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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Mayor Ireton Wants To Spend $3,000,000.00 On The Salisbury Zoo

Sustainable Community Plan

This is Salisbury's application.

I have not read it all, but on page 8 of 19, they lay out what they plan to do with the Zoo, with a price tag of 3 million dollars.

They also claim "Crime rates in the City of Salisbury have dropped over the last 2 years a combined total of 29%".

GO HERE to learn more.


  1. Yeah crime rates are down, but calls for service reach a 10-year high, Jimmy's fudging the numbers

  2. In viewing this from another angle entirely,a Federal entity has recently expressed an interest in the property.That would involve the elimination of the zoo entirely,or at least a large part of it.No one has any need to negotiate with the mayor over an intended federal use of city property.That being said,could he be taking these actions because he got wind of this? With huge amounts of money being pumped into the zoo and park area the federal gov would be reluctant to seize said property.

  3. anonymous 10:22, IF what you say is true, the City would more than likely DIVE at getting rid of the Zoo because of possible and incredible FINES for polluting the Wicomico River.

    It won't be long, (perhaps next year) in which DNR will have 10 years worth of testing done on that part of the tributary. I had found, (9 years ago) that DNR was treating the Zoo as TIDAL and they were 100% WRONG!

    SOMEONE along the way had told them it WAS and they fell for it. HOWEVER, the level of PEE and POOP in the river was through the roof but they NEVER had the right numbers because they calculated it at tidal. Now they want 10 years, (how convenient) to do a STUDY, so it got Tilghman out of the way.

    Nevertheless, the Zoo also added 200 pounds of duck chow on the river every day, bringing in Canada Geese like there was no tomorrow. That ADDED to the problem, (pollution) in a big way.

    Nevertheless, the LIBERALS who CLAIM to be so echo friendly and TREE HUGGERS completely ignored what their friends were doing to pollute the River and covered it up. Where was Mike Pretl over the past 9 years on this one???

  4. Here's an idea Albero. They could put you in a cage at the zoo(preferably the reptile exhibit) and they could charge people to throw things at you. This idea would surely fund the zoo for years to come.

  5. anonymous 10:38, But I thought the people who supported the Zoo were suck kind and wonderful people?

    The TRUTH kicks you law breakers right in the A$$, doesn't it. You get so offended and defensive when YOU are caught breaking the very same laws you preach about every day.

    The Waste Water Treatment Plant was yet another perfect example of breaking the law and polluting for anywhere between 30 and 50 years.

    You only care when you can grab headlines when you try to look so environmentally friendly. It's a LIE.

    Pipes from the Zoo that went directly into the River and polluting it. Even the EPA caught you doing that ad forced you to cap those pipes. But your so environmentally friendly.

    Salisbury News isn't the little Blog it was 9 years ago, is it. Maybe I should refresh all of those stories from back in the day. Then who'd be in a cage!

  6. The mayor loves to get fudged.

  7. Page 7
    "The City has provided CDBG funding for a Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer to address violations of the Nuisance Code
    in the Church Street–Doverdale CDBG target neighborhood. This increased level of code enforcement, when combined
    with other ongoing revitalization efforts in the neighborhood, is helping to arrest the decline of the area. "

    So the area is declining? I thought our leaders, stated, after that video came out, that they had made progress and things were better.

  8. Just another worker beeJanuary 9, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    Median household income (2010) is $37,361, median family income is
    $39,560, and per capita income is $19,545

    That is awful.

  9. "The City will encourage the development of additional multi-family rental complexes by private non-profit or for profit
    housing developers. Such developments should be targeted primarily to extremely low- and low-income households
    needing affordable housing."

    How about our elected leaders focus on bringing industry and jobs to the area, other than MW fast food and retail.

    Then we would not have to be building more clusters of mini ghettos.

  10. hey anonymous 10:38... let's do the same thing you suggest, but put the mayor in the cage for the way he does NOTHING to deter dogs being abused in the city of salisbury. just look around in all the backyards in the doverdale and westside areas. what you'll see will shock and appall you. dogs starving and freezing tied to trees and bleeding from the neck. talk about a zoo!

