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Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Letter To The Editor 2-22-14


I'm about to blow your mind with a true story on how our welfare state and our local district attorney Matt Maciarllo are trying to bring a one time local to his knees financially . Not only that this has to be the biggest waste of the courts time and money I have ever seen on a local bases. 

A friend of mine who I have known for a few years was struggling to make it here on the shore so when he came to me and said "I got great job in FL. And I'm moving" I was sad to see him go but understood. He had some lose ends to tie up before he left. The major one being he was still married to the mother of his child all though they had been separated for years now. The exwife knew of the situation and agreed to the divorce so they both could get on with life. Now here's where it starts to go wrong for my friend. Having to move before the divorce was final my friend was still at ease with the situation Until the day he was served papers for child support. At first he was confused because he has all ways paid and supports his child. Then he noticed something strange . he was being sued by wicomico county for child support for two kids not one. Make no mistake he only has one child with this woman. His ex has another child by another man the kicker here the child is "BLACK". Now my friend is so white if he had red hair he would be ginger, and to top it off the wife is white as well.

To make a long story short he was forced to came back to Maryland for court the other day. On this day in court you had the mother and the real father of the child both standing and claiming the child as there own. Yet the district attorney would not yield to the fact this child is blatantly not my friends child and he would be forced to return to Maryland at a latter date to prove by dna the child is not his. I wish you could have been in court that day the whole situation was laughable at best. Here stands a white man ,white woman and a black man who was trying to do the right thing and take responsibility and a states attorney "who must be blind" trying to force my friend to pay support on a child that anyone with common sense can see is not his.

Long story short this all came about because the ex wife filed for ebt . She told them the child wasn't his and who the father was but because my friend had a good paying job they went after him for the support. Make no mistake this child was never in his life and at no point in time has he ever taken responsibility for the child.

This is just one example of how our courts and states attorney's fall in line with our welfare system when it comes to waisting money.

Note. My friend was told by the courts as far as the state of Maryland was concerned until a test could be setup this child is his. If anything was to happen to the mother before such test he would be held responsible for the child. The child is his till he proves other wise. Hence he has to pay support for the child till DNA can prove its not his. My friend has spent over a $1,000.00 to this point just in travel by the time its all settled he's looking to spend over $2,500.00 not including support.


  1. Idiots in Maryland -you are guilty until proven innocent. No respect for anyone - if he hired a 3000$ local hack like the one Barrie Tighlmann made wealthier --he would be fine

  2. Typical Democrat way of thinking. No damn common sense.


  3. Who is the father listed on the black child's birth certificate?

    The black child must be younger than his child for him to have had no part in the black child's life.

    Be interesting to hear Social Services and SA side now that we know your friend's side.

    I suspect there is more to this than we know.

  4. Please keep us updated.

  5. Welcome to the Obama world. We can only expect more of this insanity in the future. It's truly a sad time for America.

  6. Couldn't the judge in the courtroom see the obvious and throw out the case?

  7. they are way too busy fixing tickets for the elite class

  8. With bi-racial people, there can always be throw backs in DNA. Just get the test and quit bitching. There has to be standard rules in place.

  9. If you like it than you better put a glove on it.

  10. Why would he have to come back to Maryland to do a DNA test? Couldn't that be accomplished in Florida? This is so asinine and ridiculous, totally unreal.

  11. I'M waiting for Paul Harvey to chime in!

  12. Unfortunately, the law is the law. Do we want our officers of the court picking and choosing which laws they will enforce?

  13. You don't have to pursue child support for EBT. The mother must having been applying cash assistance or medical assistance. These are the only programs that would require child support be pursued.

  14. I call bs. If she applied for welfare then they would make her disclose who the fathers are yes, but each dad would pay for their own child. Besides that the child support would go to the State of MD, not her. When the mom is on welfare child support is mandated as the State has to be paid back for taking care of the child. Regardless of how much he makes, she wouldn't see a dime of that money as long as she is on welfare.

