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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Its About The Process

There's been a LOT of talk recently about Wicomico County Elected Officials getting pay raises. In a recent work session the County Council decided it wanted to bring it to a public hearing, meaning County Council salary, Rick Pollitt, Matt Maciarello and Mike Lewis. 

In Matt's case, the State sets the guidelines, so that doesn't need to be discussed. However, some are seeing a problem with the "process" because it was announced today that the County Council will be discussing a RESOLUTION for Sheriff Mike Lewis' $10,000.00 a year pay increase in tomorrow's meeting WITHOUT a public hearing.

Now, for me personally, I have said this from the day Sheriff Lewis was elected, he's underpaid, period. When former Chief Webster was paid around $30,000.00 a year more than Mike Lewis, something was very wrong. 

We all know Sheriff Lewis understood the salary from day one and I think we can mostly agree that a pay increase is certainly on order. However, the "process" should be fair across the board.

IF we start hand selecting WHO should or shouldn't be reviewed by the PUBLIC, we've lost ALL control and the County Council should know better.

Again, I HIGHLY doubt Sheriff Lewis would get shot down for a salary increase but it must be openly discussed and put through the same public scrutiny and in this case it is not. 


  1. No one in the county should get a raise right now. They need things in the county fixed before they give out raises. How many people that work in the private sector have gotten a raise this year or even last yera? I know it has been 4 years for my husband. I wont complain because he does have a job to go to every day. Too many are still unemployed in this county to give raises to anyone. If they don't like what they are being paid.....fair or not they can go elsewhere to find a job. Right now it would not be wise to give up any job.

  2. They are following Obama's lead and doing what they want to do and just forget the process they should be going through.

  3. Ernie Leatherbury is going to be the next Sheriff. Axe him if he wants a raise.

  4. I agree with 3:22. Whoever decided to put this forward without a public hearing has a goal in mind without the public's knowledge. This situation is wrong and the council should vote to either table this resolution or vote no and continue with the people getting their chance to speak. This is the wrong way to handle this situation.

  5. Yes, there are many out here affected by the economy. I was laid off in 2008! Self employed since at survival rates.

    So, yes, Mike certainly deserves a raise, as well as everyone else in Wicomico, but he works for us, and it needs to be left up to us, the Employers as to what can be afforded. Mike does a fantastic job and it is evident through the statistics, but we all still have wallets... well I sold mine....

  6. Civil service was never supposed to be a money maker.

  7. that picture is a good candidate for a "write a caption for this photo" item.

  8. No opining on whether raises should happen or not but this should be handled properly and it sounds as though the council is leaving a very important thing out, hearing from the people.

  9. Haters gonna hate

  10. No doubt Mike deserves the increase! At the same time it must follow the correct path, he and his department are PUBLIC SERVANTS and as such any pay changes should be publicly agreed upon. Good Job Mike, wish you were in charge of the City Police Department as well...maybe they could catch some crooks.

  11. I think any government employee raises should be brought to the public for comments.
    Lewis is not my Sheriff but if raises were based on someone's commitment to the community and compassion he would be getting a raise. For years now one image of him in my mind was when the Sarah Foxwell abduction which ended tragically happened. I will never forget the pained look on his face and his "I dare you do this in my community attitude." He spoke for many of us. Recently the image of him with his arms around the 2 upset young ladies at the scene of the murder/suicide in Salisbury comes to mind.

  12. If he cannot live on 85 k a year plus a MSP pension i do not know what to say

  13. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought the Sheriff's salary is paid by the State Of Maryland ? Maybe it was the State Of Maryland has a say in the salary. For some reason it seemed to me the State has some say so in this matter.

    The man deserves a raise period. To those who lost your job tuff roll mud hole. You could have been a deputy but chose another route. So is they (deputies) can get competative salary and benefits good for them. It is not the the deputies fault you chose a company that was not on solid financial standing or was sucking off a govt. tit that dried up. Oh yea I heard they are hiring so get off your arse and apply. If you can cut it.

  14. anonymous 3:39, NOT gonna happen.

