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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Dershowitz, Legal Experts Say Vindictive D’Souza Indictment Came From Higher Up

Famed liberal Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz joined other legal experts in slamming the Obama administration for targeting conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for campaign finance law violations.

“This is clearly a case of selective prosecution for one of the most common things done during elections, which is to get people to raise money for you,”Dershowitz told Newsmax. “If they went after everyone who did this, there would be no room in jails for murderers.”

D’Souza was indicted last week for making illegal political contributions in the names of others. News of his felony arrest prompted ”Schindler’s List” producer Gerald Molen to say, “I never had the thought that I had reason to think I had to look over my shoulder until now.”



  1. Surely no other hollywood producers are guilty...


  2. If I'm correct, Prof. Dershowitz was one of OweBama's profs at Harvard Law School. Another class he slept through apparently.

  3. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 1, 2014 at 11:23 PM

    If they arrested and charged D'Souza, over a $5,000 donation, they also need to arrest and charge Hillary Clinton for Benghazi, and Eric Holder for Operations Fast & Furious, where on both occasions American citizens lost lives. Oh, I forgot, those two are on GOVERNMENT PAYROLL and D'Souza is not. Now I see the difference.


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