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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sometimes You Just Have To Give The Competition Props

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Mayor Ireton And Council President Jake Day Pull A...":

Just watched Wboc. They interviewed a resident of the Fitzwater community. She doesn't think something like that goes well there because of break ins. LOL Then Mayor Ireton went on to say the the property across from brew river is finally under contract. I wish someone could tell me where all these people are coming from that will open the businesses & rent the housing? Wouldnt that be 4 or 5 of the same style mixed use buildings? Also, I had heard that the Gillis bought that property across from Brew. You think they are buying the parking lots too?? There is something going on, but if it is the Gillis family who buys all of this up I cant blame them one bit. I think we all wish to have the inside information. Good for them. Should be interesting.

Publishers Notes: WBOC deserves a LOT of credit for this interview with Ireton. They talked about crime and challenged the Mayor. They even said, there's plenty of affordable housing in this area, why do we need more. I'm paraphrasing but you get the just of it. Even the local media is tired of Ireton's rainbow pipe dreams. They're seeing evidence of the failing condition from overflows at the WWTP and the poor health of the river. They're seeing crime being UP, not down. More importantly, (I think) the local media is seeing the reality of all the traffic we get on SBYNews and IF they don't get on the ball they're going to fail.

That being said, my hat is tipped to WBOC tonight for delivering PROFESSIONAL journalism. It's very refreshing.


  1. According to Addendum 1 of the RFP for the Parking Lots, Palmer Gillis of Gillis Gilkerson and Brad Gillis of SVN attended the Pre-Bid Meeting.

    SVN and Gsquared are basically one and the same. Along with "Windsor Development."

  2. Inside information, downtown is going to the University and would make excellently expensive housing for attorneys and PRMC employees

  3. Downtown won't be affordable housing, it'll be geared towards college students, PRMC employees and those who are employed by the criminal justice complex

  4. anonymous 7:01, SAYS WHO?

    There's NO attraction to living Downtown. Trust me, I lived there for a year. Mind you, I loved it because it brought me back to my NYC days but it was VERY inconvenient. Parking SUCKED and that's with ALL the open spaces in place now. No local grocery store. No place you can walk to in order to get your laundry done. And don't even start with telling me each condo/apartment will have washers and dryers because we're already overloading and overflowing the Waste Water Treatment Plant with what we have now.

    It's a BS proposal and while you remain ANONYMOUS, I firmly disagree with your comment. The chances of someone spending BIG money on something Downtown is not only SLIM, it's impossible in this economy. Just look at the condo's on Riverside Drive. How's that working for them. They reduced the prices to avoid going completely under and there's still units for sale.

  5. The university is already opening galleries downtown, and there's a grocery store about three blocks away, mind you it doesn't offer your standard walmartian fare

  6. If it was done right, there would have to be something like a Wholefoods on the first floor

  7. anonymous 7:22, what building has the University purchased as well as PRMC on the Downtown Plaza? The grocery store you mention is the LONGEST three blocks I've ever seen in my entire life.

  8. I don't think SU purchased it, but they do have a gallery over there by the PNC by the old Masonic temple and the cupcake place
    PRMC owns blocks just across the street, and they're not very long ones. Housing downtown would be ideal for a recent SU grad who works at the hospital I would think

  9. anonymous 7:33, thank you. OK, my point is that they are not SOLD on the revitalization plan proposed for Downtown as it stands. If they did they would have purchased property and became a part of it.

    I am NOT in any way knocking SU or PRMC. I also stated on the Downtown Plaza. I am fully aware of the old DT's building they purchased and are letting fall apart.

    Can any of you actually tell me of a graduate from SU who took a job at PRMC right out of college? I'm not saying there aren't any but come on now. You could move anywhere else in the country and enjoy a much safer and financially rewarding life other than Salisbury.

  10. Since when is PRMC hiring? I thought they were getting rid of people. Maybe they got rid of a lot of people so they could afford to build something new.

  11. Taking me back to my Vancouver days, I think the part that used to be closed to cars was poorly planned because all the southern sunlight is blocked, creating a shadowy labyrinth ideal for criminals. They should've called in some Feng Shui specialists, but I don't think they had them during the Masonic era. Truth is PRMC is Salisbury's leading employer, and with Obamacare, it's bound to be prosperous--at least as long as the baby boomers continue to age. That being said, who wouldn't want to cut their commute time, avoid the school cameras doling out traffic tickets, and conserve their disposable income by ditching their Prius. Rent an apartment downtown--a new and improved one--not in that dark and dreary plaza?

  12. anonymous 7:54, Really, Seriously? I'll just leave it at that.

  13. 7:54 Only 11% of the population is over 65... can't see PRMC sustaining on that

  14. the way doctors are giving out meds today, you might be surprised at the new and improved diseases that happen to appear. 89 percent under 65, that's plenty of future job creation

  15. Yeah serious, u wanna sell ur building for 80gs like mayor Jimmy did the firehouse. I'll call the feng shui man myself, have him open a bigger door on the south side for added prosperity

  16. 722, that "gallery" is never occupied by humans. It's nothing but a locked up, unrented, decorated window storefront that is never "opened".

    Quit lying. Jimmy got the University to decorate it so it looks looks it's not vacant space.

  17. where's a grocery store downtown?

  18. I was wondering who will be living in all of the apartments behind Target that run all the way over to Mill Pond?

    Are they considering shuttling the Fitzwater crowd to the Northside and renovating the old neighborhood? Perhaps then we will need a new Police Station up North..

  19. I was wondering who will be living in all of the apartments behind Target that run all the way over to Mill Pond?

    Are they considering shuttling the Fitzwater crowd to the Northside and renovating the old neighborhood? Perhaps then we will need a new Police Station up North..

  20. anonymous 10:19, Don't forget a new Fire department too.


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