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Sunday, January 12, 2014

WBOC Is A Load Of Crap

Is it fair for your local news station to broadcast a story WITHOUT telling the other side?

Did you watch tonight's broadcast and the story about the Downtown Parking Lots?

EVERY person they interviewed mysteriously and conveniently agreed it was a great idea to sell them off. They ALL agreed we need more housing and shopping. Heck, they even had Brad Gillis on there saying WE DO NOT NEED PARKING DOWNTOWN. Really, seriously?

Do tell everyone where you'll be hosting the Salisbury Festival?

Do tell everyone how far they'll have to walk, (from the parking garage) to Eric's Barber Shop or the Dentist Downtown when you are 70 years old.

Do tell everyone where the people who now own businesses are going to park once those high rise building with apartments are constructed.

Heck, tell us where WMDT is going to park all of their vehicles?

You people are complete Idiots. You are putting the cart before the horse. However, WBOC is being extremely irresponsible by NOT telling the other side. 

No, they're NOT going to come to a guy like me who would tear them a new one over such above issues and believe me there's a lot more where they came from. 

This is just another way to make it LOOK like Ireton is actually doing something. It's also another way to get YOU the Taxpayers to fall for it so once the PARKING is gone, Pollitt will be hitting you up for another $100,000,000.00 to build a new Library because the current one has no parking.

WAKE UP and do not fall for this crap any more people. 

Brad Gillis was shown as, (title wise) a developer. Well, Brad is also your President of the Chamber of Commerce, yet that wasn't mentioned on tonight's show. He has a vested interest Downtown is MANY different ways. The old Fire Station, Feldman's. Oh sure, you can SAY his financial interests aren't in the many projects going on Downtown but are we really that stupid? I have no real issues with Brad but trust me on this one Ladies & Gentlemen, this STINKS really bad and WBOC is hand feeding you the agenda of the Special Interests and couldn't care less what it will do to destroy Downtown. 

Is this what you really want Downtown?


  1. Joe, there are nothing but empty buildings and storefronts there now. Why on earth would we spend perfectly good money to continue the destruction?

    Can you do something on the empty space we already have downtown? Plaza One East is 6 stories of EMPTY.

    The Cannon Building a close second. All the closed up art stores are nothing but fake decorations.

    I'll go with you, and let's make a story here.

  2. I think someone who got beat by a queer for the Mayorship is angry.

  3. Gary, NOT with the current Mayor and Council majority.

    NOT with businesses like WBOC only feeding ONE side of a story.

    Did WBOC mention the Library and what will be done once the parking lots are gone?

    Has WBOC interviewed people who go to Eric's Barber Shop or ANY other business Downtown?

    Did WBOC show you the videos we provided?

    It seems being a Council Member, (for some) makes you feel really important because many of them have FAILED at anything else they've ever attempted in life.

    The entire thing is a joke on the taxpayers and they/we need to stop them in their tracks.

  4. anonymous 7:12, Is that all you people have?

    Let me ask you something. Are YOU invested financially Downtown? Do YOU own a piece of property down there?

    No. You sit at home collecting unemployment, welfare, food stamps and can't wait for the new subsidized housing units.

    Your not worried about parking because you don't own a car.

  5. Are the downtown parking lots / parking garage ever full or even close to full??

  6. One plaza east is far from empty and is 7 stories

  7. anonymous 8:09, I'm going to remain nice here and reverse your question.

    Beside the fact that yes, most days the "parking lots" are full or very close to full.

    However, the real question is, once you build these high rise apartments and add more businesses on those parking lots, where are people going to park, especially if you add another 1,000+ cars for the new residents and business owners?

    Am I not explaining myself properly here?

