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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Maryland Ranks Among Worst States For Fiscal Health In George Mason Study

As Gov. Martin O’Malley released his fiscal year 2015 budget Wednesday, Maryland was recognized for all the wrong financial reasons.

Maryland ranks in the bottom 10 — 44th to be exact — of states in terms of overall fiscal condition, according to a study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

States at the bottom of the list, including Maryland, can attribute that to years of poor financial management decisions, bad economic conditions, or a combination of both.

The study uses financial reporting data from 2012 to rank each state based on four solvency measures. Those measures include: cash solvency, budget solvency, long-run solvency and service-level solvency. Maryland ranked 40th or worse in three of the four measurable areas.


  1. We provide the ruling class with their servants.

    In the Maryland DC suburbs we have over a million illegal aliens who draw on Maryland's resources and in return are paid less to perform labor and provide services for our gluttonous Federal Government.

    They have taken our children's initial job markets and now Big Labor want them to make double the amount from the employers by marching for an increase in the Minimum Wage. How many at the Dept of Labor get their grass cut and their childcare by paying cash to these same people?

  2. Well, obviously, these people are just not listening when O'Malley speaks!

  3. I have to laugh at California , just a bunch of mixed up idiots.


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