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Sunday, January 26, 2014

I Just Can't Tell You The Last Time WBOC Got It Right

Over the past 9 years that I've been Blogging, I honestly cannot tell you a time in which WBOC got it right when it comes to big OR even little storms. 

Yesterday they obviously rolled the dice in a gamble and THREE meteorologists flopped once again. Included in their snow ball package, lots of DRAMA.

So are we to sit back and say nothing at all. Nah, that's not my style. I like to call it as I see it, especially when there's so many people like myself that just might happen to DEPEND on PROFESSIONALS who are supposed to get it right.

Then again, maybe they got exactly what they wanted, people gluing themselves to the TV thinking, maybe this will be the one. Maybe I'll get off work tomorrow. 

In the end we got a little bit of snow. Yes, even enough to pull out the snow shovel, (not a broom) and clear off some sidewalks before we get fined by the big bad Mayor. But certainly NOT 8 inches! Then again, maybe we did get 8 inches, in WBOC weathermen calculations.


  1. Joe you have to give credit where credit is due, they said it would be really cold outside. HA HA HA...

  2. Had to watch waiting for the snow ball fight behind the station but I guess it was to cold for them to go out. Oh well, maybe we will get the shot from out front by the hiway. The nice thing was no Chopper 16, now that was a break.

  3. Maybe they were predicting what a certain person would be getting?

    Meanwhile, whenever it comes from the west, it's 25-50% of what they predict, always. If the moisture is coming from the south, and the air from the north, they tend to be closeR.

  4. Joe, this is a hard area to cast a report in. Mainly because of the Gulf Stream ending just off Ocean City. The Chesapeake Bay and the ocean meeting in the same area. The old timers used the nature signs and were just as accurate.

  5. Joe, let's be fair here. All the weather channels got it wrong. Accuweather, Weather channel and national weather service screwed this too.

  6. Hey, Ralph Penneywell and Nancy Pigman did once. LOL remember them

  7. I was looking at their site this am to send them a message telling them how lame they all are! Now you can probably figure out why one of them isn't at the National Weather anymore LOL. Where else can you be wrong most of the time and still keep your job? Where did they get these clowns from? Oh well probably don't get paid much so you get what you pay for!!
    WBOC is about to hit bottom just like the

  8. The saying is "the only thing predictable about the weather is it's unpredictability."
    It's nothing more than an educated guess based on what the conditions are at the moment. This is why pilots contact Flight Service before takeoff, inflight and just before landing to get an up to the minute weather report.

  9. How about that weather ap. Another joke.

  10. Wbal said we would get 2-4 in Salsibury - they got it right!

  11. Lets take it easy on them, we don't need 3 more on our unemployment lines. Well maybe we do after I think about it. But then again, they get paid to be wrong and it's not just the snow, they are wrong just about all the time. The only time they are right is when they go home.

  12. ...Love my leaf blower!...

  13. So after 9 years of BOC being wrong why do you even bother to tune in. There are plenty of other sources to get weather forecast for the Eastern Shore.

    Us "born heres" know that the Bay/Ocean is a major factor in our area weather, so often bad weather does not end as predicted.
    Listen to national, state or local weather persons and they repeat that over and over during a forecast.

    If I was so displeased of getting wrong predictions for 9 years I certainly would have found a better weather source and stop wasting my time on WBOC, that is unless I wanted to continue trashing them.

  14. Joe, I read a facebook post from one of them from WBOC that said we would get 2"-5" and the wouldn't be surprised to see up to 12". Is that called covering all the bases or what? They might as well have said a dusting-36" just to be sure they were correct. Maybe if they sold chopper 16, they could afford to pay a real weatherman.

  15. Intellicast.com got it right. They had 2-4". Cool radar maps too.

  16. Not only do I like keeping up with what the alleged professionals are delivering on the Eastern Shore, its actual entertainment to see my news pop up days later and even, yes, years later.