  11. Annie, Joe and others-this is just another distraction that will lead to further decline. These people have no idea how to address the issue of jobs, so they do things like this to make it look like they are doing something.
    If Shanie were on the ball and really looking out for 'her people' she would be furious over building residential development geared to low income. All this is going to do is further lowering the value of the existing homes, most of which all are the assets some in the lower economic bracket have of any value. It's not rocket science. The existing neighbors in which the low income reside will decline and someone will buy them for peanuts. It's the poor black elderly homeowners that will be ultimately screwed.

  12. Hey anonymous 11:08...Since when did the mayor become the director of the humane society??

  13. Start charging $1 a person already why do tax payers in Salisbury have to pay for outsiders and buses from other counties for crying out loud stop hitting the tax payers this moron of a mayor is useless POS give her the Bill.

  14. OH God 10:38-This being exposed to a wider audience, just burns you up-doesn't it! Burns you up to no end. If it were such a good idea then instead of making an asinine comment you would have a defense. But you don't have a defense because there isn't one.

  15. Joe I love your 10:45 AM comment, "I thought the people who supported the zoo were "suck" kind and wonderful people". I know you meant such but you put the right word in there.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Hey anonymous 11:08...Since when did the mayor become the director of the humane society??

    January 9, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    hey anonymous 11:21... IDIOT! do your homework. the humane society has no jurisdiction in the city of salisbury, only wicomico county. salisbury animal control handles the city. that office answers to the city police chief. the police chief answers to the MAYOR. therefore THE MAYOR is responsible you J.A.!

  17. Here they go again. Anonymous 10:38 has the smell of J.T or J.R.

  18. I live on and swim in the Wicomico every summer but am not originally from Salisbury and my family and I do not have an exact grasp of just how much pollution aka pee and poop is in that water. Can you Joe or anyone else provide some solid numbers/information on the amount of "stuff" that's in there? And how it gets there? We live several miles down river but it's still not pleasant to think about...

  19. That's a lot of gerbils.

  20. This is what responsible communities look like

    Posted January 6th

    Due to drop in temperatures, "The Pennsylvania State Police have issued a news release warning that criminal charges will be filed against pet owners who fail to provide their animals with sufficient shelter, food and water."

    PLEASE provide a warm place for your pets and if you see any that are left out in the cold call the authorities.

  21. We all know that the homosexual pansy Mayor and Fake Day and the worthless city council do not know how to run a city. This town will be the next Detroit.

  22. 12:26

    The City of Salisbury says 21,000 gallons of partially treated sewage spilled at the wastewater treatment plant and into the river Tuesday afternoon.

    A pump station malfunction that spewed about 100,000 gallons of sewage into the Wicomico River could cost the city thousands of dollars in state fines unless officials can prove it was beyond its control.

    A pump failed early Sunday at the Salisbury wastewater treatment plant, sending nearly 30,000 gallons of partially treated sewage into the Wicomico River, city officials said today.

    But the kicker of it all is this
    "However, the community is not always informed about overflows. “Mary Philipps-Dickerson reported that the city meets with the Health Department and together they decide when it is necessary to have public notice of the overflows.” Small overflows that are not reported to the public are “very small, approximately 25 gallons and others are sizable. Usually 10,000 gallons or less is considered small.” Though the public is not notified of what is termed “small” sewage overflows, all spills must be reported to the MDE and large spills of 10,000 gallons and over must be reported to the public."

    That is simply a sampling, but you will never know the true extent of spillage.

  23. And lets not forget this one:

    August 24, 2001

    Health warnings against fishing or swimming are in effect for a stretch of the Wicomico River south of Salisbury after a sewage spill Aug. 10.

    An estimated 300,000-400,000 gallons of raw sewage poured into the river when a pumping station lost power during a heavy rainstorm, causing wastewater to overflow, said officials for the Environmental Protection Agency and the Maryland Department of the Environment.

  24. Since when does the mayor have to be the director of the humane society or even have jurisdiction over it to be responsible?
    Stop trying to make up idiotic responses to justify someone's irresponsibility! You people are too much! Instead of expecting and wanting to see responsible leadership you make up excuse after excuse. I'm not ever from Sby but have seen it time and time again. Dogs chained up in trash strewn dirt/mud pits with half chewed up huts for shelter.

  25. Joe I just found this out through work.....

    As all of you may or may not have heard, the City has bids out for the disposition and development of parking lots #1, 10 and 11. The City is looking for a development firm to lease or purchase and transform these lots into a mixed-use development center.

