and the employees of the City of Fruitland have all worked very hard and long to make Fruitland a better place to live and work in. Please do not give the time day to a disgruntled individual such as anonymous 3:46. Many thanks to Joe and Polly - hope you enjoy your retirement.


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