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Sunday, January 12, 2014

US Bureau of Labor Statistics - November Labor Data for Wicomico Released Today Shows That The Local Economy Is Deteriorating

According to today's labor force data released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, it shows that Wicomico's Labor Force declined year over year for the month of November by 1,228 workers compared to November 2012.  Also, the unemployment rate spiked again from 7.4% in September to 8.1% in October to 8.2% in November.

This is not good news for Wicomico residents as it shows that the labor market continues to deteriorate despite the Feds massive printing of money.  Also, the real estate property values indicates that Wicomico experienced a decline in assessable base by more than 6%.  
Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted 
02-2011 through 11-2013
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
Unemploy.Change over prior 
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployedRate %years 2011 - 2013
p = preliminary.SOURCE:  BLS, LAUSworkforce
r = revised7-Jan-14
Article By SBYnews Contributor - Beezer 


  1. Yet some want raises. Can you confidently tell me that Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt are offsetting ALL of these job losses each and every month???

    When will the citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County wake up!

  2. This just in.... a friend told me that DPL turned everyones heat off that had the new energy efficient meters installed. So for 2 hours today they were all without heat. Any pipes burst?

  3. Instead of our President proposing to extend unemployment benefits - yet again - maybe the citizens should opt out for a new President.

    We need a President that will generate jobs not one that continues to dole out handouts.


  4. If the no. of declining workers continues on this downward spiral, we'll soon be calling the Bury - BURIED. That's about all that's going to be left if the numbers keep dwindling. Salisbury will be one big grave yard.

  5. What do you want the unemployed to do?
    Some have worked 40+ years and can't find a job, have no income, unemployment at 8%, what should they do?
    I feel the extension is necessary in areas where the rate is still high.
    Should they pack it in, go into foreclosure and be homeless, thru no fault of their own?
    I know someone laid off since June, has applied to over 75 jobs... nothing. All sorts of jobs, either within their expertise to being a cashier, nothing.
    What do you suggest they do?

    Unless you are in their position, it is easy to judge, but you clearly have no clue what it is like out there.

    Talk to the temp agencies, they will tell you what is really going on, what the employment climate is.

  6. Look, I have lived here all my life and I cannot ever recall seeing so many homeless just wandering the streets. Just today I went to SuperG and I saw hordes of homeless people sitting on the deck of a warehouse behind the Giant Food store. I counted 9 sitting behind a building trying to stay warm. I then left and went up 13 N and there were many holding cardboard signs begging for money. They are everywhere, homeless. The local economy is pathedic to say the least.

  7. No President and No government generates jobs... the government in general generates an environment that the public sector can use to then generate jobs...

    People think that the President can do this... NOT. This President has generated such a bad economic environment with increase taxes, regulation, and just bad karma that the economy just plain sucks

  8. Responce to 6:26 - Salisbury will be one big grave yard

    I agree, the state of the local economy can best be described as a Depression. This is not a recession - but a full blown Depression.

  9. Can't believe that Pollitt and some on the County Council are pushing for a big pay raise -- and Salisbury is doing the same, led by Ireton and Day.

  10. According to the NY Times a recession is:

    Recession is when millions of Americans, in particular, are experiencing unemployment, wage freezes, bankruptcies and falling real estate prices, and concluding that what they are living through constitutes a recession.

    According to my observation, Wicomico is getting as good a dose of all three of the above mentioned criteria;
    1. Dramatic unemployment 8.2%
    2. Private sector wage freezes - (this ain't happening though at the local government level)
    3. Bankruptcies
    4. Declining Real Estate Values

    Now what I am also witnessing simultaneous with all of the above is increased local government spending. According to Pollitt's latest budget proposal the numbers are dramatically increasing.

    Bottom line - I would go one step further and say that Salisbury,Wicomico are in a DEPRESSION and not a Recession.

  11. Annie, There comes a point and time you have to hold your LEADERS accountable.

    Wicomico County and Salisbury are NOT business friendly.

    They have done almost nothing to rebuild the business community here.

