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Sunday, January 19, 2014

JUST IN: Accomack Arson Suspect Tonya Bundick Changes Plea To Guilty

The woman charged with arson on the Eastern Shore pleaded guilty Tuesday to two charges.

She entered an Alford plea, in which a defendant acknowledges there was sufficient evidence for conviction but does not admit the underlying allegations.

The plea came on the second day of Tonya S. Bundick's jury trial of arson and conspiracy to commit arson in connection with a fire in April in Melfa, after all the evidence was presented but before jury deliberations began.

She faces a maximum of 20 years in prison and $5,000 in fines. No sentencing date was set.


  1. Well, since no one was really hurt, and all they did was improve the look of the county by ridding it of abandon dilapidated buildings, she should be put on PBJ like other none violent offenders, Justice will get served, after all, look at the woman that nearly killed the 7 year old in OC, she is a fugitive, leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, and only gets a few months!

  2. It is not just damage to properties that were vacated, it is the toll it put on local fire companies, and the over time they had to work to protect the community and the fear in neighbors that lived near those sights. The sentence should be the most allowed.

  3. I don't care what sentence she gets but I am tire of some always trying to make firemen look like some kind of hero's. That's there job and if they don't like it quit, it's that simple. I would suggest that most of them got a thrill out of the whole situation.

  4. She deserves whatever allowed by law..she put those VOLUNTEER firemen lives in danger..cost the already poor counties further debt and took on the role of who cares...well the taxpayers do care n for that reason alone she should do time n have to forfeit her own family..sometimes the decisions we make come at a very high price...think before you act!!!

  5. 347 pretty much nails it. No risk at an abandoned building. Just keep it from spreading is all.

  6. I don't think she should go to prison, I think she should be made to go to each site that was burned and clean it all up.

  7. The plea came right at the 11th hour-right after she herself testified and before going to jury. Not sure if closing arguments had been completed or even started when plea came down.
    Evidently she claimed to not have even known Charlie was setting the fires which was a huge mistake.
    Whatever though, her lawyers must want to strangle her right about now. She is not going to be shown any mercy come sentencing. She wanted the jury trial and the change of venue, which was granted at a substantial amount of money to tax payers, including selecting and seating the jury. All this could have been accomplished in Accomack.

  8. Several weren't abandoned buildings. One was someone's home. It belonged to someone who she felt had insulted her on social media. Of course being the thoughtful people they were, they waited until no one was home to set it on fire.
    Another was a church that was very much being used and by no one's stretch of the imagination even looked abandoned.
    The last fire, occurred in a house that was being restored.
    Abandoned or not, dilapidated or not, you do not go on someone's else's property and take it upon yourself to set something on fire. There is no excuse and it's lame brained to think otherwise!

  9. All of this had to happen,based on the fact that it DID happen.She should be released.

  10. I guess Mike Lewis was there too

  11. Yes, Sheriff Lewis cracked the case, just ask him, he made a few calls and gathered the evidence and then told the local cops how to catch them! Film at 11:00

  12. Liar Liar pants on FIRE!!!


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