  8. If you pay attention WBOC does this all the time.

  9. gillis is invested in the downtown area but his opinion shouldnt count, but you are invested and your opinion should matter,,,,explain that

  10. I hadn't thought about the library but your right. Rick has been trying to get that done for years.

  11. Sprawlsbury is a car-dependent community, and lots of the downtown core is already composed of dilapidated and abandoned buildings. What's mayor Jimmy clucking off more of the city's assets to the good ole boys

  12. anonymous 8:23, He is the President of the Chamber of Commerce and should not have been chosen to be interviewed. It's a double edge sword. It may even be a conflict of interest as a developer.

  13. In my opinion, WBOC lacks integrity and is just another PR vehicle, not a news station.

  14. so if you would have won the election you would have sold your property downtown because anything you did could have been looked like a conflict of interest

  15. We are not Annapolis.

  16. anonymous 8:34, YES. I said that in my platform. I even said I'd sell it for what I paid for it OR at a loss, just to prove I wasn't running for my own personal gain. Besides, the building is for sale anyway, just as I had proposed.

  17. so why didnt you sell it before you ran, what would your resident address have been

  18. I would have purchased my Mother In Laws home on Camden Ave.

  19. So wait, the first video shows a huge complex directly on Business 13 with ONLY TWENTY PARKING SPOTS?!? Where are people supposed to park?

  20. The only time the parking garage looked full is when there was jury duty. Free on the tax payer.

  21. anonymous 8:57, where are ALL of the people going to the Court House supposed to park? The lawyers, cops, judges, staff and those who are attending Court.

  22. Joe you are looking at this wrong. The point you might want to make that will get their attention is. Where will the people that are applying for welfare park.

  23. First of all you can say and do anything you'd like, Salisbury isn't coming back... The shore is declining and will continue to do so. The jobs and opportunity are long gone and more will continue to go. There is nothing to bring more jobs or people to the shore. There is nothing that would draw a company to Delmarva. The shore has lost all touch with reality, it shows in the lack of leadership, proper planning, progressive thinking, and failure to get anything done in a timely manor. The quaintness of the shore has turned into a lame way behind place to live and work....and if Perdue doesn't hold on it will really get worse.....as if it could....

  24. Think about this. The REGIONAL Library does not have to be located in Wicomico county. It can be in any of this region, I think any 4 counties. Why not sell the parking lot, have no parking, the library moves to another county and/or county or Gillis owned lot. The old library gets bought by the Gillis's. The old library torn down and become paid parking along with the Cannon Parking. The lots becomes water view, the old Fire House becomes a diamond and downtown becomes Gillis's to make money continuality. They would own downtown and what we had know as old downtown Salisbury would become no more. Just a money pit that Gillis's run. Think outside the box and long term. I left Salisbury because of that network that is running Salisbury. WAKE UP SALISBURY... FIGHT!!!!

  25. I cant believe any bank would touch a project like that knowing they will sit empty,would have to be a lot of tax money financing.

  26. I'd just like to know HOW can "they" be stopped? (I didn't vote for either of them

  27. You could park at the PRMC lots. They are about empty now with all the layoffs and more to come. Whoe wings are shut down. Nobody competent enough to staff them anymore.

  28. This is nothing more than a distraction so people think something is being done. They label it as progress and stupid people believe it but those of us who are intelligent know otherwise. Real progress would be seeing the unemployment level drop but when you have a mayor and council members who have never achieved much in their own lives they are clueless when it comes to bringing about real true and much needed progress.

  29. .....and then there's the crime issue. Kids getting there skateboards stolen at gunpoint, the recent smash and grab, Court Plaza being used as a target and the list goes on. How dare they lie and say crime is down! And they do it with a straight face without a hint of embarrassment because they have this major character flaw that lies can flow off their tongues like a waterfall.

  30. Downtown is dead and has been for years and years. At least someone is putting their money where there mouth is. Developing downtown is the only hope for downtown. In the end my bet is that it will thrive. And as for parking...Those lots are empty 90% of the time. There is parking all over downtown that noone is using. Think big pea brain.