  15. Whoever wrote this should do a little research before they go off on Matt. The state didn't go after the guy because he has a good paying job. By state law, any child born to a married woman is presumed to be the child of the man she is married to. That's the law. Now, this is just a presumption. With a DNA test, paternity can be changed. That sounds like the procedure being followed in this case.

  16. Isn't it ironic that just about everybody knows something about child support, EBT and government assistance procedures. I have no clue about any of this, guess I need to quit my job, divorce my wife and visit social services to be versed in this matter.

  17. You can fault the court and the pious and probably 'on the take' judges. Like a previous commenter said, the judge very well could have ended this but chose not to. It's obvious to even the most casual observer that graft and greed and feeding the system is all that's going on here.
    How in the name of sense can these enemies of democracy still feel we should honor them, I spit on them. They're as common as they come and in bed with the murdering cops they support.

  18. 1:04 thank you for the genuflection to authority. What anyone makes is meaningless if they are both incompetent and indifferent to even the smallest segment of our community...when his job is to serve everyone.

  19. 1:04 is exactly right...the law is the law. And THAT is the law. Any child born to a woman while she is married is presumed the husband's until a DNA test proves otherwise. Regardless of what all of them look like racially.
    Judges can't just throw out cases because what people look like racially doesn't make sense. There are procedures and rules. You all think you are lawyers but wow, you all have no idea. Not like I should expect you to know....since you are not lawyers.
    Also, the person who wrote this letter could afford a few spelling/English lessons.

  20. You know I could go along with what you people are saying except. The real father was standing right in the same court room and was claiming the child as his. Call it what you want its just bull sh*t and a waste of money and the courts time.

  21. so what's the problem? get the dna test done and end of problem. Stop making such a federal case out of it! sounds like you are either a busy body or your friend is one big p@ssy!

  22. How is this Matt Maciarello's fault? He didn't sleep with the white trash. His offices job is to enforce the law. If Social Services sends a case to court then it is their fault and the fault of your friend.

  23. 10:53PM I was thinking the same thing about the grammar, but what do you expect from the uneducated who think you should prosper in your job by the good ole boy system. It is this ignorance that eventually comes around and bites them in the arse.

    My guess is the friend isn't really the friend it's the first baby daddy.

  24. I'm sorry, but MM is an idiot. He needs to go! He is incompetent, rude, and vindictive. I'll vote for whoever runs against him

  25. Matt nor his office have anything to do with child support. Department of social services have their own attorney's who are sworn in as special prosecutors but they are not hired by Matt and do not report to Matt. His office has nothing at all to do with child support. DSS has two attorneys who handle child support but neither are associated with Matt's office. Maybe you should check your facts before you start trashing Matt.

  26. 5:10 as will I -

    MM supporters are among the usual suspects..I get a kick when I see them think they are sweeping in to the rescue of a fellow do nothing.. co-opting the thread with their insults.

    The author of the letter can present himself any way he pleases.

    Petulant comments about his grammar originate from the same feckless scourge who think they rule over regular people.

    The internet is a rough draft forum-- he made his point- related adequately the indifference to the expense to be footed by average joe--when the usual suspects offer up everything they can for free to their patrons--

  27. It sounds like Matt's office needs a little tuning up at Matt's next run for SA. It's one thing to be inept and ignorant but it's another to be just plain stupid and disregard common sense. At the very least we now know that Matt apparently can't find his own backside even with a search warrant. Talking about waste with not only taxpayer dollars but also with precious court time. Matt, we think you can do better and we hope you start injecting a little common sense into your own office. You are now entering a negative job performance rating with many voters and "at one time pasr" supportwers.

  28. Matt has done a great job in office. I hope he runs again. Thank you for all you do MM.

  29. So let me get this straight -- all the people bashing Maciarello on here are blaming his office for something that he's not involved with (child support, as mentioned above, is not handled by the State's Attorney) and want him to disregard state law regarding paternity.

    Do I have that correct? Blaming him for something he didn't do and blaming him for following the law? Is that really where you want to stand?


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