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Saturday, February 01, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-31-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Here's My Thoughts On The Minimum Wage On The East...":

Well I'd like to chime in here. There seems to be something going on that is eluding many. Something going on behind the scenes that is at the root of the entire "increase in the minimum wage" thing. The living wage argument is the carrot the liberals are dangling in front of our noses. The real goal isn't to create a better wage/life for people. The real goal is to generate more revenue. If the tax was ten percent on $10.00 - the revenue generated would be $1.00. That same tax on $7.75 would only be 77.5 cents. It may not seem like a lot but in a year it would be billions of dollars in additional revenue for the federal government. The government needs more revenue to push off financial collapse a little longer. They failed miserably at creating jobs. so they must make more from the ones that still exist. Soon they will eliminate tax write offs such as mortgage interest in an attempt to tax a different socioeconomic group a little more. Think about it. Everything they have done lately they have done with the intent of increasing revenue. Another example is methanol fuel. It's about 15% less efficient than regular unleaded gasoline. You must buy more to travel the same distance. Subsequently you pay more in taxes to travel the same distance. Open up your eyes and see whats right in front of your faces. This minimum wage thing is just another government givaway designed to buy votes and increase revenue by misleading the American public.


  1. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 1, 2014 at 3:34 AM

    Some Basic Math for Democ-rats. Employer has 4 employees and each makes $7.50/hour which means the Employer pays total of $30/hr for 4 of them. So, if the Minimum Wage increases to $10/ hr. the Employer will have 2 options:
    A) Pay All of those employees 4 times $10/hr equals total of $40/hr for same amount of work being done. Employer raises his prices of goods and custumer will be forced to pay more, example WALMART.
    B) Employer will decide to fire 1 of 4 employees, leaving him with 3 times $10/hr totals $30/hr. Cost will stay the same, prices will stay the same and work will be spread between remaining employees, example McDonakd.
    So now I ask, How Does This Help to Economy? It doesnt. But it does help Democratic Party. A lot.

  2. Exactly! The increase is going to do nothing to take people out of poverty. The increase will get passed on to consumers, which include minimum wage workers.

  3. I would gladly pay an additional $750 in my federal income taxes to have the reward of a $5,720 annual income increase, roughly calculated.

    I highly doubt that with the small percentage of peeps on MW that the gov is going to dig itself out of or stave off an economic disaster on such a small "windfall"

  4. Actually, it is probably more simple than even this. The democrats are experts at buying votes with other people's money. The low-info voters will only grasp that demos are trying to raise the MW (being the 'champions of the little people', blah, blah, blah). The evil repubs are trying to block this increase because, well, they're evil. Most of these morons can't work thru the negative byproducts of raising the MW in this current environment.

  5. Brace for impact, bro.

  6. 3:34 only problem with your calculating is that the last increase was 4 years ago and prices have steadily risen weekly for goods.

    What is your excuse for inflation now?

    take cover the sky is falling

    1. Obama Crooked BastardFebruary 1, 2014 at 11:08 PM

      I do not offer excuses, but if you looking for one, you have to ask Barry Obamie, T hey need to create some Incentive for companies to start hiring more people,but that would make too much sense.Remember, they put interest of the Party 1st, people last.

  7. In part 11:26 all the fees and taxes that have been not only implemented but proposed in the time frame you mentioned-everything from toll hikes to increase in gas tax. Not only does a consumer pay for them directly but indirectly because the increases are passed off to the consumer.
    Prices are going to gradually rise again, just because of this talk of raising the minimum wage. This is how it works in the world of big business.

  8. 12:51 funny how you didn't mention all that in your earlier post.

    So which is it?

  9. 3:09-You've lost me-my earlier comment was at 6:31. My latest comment was explaining to you why the inflation.


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