    Believe me, your NOT going to see this unemployment rate anywhere close to ours in PG County or Anne Arundel and Montgomery County.

    Week after week I continue to publish press releases from Governor O'Malley exposing all of the new companies relocating to Maryland and NONE of them moved to the Eastern Shore.

    GOOD Leaders will place pressure on the Governor and actually do what they've been ELECTED to do.

    However, here in Wicomico County, people don't give a crap. They're mostly down on their luck and too afraid to rock the boat.

    That is what Salisbury News is here for. Day after day we attempt to educate the public with what's going on. Do you see these job reports on WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times? I personally think this is some of the most important local information we provide, yet it usually see's little comments.

    People aren't pissed off and they should be. People are growing more and more comfortable with EBT Cards and unemployment checks. There's NO bread lines any more because Obama just sends out EBT Cards instead.

    I'd bet you a ton of money that IF there were bread lines and you had to bow your head in shame to be in it, I'll bet you there's be a LOT more people screaming, WHERE'S THE JOBS RICK AND JIM! Keep in mind, all the while they're paying their TAXES!

    Our Leaders must be held accountable OR this is going to become the norm.

  12. But at least you have Obamacare

  13. Im with annie on this..there for the grace of god go i..i have been working since 21 now 53..if i lose my job tommorrow....i d expect at least 50% of my time..served... I have paid for it on every dam job ive had...if for some reason i could nt find another...its only fair in my eyes....mismanagement by our greedy pols is the real reason..its broke...

  14. I take FOOD STAMPs, WELFARE, OBAMA PHONE.etc.ect.ect.January 7, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    You all lie...Obama said the Economy is good

  15. Joe, these job numbers are a disaster. Especially if you index job growth to population growth, this situation is simply unsustainable. The last time Wicomico recorded any positive job growth was in December 2012 and that was only 21 new jobs. And even then it was preceed by even more negative job growth for 3 consecutive months so in essence Wicomico has not had any real positive job growth since August 2012 or more than 14 months.

    The Governor should be brought down here ASAP and let him see for himself.

  16. According to the BLS numbers, any positive job growth number is really going to be dwarfed by the shear number of jobs that have already been lost.

    The numbers are showing that Wicomico is losing well over a thousand jobs a month. Even when Wicomico was generating jobs - (a long time ago) - the numbers were not anywhere near the numbers of jobs that are being lost.

  17. President Obama has had more than 6 years to try and generate some jobs. Instead, we are going __sss backwards as a nation. Just wait till the employer health care mandate kicks-in and you should really witness some job loses, and it ain't going to be pretty.

  18. The reason you are seeing so many homeless around Giant food is because the HALO shelter is behind it and the residents are required to leave during the day (IE look for work) but just hand around the neighborhood. You will see the same around Christian Shelter in the day time. What is someone to do if there are simply NO JOBS.

  19. Responding to 7:55 Posting - 'Index Job Growth to Population Growth'

    Response: You are onto something as I helped to conduct the population census. When I first read your comment I went to my census file and the job situation might be worse than your initial assessment.

    According to the census Wicomico has experienced population increases as follows:

    2008 - 97,111 Population
    2009 - 98,069 Population
    2010 - 98,907 (es.t) Population
    2011 - 99,965 (est.) Population
    2012 - 100,647 (est.) Population

    Basically - you are on-point, the job situation in Wicomico County is unsustainable, especially when you look at the population increases. Wicomico is really is a pickle and I do believe the condition is getting worse, much worse.

  20. To 8:27 - What does the HALO shelter do? I often wondered what went on there. Could you please expand if it is not to much trouble. Thanks.

  21. We are in a Depression, but the government doesn't want it labeled as such, it would cause more harm than good. People with cash, hold onto it, people with investments jump out of windows, soup lines, folks cleaning windows at stoplight, people on food stamps, millions unemployed, geez, this is now.
    Like one old person said, if the means of calculations were used today, that were used in the 1929 crash, they would calculate the same, a full blown DEPRESSION !