  31. First thing is don't worry about WMDT. A joke of a TV station that resembles a high school training project. Second best for 30 years should tell you something. Second, maybe now they will use the parking garage for what its designed for. Third, maybe they will finally wake up and fully open Main St.

  32. anonymous 8:44, PUTTING THEIR MONEY WHERE THEIR MOUTH IS, are you nuts? $5,000.00 for the Feldman's property! $75,000.00 for the old Fire Station 16! You liberals are warped in the head when you make such statements.

    I made a solid investment Downtown as well and I did so the honorable way. I could EASILY ask for ZERO taxes because writing is an art but I've NEVER taken advantage of the taxpayers in such a way. THAT is putting your money where your mouth is.

    As far as those lots being empty 90% of the time, YOU ARE FLAT OUT A JERK. You clearly don't live Downtown and there's no doubt you don't work there either.

    Your a liberal following your leaders like a puppy on a leash. You say things just to say them in a sign of support. ANYONE who works or lives Downtown knows during business hours those parking lots are at least 90% full.

  33. "Do tell everyone where you'll be hosting the Salisbury Festival?"

    In the mall parking lot, just like they do when they grill chicken and call it a chicken festival, which is truly pathetic and a joke among friends.

    "Hey lets go to the Mall Parking Lot and get some chicken."

    No self respecting person bothers with the Salisbury Festival, its a gang banging ghetto festival. It is not safe and filthy. I went once in 2003, that was enough for me.

    If this city had any class they would move it to one of the parks, like pemberton or winterplace.

    1. Those parks are in the County. Maintained by people that live in the County. They don't want their taxes to pay for a city venture that they don't benefit from. They could rent the facilities......that would be okay.

  34. 8:44 says-"Think big pea brain."

    Thinking big is all well and good, but those who are a success know thinking forward is more important. Plus I'm not sure thinking big is in any of those who favors this vocabulary. It's not like any of them have achieved much ever.

  35. If they really want to do something to help downtown then they should be investing and helping those on the west side of the river to help improve the area there with newer buildgs and fixing up the existing homes. Opps! most of those homes are rentals aren't they!

  36. I agree 9:02. As far as residential goes in Salisbury there are only a few pockets of where it's nice and then 2 blocks over from there it's a ghetto scene. Fix up what's there now, instead of taking on something new. I don't live in Salisbury nor Wicomico county even and quite honestly I'd be embarrassed to be a politician representing such a mess of an area. It's getting progressively worse with the crime going on and continued dilapidation and blight. In Talbot county it's not uncommon for people to refer to Salisbury as "The Armpit of the Eastern Shore."

  37. Joe speaking of WBOC. We work with the people at Decorating Delmarva in Delmar. It really upsets me to no end when we watch the news we see all the coverage of the "Lights" in Ocean City. Ocean City is sponsored by the government of Ocean City. The money you pay goes to the government.
    Decorating Delmarva is put together and finance by the Cathell Family. They have financed this event by themselves. When you purchase a ticket it stays local. Money raised go to local non-profits WBOC was ask to cover their final night of this years event. We were ask what would be a good time? Last we heard of them. WBOC boasts of working with the LOCAL events/people. WHAT HAPPENED?
    When this event comes up again next year Help set it up, advertise it, come and participate.
    It is easy to set back and run things down but think if you support LOCAL events your money stays here (LOCAL) not going to government who have enough our taxpayer money.

  38. Actually, they already moved the location of the Salisbury Festival this year onto Division Street entirely, with the car show on Main and the rides on Lot 1. Lot 1 will take years to develop. More importantly, what do much larger cities do where they don't allow surface parking lots like ours to exist in city centers? They hold their festivals in the streets. Get used to it people, it's a growing town.

  39. They should make the entire town of Salisbury a parking lot....in my opinion.

  40. don't they need approval from historical society? doesn't architectural integrity have to be maintained?
    Or have the guidelines been rewritten?



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