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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tell Me Again, Why Did My Friends Die In Iraq?

It was probably chilly that December day in Fallujah back in 2004. A man you probably never heard of, Lance Corporal Franklin Sweger — along with thousands of Marines and soldiers — was engaged in some of the worst combat since Vietnam.

"Everything’s OK mom, don’t worry about me," he told his mother two weeks before. "I think I’m going to make it."

In less than ten days, the city would be for the most part, secure. Its residents would need years to rebuild after the destruction, and its children would see an astronomical rise in birth defects and other abnormalities.



  1. To satisfy Bush#2. He wanted to finish the war he thought his father should have.

  2. Our men and women died because of a lazy lackluster US media, blind partisan ideology, and lack of political courage.

  3. Maybe it started after someone in our own government orchestrated and executed the attacks on 9/11.That plus what 3:15 said.

  4. We thought we could have our own middle east country to drain for oil.

  5. 3:15,3:37 and 3:40 wow did you ever hear of the kurds, if not they are the ones that got gased with sadams WMD's the one's you claim never existed. now that the one's that have sworn to destroy isreal and the usa are back in power lets see what happens

  6. Bush knew that they had WMDS. How you say? WE GAVE THEM TO THEM, THAT'S HOW!

  7. HELLO OUT THERE...you all believe the ObamaJanuary 7, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    I watched on Satellite as IRAQ moved Missiles with war heads to Syria...we were speculating they were the WMD President Bush spoke about as the teams tried negotiating to go in...

    REMEMBER those days? We are coming in for inspection, and that continued awhile...once in...those missiles were in Syria

  8. 401 guess you skipped the chapter where we went in and destroyed the stockpiles. Guess you also missed where 100+k US troops went in and did NOT find signs of a weapons program, especially not nukes, while Iraq's neighbor was building nuclear facilities. Try again bud

  9. CEO of Halliburton becomes Vice President and next thing you know we are in a war that makes Halliburton billions.
    You do the math.

  10. Not much difference from today's war. It's just money to feed the war machine. Remember trying an excuse to go into Syria? These wars are producing "terrorists". Gee Who would ever think that because a country across an ocean would decide to occupy a country, posting armed checkpoints for its citizens with planes, tanks, missiles and guns and topping it off with drone strikes could possibly pi$$ of that country enough to come over here and fly 4 airliners into the Towers, Pentagon, and wherever else?

    Gosh, I just can't think of any right now.


    Or, you can believe otherwise and vote for Oblama again.

  11. Bush had a hallucination and though God told him to do it.


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