  22. 8:46 Im not 8:27 but from what I have learned they are a homeless shelter for women and children. They also have a Cafe where they feed people that are hungry. I noticed this summer that they even had gardens out in the parking lot and some of the people would work to help raise their own food.

  23. The job situation is very weak, and Obama's wish to extend unemployment insurance benefits is an admission of FAILURE.

    Why should we CAP it at just 99 weeks - why don't we just simply pay people not to work at all.

    Come-on folks - if 99 weeks + even more extension time currently being proposed by our President is not enough - then he should be replaced!!!. The simple fact that he is extending unemployment for such an astronomical time - is an indictment of his incompetence.

  24. I always like coming to this site because you get the real deal. All of the other medias seem to lack transparency and Salisbury News seems to nail it like none other.

    I do not know who of you are as I have only lived here for a little over a year now, but your organization are real soldiers. I come here 4 or 5 times a day and I am very impressed. Thanks for a job well done.


  25. Thank you 9:13 - I appreciate your enlightening me. I had no idea that HALO was a shelter.

  26. Ok are you people for real? Many parts of the country are doing just fine. The shore is doing poorly for several reasons.... You can't base your entire economy on tourism and agriculture. You can't fill an area with low paying jobs and not much else and expect a booming economy. The whole shore is basically poorly run on a good day. A company leaves and no effort is spent to find one to fill its space. A company that would relocate to an area looks at the area as a whole. They look for an area that would be welcoming to their employees... Certainty not the shore, you all hate outsiders, and progress. The eastern shore has done nothing for decades and now as it comes to a head you all stand around and blame people who weren't even in office when this whole mess began. The economy is not a mess everywhere, but the shore is a mess with no end in sight. Selling off parking lots for more empty buildings isn't the answer.

  27. 9:01
    Sorry to say but you are partially correct. The eastern shore is in a depression and it is was caused by several factors. Loss of manufacturing and agricultural jobs, poor management by city, state and federal gov'ts and the mentality of the locals. Before you even say anything about a come here…I'm not. Went to school on Deal Island, grade school at the old elementary school in Hebron and graduated from Bennett. Despite our president, the economy has improved in certain areas but Salisbury is not one of them. Want a better life…leave the shore!

  28. we do not need stats from data banks or surveys to tell us how our town is deteriorating! Open eyes tells us all we need to know. Look around. Sad!

  29. Joe, you won that election. You should DEMAND a recount so you can get in there and fix this.

  30. 12:02 is on target - there are no sustainable / growth jobs on the Eastern Shore.

    PRMC just ditched a bunch of good folks, Perdue ditched a bunch a couple of years ago, and the local government/businesses that did hire any of these folks got them at fire-sale prices.....

  31. "Jobs and commercial activity are a vital part of downtown Columbia redevelopment. Our vision for Downtown Columbia includes residential growth, arts and culture and recreation, but jobs are the mortar in the foundation and will help create the community we want and deserve," said Ulman in a statement. "We welcome Impaq International's growth in Columbia. It is a premier research firm and the location is perfect for them and other companies looking for a vibrant home between Baltimore and Washington."

    Read it again-JOBS ARE THE MORTAR IN THE FOUNDATION! Ulman is the Howard County Executive.

  32. I dare O'Malley to come here to the shore and tell this 50 something that he's bringing jobs to this area. If you are over 50 forget about it!

    I'm running out of life lines, I'm hanging on by a thread making my mortgage payments.

  33. Joe - a picture says a thousand words and theses statistics in this article tells it all. I am sorry to say that I live here on the eastern shore. The local economy is getting worse.

  34. I am so pleased to see these comments and people finally getting it.

    Come on people, use your heads. IF you owned a business that relied on your sales staff, you provide the advertising necessary to bring the customers in and the sales staff fails to make most of the deals go through, would you keep that sales staff?

    Wicomico County and Salisbury are PRIME locations for incredible growth. NOT for every kind of business but for manufacturing, especially businesses like stem cell research and so forth, it's perfect.

