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Sunday, January 26, 2014

SPD Press Release 1-22-14


  1. That Seth guy is a huge accident waiting to happen. And Shaneynay Robinson got caught twice with different hair doos.

  2. Aren't we done with this yet? Is this supposed to make us feel safer? Go solve some bigger issues.
    Why are't you posting pictures of prostitutes and john's?

  3. I agree 100% 10:07...Nicholson is a piece of trash who needs to have a .75cent piece of lead put through him to save all the tax payers some money. His "baby momma's" are all just as worthless as he is too. Maybe the streets will handle it and do him justice.

  4. I am pulling the race card. 5 out of 7 are black? Do no post pics of black folks. Makes Salisbury looks like it has a bad crime rate among black folks. Better not let Holder, Jackson and Sharpton find out

  5. Yeah just leave the thieves alone 10:17. we'll send them to your house so they can take what they want from you.

  6. 11:16-Lock him in a cell and force him to drink Sby City water.That'll take care of the lead issue.

  7. Lytyia Shanay looks a lot better in Pic 1 than Pic 2. She needs a new carrer as a poster child for why you should not smoke crack...scary.

  8. A thief just want temporary housing in county jail. They need to clean themselves up from drug abuse. If they are sick, they get the medical treatment they need for free or $4.00?. If they need a couple of tooth pull, they can get that too. Most of all, they get three meals and a place to rest their head a day for free. That Goodwine fella is a notorious offender. His in and out, in and out and in and out of the Wicomico county jail.

  9. 10:17 If we posted all of the "johns", where would we go for a doctor, dentist, builder, landscaper, pest control, jewelry, car cleaning, food, etc?

  10. Joe... please do us a BIG favor. When these fine folks have their day in court will you please follow up and let us know what happens to them. If they are found guilty their photos can be posted in local stores for employee's to watch for them. If they are found innocent we can post the judges poster who let them go.

  11. Seth nicholson is an heroine addict, who will do anything and steal from anyone to support his addiction!! a piece of trash !!


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