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Sunday, January 12, 2014


The windows were shot out last night or early this morning of the Imperial Hookah Lounge in Court Plaza.

Business neighbors within the complex have had enough and are staring to make plans to move out and relocate. 

Hookah Lounges are popping up everywhere. They remain open usually until 5 AM where you can bring your own alcohol after the bars close. Yet as we're experiencing right here in the Salisbury area, people are not afraid to pull out guns and take pot shots.

The last time it was two other businesses in the complex but this time the Imperial Hookah Lounge became their own victim.

Here we have Mayor Ireton all worked up about signage for the Red Light District. Someone needs to get their priorities straight.


  1. How do you know its not some some racist rednecks shooting out the windows?

  2. Hookah lounges may be popping up everywhere but that is part of the problem. People drinking until 5am will always be a problem anywhere. I can just imagine what the customers look like. I'm not a big fan of laws and regulations but maybe in this case we need to restrict this kind of establishment. On second thought, after Obama and O'Malley take their guns away we will all be safe.

  3. Are you suggesting that the Hookah lounge customers are black 10:20? Just asking because I don't know. I honestly had never heard of a Hookah lounge.

  4. Because they would use a 12ga shotgun with buckshot.

  5. So, is it the customers inside shooting out, or a drive by shooting in?

  6. Last time I smoked a hookah, we put marijuana in the bowl and lit it. How does that work with alcohol? I'd think it would put it out.

  7. I don't like the idea that someone can bring in their own alcohol and drink until 5am. I'm not much on regulations either but will bend on something like this. Is it a hookan lounge (whatever that is) or a place for drunks to hang out after hours and drink more? If hookan (whatever that is) is the main attraction the business will remain lucrative.

  8. Anonymous said...
    How do you know its not some some racist rednecks shooting out the windows?

    January 11, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    How do you know it is!!

    By the way WTH is "some some racist rednecks?"

  9. 10:29 never goes any further than Cambridge or Pocomoke.

  10. Is it not great to see how Great the New Gun Laws are working. Prime Example : Look at the Murder rate in Baltimore City already this year...I think it is up to 14 already. May Be a record banner murder rate this year in Baltimore City. And then these crazed politicians in Annapolis will tell you how great the gun laws are doing ???

  11. I agree that alcohol and the hours open are just inviting trouble. Why can't the police have a presents there and check people leaving for DUI? Oh, I guess that would be profiling.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Are you suggesting that the Hookah lounge customers are black 10:20? Just asking because I don't know. I honestly had never heard of a Hookah lounge.

    January 11, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    Why would you assume this had anything to do with a certain color?

  13. Court plaza has city water and sewer but not in the city limits, it falls under the county

  14. How is that lower crime rate working out????

  15. Top 100 comunnities.

  16. Joe, get yourself to the court plaza and wait until your number comes up. One can dream.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Joe, get yourself to the court plaza and wait until your number comes up. One can dream.

    January 11, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    Sign your name PUSSY!!

  18. Second that Jack!
    Statistics don't lie. At least REAL statistics unlike Obama regime statistics which are manufactured and altered to fit an agenda...
    Proven fact, blacks commit more crime and more serious crime.
    Liberals don't want to admit it.
    They have a problem with the truth when it doesn't fit their immoral PC agenda.

  19. Hookah Lounge Is A Place Where You Can Smoke Different Kinds Of Flavored tabacco

  20. From the photo it looks a though the shot came from the inside because of the glass on the sidewalk.

  21. You mean to tell me these hookah lounges are everywhere? I don't drink any more but I do get out of the house from time to time.

    I'd like to think I stay tuned in to current events but I think I must have lost a step. The mayor is busy harassing a nightwear boutique owner and wants to run more business out of town. He should be on top of these after hours clubs.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 12:38 You can't be serious? Right?

  24. catjowill said...
    Court plaza has city water and sewer but not in the city limits, it falls under the county

    January 11, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    Doesn't matter. It is still Salisbury and most of the crime comes from Salisbury and the Ghetto thugs in Salisbury.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    Joe, get yourself to the court plaza and wait until your number comes up. One can dream.

    January 11, 2014 at 11:20 AM"

    Ho Hum. you people are so predictable. It burns you all up to know end, when Sby News exposes all that some wish to hide, doesn't it 11:20.
    Crime is lower....ha ha ha.