    We have a beach resort town right in out back yards. I look at Virginia and see Kings Dominion, Busch Gardens and in the Norfolk and VA Beach area, it's unbelievable what's available. Indoor Water Parks, you name it.

    You have leaders like Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt LAUGHING in your faces because they somehow, some way keep getting elected, yet what have they done?

    You changed the format of how County Government is run by adding a County Executive. ASK any Council Member, they have MORE work then ever before. The County Executive has an extremely well paid staff, yet things are dragging and the County is failing.

    We have extremely talented former executives living and retired right here in the County who can HELP, you just need to recruit them and vote them into Office.

    The old school Eastern Shore way has been tried, tested and FAILED. It's time you stop electing the people you've known for so many years and start trusting the business executives to move us forward before it's honestly too late.

  35. They are getting elected because someone is fixing the electronic votes.

  36. I agree that our County needs a dramatic change in leadership. With all of our natural resources it is an attractive place to lure businesses - however - its the leadership that has been running them off. Poor leaders are keeping our people down.

    I heard just this morning - on the National news - that the Housing industry would be the first industry to help lead many areas out of this recession - (i.e. Nevada, AR, UT,) - but here in Wicomico they have imposed so many impact fees and environmental deterrents - (i.e. Tier Map Legislation) - that even Wicomico cannot dig itself out of this mammoth hole.

    It truly is a poor reflection on the current slate of politicians.

  37. Joe, you should put your business know-how to work and open a stem cells plant on the Shore.

  38. 10:49M The so called Tier Map Legislation is not imposed by the county. That state mandated ALL counties to have one. Impact Fees - the county has one for the building of schools as do most other counties in MD. So, now tell me how our(local) leaders are keeping our people down.

  39. anonymous 2:57, Allow me to pipe in and answer your question, "So, now tell me how our(local) leaders are keeping our people down".


  40. CALLING ALL LOCALS... PLEASE BUY LOCAL WHENEVER POSSIBLE. I WAS in a local dining establishment today and there seemed to be a better than usual crowd. I don't own a local business but I WILL NOT EAT ANYWHERE ELSE! There are a wide list of places to go... just put your think cap on and find them and support them.
    Delmar Pizza
    Goin Nuts Café
    Zeppole (sells lunch too)
    Market street
    That place on snow hill road
    213 in Fruitland
    Several Chinese places
    La Tolteca
    Fratellis (yum crab cakes)
    Brew River
    Cactus Taverna

    The list goes on and on....
    Please feel free to add to it.
    Joe... please pull this to the top again so that people can become aware that we have choices and we need to keep the shore afloat. I'm still thinking of places.... lets get going.

  41. Hey! Salisbury could have had a hockey team if not for the archaic no beer clause at the civic center. Give the property back to the former owners and let them pay taxes on it so we can build a new civic center.

    If they don't want it the county should sell it off, sooner or later we are going to have to do it. Do it now, there are some jobs for quite a while.

  42. To 2:57 - Somehow I don't think you get it.

    SHOW ME THE JOBS!. If the County had refrained from enacting impact fees - (both commercial and residential)- there would undoubtably be more jobs.

    As for the Tier Maps - why doesn't the County Executive & County Council lead the charge to overturn it. There are ways to generate jobs - you just have to have a little imagination and exert some effort.

  43. After over 100 years, the House of Welsh in Fenwick Island has closed its doors and is up for sale. Many OC eateries are closing for the Winter that have never done so before. Maybe it's not the economy. Maybe it's just too cold to eat out this year. Hope is evaporating and the change is almost gone.

  44. The newest unwelcome trend we are going to be hearing more about are the fact that wages are falling. When there are too few jobs and an overabundance of applicants that's the result. I know of someone (a neighboring state) who retired from a $48,000/yr job, and was replaced by a recent college graduate for 30,000. The new employee was very upset. It's the supply/demand effect.

  45. What bookstore has closed/is closing? They are advertising their shelves for sale on Eastern Shore Craigslist. Location is Salisbury.