    In my honest opinion, Mike will run one last time and retire with a second full pension. You may see Ernie step up to the plate then but not right now. He's secured a really good job at UMES and quite frankly I'm sure he and Mike have a pretty good understanding for the next go around.

    Me personally, I hope Mike sticks around until he's about 70. I'd advise him the following. Retirement Sucks after the first year or two. Use that experience and wisdom to the fullest and give back to the community that supported you so strongly in the first place.

  15. Joe, You SHOULD run for Sheriff. I would vote for you.

  16. anonymous 5:25, LMAO! NO thank you. When we HAVE a good Republican in ANY position doing a good job, let it be. Besides the fact I have absolutely no experience and or interest in such a thing.

  17. Just don't get it. Why isn't the council and executive raises being considered tomorrow? Makes no sense that only one, the sheriff, would be considered when the report from that committee recommended they all get raises. There is something here that doesn't pass the smell test. Will someone please fess up and tell the people why?

  18. Anonymous said...
    No one in the county should get a raise right now. They need things in the county fixed before they give out raises. How many people that work in the private sector have gotten a raise this year or even last yera? I know it has been 4 years for my husband. I wont complain because he does have a job to go to every day. Too many are still unemployed in this county to give raises to anyone. If they don't like what they are being paid.....fair or not they can go elsewhere to find a job. Right now it would not be wise to give up any job.

    January 6, 2014 at 3:18 PM

    I am sure the individuals discussed make less than they deserve while your husband is probably overpaid.

  19. JoeAlbero said...
    anonymous 5:25, LMAO! NO thank you. When we HAVE a good Republican in ANY position doing a good job, let it be. Besides the fact I have absolutely no experience and or interest in such a thing.

    January 6, 2014 at 5:29 PM

    You don't need experience to run for any elected position. Jonathan Taylor could be your next Sheriff if he filed and go the most votes. Heck he is friends with Chuck Cook so maybe Cookie could help out with the polling machines.

  20. The I hate Mike and Matt blog. I agree, haters gonna hate.This post should be about the Council not Mike Lewis. I am sure that he wants a fair process and would still do the job raise or no raise.

  21. anonymous 5:52, Look, I wouldn't be interested, period. The Deputies deserve to be lead by someone who knows and understands their process. You'd have to be a fool to try to take over that job with the lack of experience necessary.

  22. I'll add, LIVES are on the line and the job should require a proper background. Another major screw up by the County. It should NOT be an elected posirion.

  23. Joe, I agree with your post 100%. Retirement sucks.

  24. anonymous 6:18, this Post IS about the Council. READ, you Idiot.

  25. As long as my property taxes are going up THEY NEED TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND SAY .....NO.

  26. Joseph I bet you wished you were in the middle of that picture.

  27. anonymous 6:36, No Thanks, been there, done that.

  28. Joe, reconsider about running for Sheriff. In my mind, you are the only one who could fix Salisbury's West side crime problem. You study crime stats so you have experience. Don't sell yourself short. This community needs you, buddy. If you ran, you would beat Mike Lewis EASILY! Mike focuses on busting people with drugs, not violent crime. He has no vision like you do. If Obama tells him to take our guns, he will do it. I don't trust him. Itrust you, Joe.

  29. anonymous 8:16, get real. I just started rejecting all of the comments coming in, (there were a lot more) suggesting I run for Sheriff.

    These narrow minded people obviously didn't read my earlier comment as to why I would never entertain such a thing. It's just plain stupid.

  30. The State of Maryland sets the salaries for all Sheriff's in every County. How is it possible that the Council or County Executive think they matter or have input into this?

  31. $85,000 a year? Really? And THAT isn't enough?

  32. Imclain no 85k is not enough. The man runs the primary law enforcement unit in the county. The city is one of the most violent in America. If you want the job run for office. The rest of you crying that goes to you as well. The deputies deserve whatever the county can 'afford" to pay. They are hiring all the time. So you apply and if you are lucky enough to get the job then you can question the pay. It is a thankless job the Sheriff live in a fishbowl. Pay the man. Pay the deputies also they deserve it.


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