  26. 1:16 When did people start installing awnings on the inside of a building?

  27. I removed the FUJA comment. Very immature. To think these guys get their rocks off going, omg, omg, I got a FUJA comment through. I've been doing it for years and they missed it until today.

    And who is behind FUJA, that would be JR & JT. How old are you guys now? In your late 40's, right?

    You BOTH need to see a Doctor because you BOTH have a mental condition.

  28. To the racist a-hole who tried to send in the exact same comment three times in a row and to others who try to send in multiple repeat comments. Know that even IF we liked the comment, just because you send it in multiple times and waste our time we reject ALL of them.

  29. @10:29, I was not trying to make that connection.; however, most of the Hookah bars I've seen have been owned by people of ethnic heritage (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

    @10:47, congrats, you caught me not proof reading, do you want a cookie? Seriously, if that's the best response you can come up with don't waste our time with your meaningless posts.

  30. We're learning a lot from this,or at least I am.Maybe it's because I'm a lot older than most commenters,but I never heard of a Hooka bar.I do agree with the person who thought the mayor should be all over this type of establishment rather than harassing the Red Light District.He or she had a good point.

  31. Haven't heard of any rednecks shooting up businesses in the middle of the night lately. I have heard of many cases of others doing so. Rednecks would be to proud to set foot in a Hooka bar or whatever it is called.

  32. Joe... I'm so thankful that you report these things that happen because I want to avoid this area at all cost. I feel sorry for people with legit businesses in these areas. I will not go near that area.

  33. Court Plaza is not in city limits so not under the Mayor's jurisdiction.

  34. Good grief. The lack of comprehension of what goes on in the world beyond the bay bridge is astonishing. Hookah bars have been in the US for years and originated in the middle east. The hookahs are used for smoking sisha (flavored tobacco) usually after a meal. It is the equivalent of having a cigar after dinner. In the US, hookah bars are commonly cater to young/college age people and have very little in common with the traditional use of hookahs. the Bury is a college town and therefore trends that that are beyond the comprehension of the turlocks will continue to baffle them. If not familiar with turlocks, read Chesapeakel by James A. Michener

  35. 12:58-What is clear is that YOU have ZERO comprehension of what goes on in the world "beyond the bay bridge." Let me clue you in. While hookah lounges have and are popular in the US and did originate in the Middle East the concept of alcohol being allowed isn't the norm. As a matter of fact if you did have a clue about what goes on "beyond the bay bridge" you would KNOW that the consumption of alcohol is frowned upon if not illegal in the Middle East.
    It's nothing short of asinine to think this place is anything else but a place for people to hang out after hours and drink. You are clearly in need of some serious schooling in how the real world works! Now go and grow a brain!

  36. Not sure if it has been mentioned before but there is a certain motel that is right behind this plaza that is always attracting the wrong types of attention. I have seen the police outside of this motel too many times to count. Drive by and you will see where some of the after hours problems might be coming from.

  37. 8:44, you must be one of the most naive individuals alive. This is Salisbury and they are going by Bursary rules not middle east.

  38. 8:44 am

    When was the last time you were in Dubai? I've been there, smoked hookahs and drank alcohol. BTW, here in this country, it is perfectly legal to consume alcohol at any hour if it is yours and not being sold/served by a bar. If people want to go there and drink/smoke so be it.

  39. 8:44 I work on the western shore and travel the world. and I for one can tell you exactly what goes on beyond the eastern shore. especially with your middle eastern friends. there's a reason they all want to come to America and it ain't for the hookah lounges. Nothing but a damn bunch of hypocrites they are. If it's so damn great why don't you leave our beautiful shore and migrate!

  40. What happened to the no smoking in any business law. We cannot smoke in an American bar so how the hell can these trouble makers be smoking in a hooka bar? What are some people on this site smoking if they think these hookas are anything but trouble?

  41. It's a muslim thing…they are exempt from the our laws.

  42. This is very interesting. Guns shots? Did this come from a police report or just someone guessing or just blogging for a picture. The fact of the matter there was a fight. One of the persons in the fight was put out and he decides to punch out the window. It was cold and the glass is large and he hit in the right spot. Police was called the end.
    How I know? I'm the father of one of the owners. Let's get some lawyers and have them talk to this person about putting things like this out there.


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