  46. John Palmer. VOICE, Inc.January 12, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    John Palmer says: Joe after twenty one years in the Navy I can say I am one who is not afraid to rock the boat and I've been wet plenty of times. This coming election is going to be very important to each individual here on the Shore. I would like to see this election be about issues that directly effect us and are caused directly by the elected officials right here in our own back yard.I would like to see facts about these issues and not just someone spouting off because they don't like Democrats or Republicans.If someone is not sure on an issue don't be afraid to ask for help. This website is a great venue to ask others for assistance. Here's an example.Earlier someone mentioned that Mr. Conway voted for the gun laws. I'm not sure but I thought that when the gun law bill was being pushed through he said he was not going to vote for it. So can someone verify what gun law they were talking about and did Mr. Conway actually vote for it? That answer would then become a fact.Now here's a fact.I believe we all know what our county dump sticker is. After it was put into effect I don't believe I've ever seen it go down.It always goes up. Who directly was responsible for the new increase which goes into effect this year? On Tuesday,May 21,2013 the County Council met and this issue was presented.Three council members did not want to raise the fee. These were:Joe Holloway,Gail Bartkovich and Bob Culver.Four council members voted to increase the fee. These were: Matt Holloway, John Hall,Stevie Prettyman and Sample-Hughes.So here we have facts that show local elected officials raising fees right here in our own county.In this case the President or Governor had nothing to do with it. Joe, I would like to see a spot on your news that keeps a running list of this type of information so that the readers can contribute to it after they verify the facts. I believe these facts will determine the out come of the 2014 elections. The facts will speak for themselves.

  47. John Palmer, Great comment however I would like to point out a difficulties elected politicians have, which directly relates to the gun issue. While Del McDermott immediately came out swinging on the gun issue, the dems remained mute. This occurs because behind the scenes the votes are tallied and if the dems have enough, the ones in the more conservative districts vote along with the other side. Unless they come out immediately on something w/a postion, the way they actually vote is meaningless esp if it's something that will get passed overwhelmingly by dems in other areas.

  48. Anonymous said...
    Hey! Salisbury could have had a hockey team if not for the archaic no beer clause at the civic center. Give the property back to the former owners and let them pay taxes on it so we can build a new civic center.

    If they don't want it the county should sell it off, sooner or later we are going to have to do it. Do it now, there are some jobs for quite a while.

    January 8, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Honestly who the Hell really cares about Hockey. We can't even fill a minor league baseball stadium with America's sport of Baseball and the Orioles farm team. They sell plenty of beer and are never sold out. So you think actually wants to watch a hockey game because of beer. Dude you are really out of touch. Is that you Ed Urban or Gary Mackes? Hockey with beer!! LOL

  49. 92 million people in Obama's America are unemployed. If my calculations are correct that is 25% of the working population. We are going to Hell very quickly. Think about it. In those Islamic Middle Eastern countries that have all the protesting and bombings those people are unemployed as well.

  50. I want to thank the four elected councilmen who voted for the increase in the sticker price at the landfill. I own a business & each year prices go up & each year I have to raise something in my business just to cover the cost. Why would anyone think Government is different? Why do you think we got that huge tax increase several years ago. Why, because no other elected officials had the gonads to raise taxes in over 10-15 years. Do you think you can run a business/government in 2014 with the same amount of revenue you had in 1990?

  51. Response to 4:20

    I see where you are coming from - but Wicomico's biggest revenue line item is from State Income Tax Receipts. What has happened is that as our population grows, our state income tax receipts are not following the linear upward trend that trends with population growth. This is reflected in the significant reduction in the Local Area Workforce numbers.

    But what is most alarming is that the government growth is not diminishing with the reduction in the Local Area Workforce numbers - in fact - the local budget numbers are increasing. This is straining our residents and creating quite a problem.

    Personally, I think Pollitt should be replaced because he has shown he doesn't care a rats _ _ sss about the local majority of our tax paying population. If he was - then he would wean the budget size to reflect the diminishing workforce numbers. That is definately not happening.

  52. The 2014 elections will again be electronic. He who counts the votes and pulls the switches will decide who wins. Not the "voters".

    No paper ballots until 2016.


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