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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Will Delegate Norm Conway Get His High Speed Proposal Fulfilled?

Delegate Norm Conway is proposing the creation of a new 65 MPH speed limit on ALL Duel Lane Highways in Maryland.

He specifically talked about Rt. 50 from the Bay Bridge to Ocean City, as if there haven't been enough fatalities, including former States Attorney Sam Vincent and MANY other innocent victims.

Delegate Conway is supposed to be representing the citizens of the Eastern Shore and considering OUR dual lane highways are clearly not designed for such speed, (aside from the Bypass) this is not in our best interest. 

We have searched high and low for this Bill and it has not surfaced, yet. You may want to let Mr. Conway know through comments just how YOU feel about such a bill and proposal before it's too late.   


  1. This is a Job creation bill, when people are killed in traffic accidents, there is a job opening where they used to work! This is how those idiots are with their twisted Obama Logic!

  2. Would be a pretty stupid thing to do on Rt 50, people pull in front of you all the time. I can see it on any highway that doesn't have cross traffic.

  3. They should develop 50 into a limited access highway and up the speed by 5 in appropriate spots. And this bill wont pass. So why worry?

  4. Screw the troopers make it 95 MPH.

  5. They go 65 mph now they will go 75 if passes.

  6. Higher speeds equal higher fuel usage. Higher fuel usage equals more fuel tax revenue for Maryland. Anything that a Democrat in Maryland can do to create more taxes will pass.

  7. Time to get rid of Conway and his camera's.

  8. I'm in support of it.

  9. What does he plan to do with all the stoplights between the bridge and the OC - especially around the Bury?

  10. increased speed equals more deaths, extreme injuries and of course gas consumption. I'm not in favor of this. at 55 mph many go up to 65 now. at 65 mph many go up to 75. enough is enough. use common sense...


  12. People already do 65-70 on Rt 50 between towns. The cops do 80+, which would mean a reckless charge for any normal folks. This bill is not the end of the world. If anything, it will make the speeding tickets more affordable for us.

  13. This is a bizarre request given that unemployment in the area is still high, why on earth would Norm not be working on job creation? What is wrong with him? He is totally out of touch.

  14. Bad idea. Have you seen what happen when a pack of vehicles doing 60 MPH plus closes on a farm tractor or combine? I have. Brake light galore, drivers cutting in front of other drivers. It's like watching bunch of bowling balls rolling into a wall of jello.

  15. I also su[pport raising the speed limit. Weed out the losers that cant drive It has worked well on the bypass.

  16. The digital signs along 50 indicate that the speed limit is 60MPH. If you ever notice the sign might say "Rt. 90 20 Miles / 20 Minutes. This implies your going 60.

    Speaking from a person who was in a serious accident on RT. 50 I would support a speed increase.

    I believe it was on SBY News that I read an article talking about how the current speed limits were set by what was considered to be a safe speed for vehicles created back in the 1940's - 1950's.

    Since that time our cars have become much more advanced and we can run at faster speeds much safer. Consider the advances in brakes, traction control, ect..

    Of course as you get into town limits like Easton, Cambridge and Salisbury the speed would need to slow down to allow for cross traffic and stop lights.

    For me at least it gets frustrating when I come back unto the shore from the bridge and suddenly have to drop to such slow speeds. Not to mention all of the small town cops hanging out at their speed traps feeding their local economy with the tickets of those passing through.


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