    So say goodbye to your parking spot in Lot #1 as of January 16th. The City will be issuing us cards, so as of January 17th we will be parking in the parking garage.

    as if we don't have enough decapitated buildings around here...

    Bye bye market street parking...

  26. 12:26 ever wonder why you have ear infections and sore throat and nose for days after swimming in that open sewer?
    As for upgrading the zoo, same thing was done years ago over at pemberton. just another cage with lots of animals in there!
    Get used to it, that's all Salisbury will ever be.......... a ghetto!

  27. Here's a good start. For ALL of you who wondered just where the Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant Investigation started, I did it 8 years ago. Here's What Started Salisbury News 3 Years Ago was a title I found to get you started. It was so long ago my Blog was then called National Joe-A-Graphic.


    Then there was the Zoo. Mind you, you can always go to the top left corner of the Blog and type in key words in the search bar to take you to a multitude of great stories from years gone by.


    That should be a good start.

  28. Albero, you pollute this area more so than any zoo or wwtp could ever do. Think about that for a while. I would love to sit down with you and show you just how bad you are for this area. The decline started just about 9 years ago. Do the research.

  29. 2:11 PM, you're a real idiot. This blog is the best thing to come along in Salisbury in a long time. The Times won't tell the truth, neither will WMDT or WBOC. Truth really hurts doesn't it? Salisbury is such a sorry excuse for a town. It could be different, but the "good old boys" just will not let it happen.

  30. anonymous 2:11, easy to say while anonymous, eh? So maybe we should ask, if I'm so bad for the community and YOU think you could have made a difference, why no contact for the past 9 years? I mean, you apparently CARE about the community, don't you?

    Its simple minded comments like yours that just keep making a select few look like the fools that you are.

    Do you realize that not one time in my 9 years of doing this has ANYONE asked me to stop, NOT ONE.

    Jim got my votes, I got Jim's votes, it's that simple. "Do the resarch".

  31. Hell the entire city is a Zoo of some sort.

  32. Joe I remember first meeting you for the first time at the MDE meeting at the public library.

    12:26 Annie has the spills into the river listed, at least the ones that were reported.

    Until Joe exposed an illegal sludge pit that was just feet from the banks of the river. After Joe did the whistle blower, and he should have, the mayor at that time had the entire WWTP property fenced in so nobody could get back there.

    If they didn't have something to hide the taxpayers would have been charged to fence it off.

    12:26 I'm sure you spent good money and have a beautiful view, and I'm not trying to be smart here, but I don't allow my dogs in the river or in the stream through the park.

  33. Joe said "Jim got my votes, I got Jim's votes"

    i honestly believe that. i voted for you joe. and most everyone i talked to voted for you. so how is it that B.D. won???

  34. He likes animals ............too

  35. The bigger question here is, if we spend 3 million dollars on a free zoo, where does this "Investment" pay us back 4 million dollars?

    I'll wait...

  36. So Albero, are you saying that you really won the election? Go figure. Serious question for you. Are you on some kind of power trip? Because all you do is talk about how great you are, how rich you are, how you would do this and do that. Do you ever make a mistake? The reason I ask is you seem to be so perfect. Can I get some of that medication? Or should I get lessons from you?

  37. and you're the goof who wastes his time reading it

  38. Crime rates are down because they don't do reports for every crime anymore, they give you a case number for insurance purposes and it is never investigated or reported in ucr

  39. 624 obviously has never met Joe Albero.

    I have.

  40. Thanks Gary, and others. Oh, I've made my fair share of mistakes. Heck, I'm 52 years old, who hasn't.

    anonymous 6:24, When I say I'll do this or that, I do it. I said I'd run for Mayor, I did. I said I'd move to Salisbury, I did. I said I'd start an on line newspaper, I did.

    Now, as far as lessons go, let me explain a little something to you. Your not going to like hearing this because the truth is really hard to grasp for a guy like you.

    I have been shooting pool since I was 4 years old. I learned very young that I had a God given gift and I could beat adults by the time I was 5 years old.

    Over time I became a professional and many young people came to me and asked if I could teach them. I'd tell them to just take a few simple shots and after I saw what they could do I'd tell them if I could teach them. 99.9% of them couldn't shoot to save their life and my answer was, No.

    Just reading your comment I can tell you right off the bat. Sorry Dude but NO ONE can teach you anything. Your a loser. You'll always be a loser and it's just something you'll have to deal with the rest of your life.

