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Saturday, January 18, 2014

SU Students Fund Clean Water Well In Ethiopia

A student-led initiative that began with a rock concert at Salisbury University is providing clean drinking water for a village of about 250 in Ethiopia. In 2012, James Townsend of Abingdon, MD, founded the SU Student Activism Club as a way to combat student apathy and raise awareness of global issues. The organization planned Gullstock, a campus music festival, to help raise funds to build a clean water well for the African community through the philanthropic organization Charity: Water. The concert raised some $800, starting the club on its way toward reaching the $5,000 needed for the well.



  1. Waste.
    Why don't they donate that money to the people in the community of Morris Mill?
    It's time Americans harden their heart to our ENEMIES and take care of our own.
    The Governments financial escapades overseas have proven nothing but failure. You cannot by loyalty from your enemies.

  2. Why not just send them a shovel so they can dig their own well? Why does Africa forever need so much help?

  3. Keep 'em over there...that way they are not crossing the street like GEESE in front of moving traffic; with a OBAMA phone stuck in their hands...

  4. They oughtta fund one here in wicomico county.


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