    When you have a group of arrogant reporters, (not all) walking around like their stuff doesn't stink, taking our stories on a regular basis and thinking/acting like they are the best, well, they should be called out.

    A prime example is the Breaking News story we published last night about the millions of dollars Pollitt and Co. screwed up on. Aren't you the least bit concerned that these alleged professionals still haven't delivered this FACTUAL information and or perhaps not at all?

    Salisbury News has a following NONE of them ever realized and guess what, no more slacking. No more taking our stories and ACTING like they broke it.

    They will be called out on a regular basis, just as we did with the Daily Times and we will crush them just as we did the Daily Times.

    Your local news should be there to deliver hard news and NOT news that is set up to favor one candidate elected official. Right now all they are doing is reading Press Releases and they are truly clueless as to the heartbeat of the community they serve.

    Their glory days are now over.

  17. Listen people if the snow comes from the west dont worry If it comes from the be prepared to get dumped on.Its been like that forever people

  18. We did get 8 inches. 8 inches of b--l s--t.

  19. I used to watch their weather forecast, but it's a waste of time as Joe relates.
    Weather.com is MUCH more accurate and much less time-consuming. I suggest others go to weather.com as well rather than wasting a lengthy amount of their valuable time watching these clowns mislead us with their inaccurate predictions.

  20. Right on Joe. I ran into Steve Hammond in Sam's not that long ago and tried to say hello. I wasn't looking for a conversation but he snubbed me off with a head tilt and kept going.

  21. 7:59 #1.
    The Gulf stream does not end near Ocean City unless there is an Ocean City in Norway.
    (Geez, liberals and their Education system.)

  22. You can't predict the weather accurately with the Bay where it is. Give it up. more things to worry about.

  23. How refreshing to see all the armchair weather people. Its such an exact science anybody can do it. Get a life. Its about preparedness, get it?

  24. Just stay home and do nothing you excuse looking losers! Too wet too dry too cold too much snow! I agree with Joe they just try and drama people to death! Stay on them Mr. A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. WMDT @ WBOC BOTH got it wrong but WAKEFIELD,VA. got it wrong to and they predict the same for the Salisbury area. I looked it up Tuesday morning they said 4 to 8 later said 3 to 5inches for our area same as both local tv station.

  26. Bread, milk, toilet paper, eggs and the most important BOOZE!!

  27. Their over the air channel went out after midnight and was off for many hours.
    Glad we weren't dealing with a true weather crisis.

  28. Why so negative towards other media? Life is too short. Weather can change on a dime and we all know it. Give these people a break. And no, I don't work for the TV or the newspaper. Just fed up with all the negativity in the area among people. Why can't anyone be happy ?

  29. Does it matter if they were off a few inches? Really! It's winter! The bottom line is they said it was going to snow and it did! Schools will close anyway whether it snowed 3 inches or 6 inches. Now when summer rolls around people are going to be complaining that's it's not as hot as the weather people said it would be. Stop complaining and find something constructive to do!! Thank you for allowing me to give my two cents....

  30. I think that the only thing that they can predict accurately is nightfall and the sun rising the next day.


  31. Odd note about the WBOC over the air outage. Went out as Annie noted on the old TV with converter box but was still working on the new digital TV. Both over the air.

  32. No worse than the financial doom and gloom predictions that never come true.

  33. Forecasting weather is a science, an art, and a business. You take the science that has created a bunch of inaccurate models, and it's an art to interpret them into the right forecast. Then you pay for it by making a business selling weather drama.

    The bay, the ocean, and the jetstream all have significant influence over our weather. Heck...I've seen the Nanticoke River cause a few inches of snow on one side, and barely a dusting on the other. None of these global weather models really does a good job with the specifics of our area, but they do provide decent guidance over a wide amount of geography.

    When I want accurate weather, I go with Weather Underground. ANd when I want entertaining weather, I go with Foot's Forecast because I'm a pouderhound along with the kids who do the forecasting.

  34. Delmar Weather was the most accurate. Check it out.

  35. I get my weather each day when I walk outside for the day.


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