    You know what Gary, I think I just may really be an ass after all. LOL

  41. 7:57 is absolutely correct. This is exactly what happened to us word for word. I will give you a case number for your insurance company and then we were discouraged to prosecute even though we saw the person vandalizing our property and knew who it was. We were told over and over it would be difficult to prove in court. They purposefully discourage you to exercise your rights and the perp walked away free with no repercussions for his actions.
    It was an eff-in joke, on us.

  42. The Zoo is the reason that Schumaker Pond was closed down for swimming and Lifeguards lost their jobs.

    1. Impossible, the zoo is downstream from the Schumaker swimming area.

  43. Just wanted to expand on a comment about reporting by the police.
    2 years ago my front windshield was shot 3 times on the drivers side. It was a small caliber , 22 , the police never mention a gun doing this , however they did say unknown something and nothing in the report about who may be upset with me. Never was investigated to this day.

  44. No Gary, I have not met Joe, but I have met you. Does Joe really know who you are? I bet not. You two deserve each other, that's for sure.

  45. anon 6:59

    at least gary AND joe have the balls to post with their real names so you KNOW who they are.

  46. anonymous 6:59, I know Gary very well. I/We consider Gary a good personal friend. Not that it's any of your business but I doubt either one of us are afraid to admit that publicly.

  47. Eff the effing zoo. What good is it? It costs more to "SUSTAIN" than it's worth. Use that money to fix the WWTP and PAVE OUR STREETS!

  48. Why do the feds want that area? Because it's a flood zone?

  49. he mean spend 2 million and distribute the rest to his pals and in his own pocket

  50. Joe said...

    Salisbury News isn't the little Blog it was 9 years ago, is it. Maybe I should refresh all of those stories from back in the day. Then who'd be in a cage!


    I say do it Joe. Good idea.

  51. Cookie said...
    The mayor loves to get fudged.

    January 9, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    LMAO .. so true!

  52. Anonymous said...
    Page 7
    "The City has provided CDBG funding for a Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer to address violations of the Nuisance Code
    in the Church Street–Doverdale CDBG target neighborhood. This increased level of code enforcement, when combined
    with other ongoing revitalization efforts in the neighborhood, is helping to arrest the decline of the area. "

    So the area is declining? I thought our leaders, stated, after that video came out, that they had made progress and things were better.

    January 9, 2014 at 10:52 AM

    The crime is not reduced or going down in those areas. If you read the lines Matt Macierello is in partnership with Jim Ireton and the City. What they are doing is not charging these offender thugs with more serious crimes that that committed. They are charging them with a lesser crime or not charging them at all. They are giving the criminals a break just like the Obama Administration and the DOJ want them to do. This is a fact and it came right from Matt at the States Attorneys office.

  53. Annie Nonymous said...
    "The City will encourage the development of additional multi-family rental complexes by private non-profit or for profit
    housing developers. Such developments should be targeted primarily to extremely low- and low-income households
    needing affordable housing."

    How about our elected leaders focus on bringing industry and jobs to the area, other than MW fast food and retail.

    Then we would not have to be building more clusters of mini ghettos.

    January 9, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    Annie I agree with you and this is the death of the City of Salisbury. If you do your homework and investigate you will see that the City of Salisbury is actually more than 90% rental property. It's not hard to figure out and I did it just by investing the facts and figures the city gave me. That is right more than 90% rental property.

  54. Anonymous said...
    Hey anonymous 11:08...Since when did the mayor become the director of the humane society??

    January 9, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    I love to see comments like this. It proves that Jim Ireton and his lovers Troll this Blog every single.

    What do you think Joe am I accurate with my comment?

  55. Anonymous said...
    Start charging $1 a person already why do tax payers in Salisbury have to pay for outsiders and buses from other counties for crying out loud stop hitting the tax payers this moron of a mayor is useless POS give her the Bill.

    January 9, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    I agree. The Zoo should charge $2.00 for adults and $1.00 for children. We get nothing from the visitors of the Zoo. When you see several school bus loads of children from Dorchester County and others visiting the Zoo do you think they are really helping our economy? They are not spending one nickel in the city of Salisbury and we the tax payers are footing the bill. Can you get in the Baltimore Zoo for free?

  56. anonymous 1:23, absolutely. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  57. Here's another idea.

    I recently saw an article about the state of Delaware having a minimum charge of $27.00 a year for in state residents to be able to get a yearly pass to ALL state parks.

