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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wicomico County Council President Matt Holloway Makes A Good Call?

I just learned that Matt Holloway has decided to table the Resolution referencing the Sheriff's pay increase tonight.

As I have stated recently, I highly doubt the majority of the County Council would reject such an increase but it should go through the regular channel of public due process. 

However, it is possible he chose to do so for political reasons. I say this because Councilwoman Stevie Prettyman is not available over the next several weeks and there's a very good chance this would have come to a 3 vs 3 vote and the resolution would have failed.

You decide.  


  1. Untrue Stevie can participate by phone. That's a fact.

  2. anonymous 12:34. NOT while medicated. Try that FACT out for size.

  3. Matt has been disappointing over the last several months but I believe he did this for the right reasons. This should never have been put on the agenda in the beginning. The county council made a decision for a public hearing and pressure from the executives office is the reason this was being considered. Matt should stand firm with his personal beliefs and stop being played by Creamer, Strausberg and Pollitt. That is why he got elected.

  4. The only reason that Matt Holloway pulled this is because you posted it. He is nothing more than a yes boy for Rick Pollitt, our office is run by Gary Baker. Mike Lewis spends very little time in the office or on the job in Wicomico County.

  5. Our teacher/sheriff wants to be more teacher than sheriff so he should go on and keep teaching and leave the sheriffing to someone who cares about Wicomico County.

  6. Sounds like potential candidates are starting to line up through comments here.

  7. Yes, it would fail without the RINO votes...more importantly...Where's the money coming from? What are they cutting to give the Sheriff his raise? Or, is Ricky planning to raise our taxes...again!?

  8. Pay raises when so many have no job.

  9. Please tell me about this so called teaching Sheriff , what else does Lewis do. How often does he conduct or participate in these so called "Teaching events".
    If all this is true, and the public learns about this and is not satisfied , they will make a change.
    Originally feared to be a Cowboy Sheriff, screwed up the Ray Lewis case with his infamous premature arrest .
    Are we now going to call him the
    "Non Working Sheriff"

  10. I think a better call for Matt would be to say that he decided not to run for another term.

  11. It was announced today that there will be a public hearing on the first Tuesday of February..

    If you disagree with therapy raises, SHOW UP AND VOICE YOUR OPINION

  12. 8:13pm What is a therapy raise?

  13. *the raises. Excuse my big fingers and autocorrect.

  14. I'm for the next sitting Sheriff, County Executive and Council members getting a raise. We can voice our opinion as much as we want to, but at the end of the day, it is up to the county council. I hope the council agrees with me and budgets a raise for all of them.

  15. anonymous 3:00, a real man would have used his name on such a statement. You must be one of the three bodies you mention in your comment.


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