    The powers to be at the Zoo are constantly pounding their chest about the hundreds of thousands of people who visit and support the Zoo yearly. Let's say they're right.

    Is it too much to ask for such an annual fee?

  58. Anonymous said...
    Since when does the mayor have to be the director of the humane society or even have jurisdiction over it to be responsible?
    Stop trying to make up idiotic responses to justify someone's irresponsibility! You people are too much! Instead of expecting and wanting to see responsible leadership you make up excuse after excuse. I'm not ever from Sby but have seen it time and time again. Dogs chained up in trash strewn dirt/mud pits with half chewed up huts for shelter.

    January 9, 2014 at 1:06 PM

    These are great comments and deserve a topic of there own. I can just visualize these back yards and they are just about everywhere in the "ghetto" parts of the city. Salisbury has the responsibility of making pet owners responsible for there pets. No pet should be tied up to a tree at any time. No grass should be dug up into pits buy such dogs. Chewed up dog houses should fall under the Property Maintenance Code and be considered some kind of structure. They should make all pets come inside if a temperature falls below a certain temperature. They should fine property owners for any kind of trash in their yards. Sorry, if the wind blows it in your yard it's your responsibility to clean it up. They should do there own investigations and find out where and how it is done in other areas. There biggest road block is listening to the firm of Paul Wilbur telling them it can't be done. An attorney offers an opinion and they are not the law. These run down trash filled properties are ruining our property values. What decent person is going to buy a house next do a yard with a dog tied to the tree. Just a slum lord.

  59. Anonymous said...

    as if we don't have enough decapitated buildings around here...

    January 9, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    Decapitated buildings? Wow!!




    past tense: decapitated; past participle: decapitated

    1. cut off the head of (a person or animal).

  60. Anonymous said...
    Joe said "Jim got my votes, I got Jim's votes"

    i honestly believe that. i voted for you joe. and most everyone i talked to voted for you. so how is it that B.D. won???

    January 9, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    I voted for Joe and strongly encouraged my friends and neighbors to vote for him. I think they did.

  61. Anonymous said...
    Crime rates are down because they don't do reports for every crime anymore, they give you a case number for insurance purposes and it is never investigated or reported in ucr

    January 9, 2014 at 7:57 PM

    You are correct.

  62. January 9, 2014 at 10:52 AM


    ...If you read 'BETWEEN' the lines Matt Macierello is in partnership with Jim Ireton and the City....

    January 12, 2014 at 1:15 PM

  63. Entrance Fees

    Maryland Zoo in Baltimore - $17.50
    Salisbury Zoo - FREE

    I say charge a nominal fee or shut the money pit down. What is a couple of dollars going to hurt. You can spend all day at the Zoo and Bens Red Swings for free. You can even pic nic in the park while visiting the zoo. I am sick and tired of paying for that zoo when there is absolutely no return in our investment. Even if it broke even it wouldn't be worth it. Shut it down now!!

  64. Joe, the annual fee is a good idea but isn't Ron Alesi in charge of that green hill golf course that is going bankrupt.

  65. Anonymous said...
    Joe said "Jim got my votes, I got Jim's votes"

    i honestly believe that. i voted for you joe. and most everyone i talked to voted for you. so how is it that B.D. won???

    January 9, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    Who is B.D. and what did they win?

  66. Anonymous said...
    Joe, the annual fee is a good idea but isn't Ron Alesi in charge of that green hill golf course that is going bankrupt.

    January 12, 2014 at 3:05 PM

    Huh?? Aren't we talking about the Zoo?

  67. I don't think Alessi is a member at the club any longer. Not much going on there anymore, I heard it's membership is the lowest it's been in 50 years.

  68. there isn't enough to our zoo to be charging admission.

  69. We don't need no zoo. Kids can see all them animals on TV on the Animal Planet channel. Only animals we need to know about is the ones we kill and eat. While we are at it let's close down all the museums and libraries. Ain't nobody need any of that to work at the retail and fast food joints in Salisbury.

  70. Anonymous said...
    there isn't enough to our zoo to be charging admission.

    January 12, 2014 at 5:01 PM

    Says who? When did you become an expert. Please sign your name and give us a brief summary of your resume so we can digest your experience.

  71. anonymous 9:07, Really, Seriously? Aren't YOU anonymous!


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