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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Is Sheriff Lewis Really Underpaid?

Not that long ago, Sheriff Mike Lewis visited Sheriff Joe in Arizona and took a complete tour. He saw the pink sheets, underwear, living conditions, most of which was outdoors. 

In this case, Sheriff Joe shares a very similar salary to Sheriff Lewis but has far more responsibility than Sheriff Lewis.

I was told yesterday that the Sheriff's Department went to the County Executive and Council to ask for a pay increase. They said they used another Sheriff's salary to compare to Mike's but to be honest, the County used in comparison is one of the wealthiest Counties in the United States of America.

Many are saying Sheriff Lewis is asking for more money because after he serves his next term, (should he be re-elected) he's then qualified for full retirement, which would include that pay increase.

Someone said to me last night, do you really think Mike Lewis would walk away from that job if he didn't get a $10,000.00 pay increase. It's a good question.

In the end, I think a Post like this is necessary. There are some on the County Council that feel NO ONE during these hard times, (including their own, as proposed) should be looking at a pay increase. They did say they would perhaps consider the same 2% pay increase like the rest of the County Employees but $10,000.00 is just out of line. In Sheriff Lewis' case that would mean around $1,700.00 a year instead of $10,000.00. 

In a recent interview with the Daily Times, County Executive Rick Pollitt denied answering any questions on his salary increase because he was up for re-election. Well, so is Mike Lewis. So are many of the County Council members. Yet it was Rick Pollitt who pushed Council President Matt Holloway to bring Mike's salary to the forefront through a resolution TONIGHT, even though the Council had already decided it needed to be brought before the public for a public hearing.

It's all about the process.


  1. Rick is probably hoping he will get support from ML for his re-election as ML is far more popular than Rick. This is about more than just a pay raise in my opinion.

  2. He is way overpaid for the amount of good police work that gets done. Good police work results in a drastic reduction in crime, and convictions. Arrests of people is not how you rate a department, convictions are a result of good police work, just pick up the paper and read all of the Nola-process and Stet Docket cases, prosecutor's say it has to do with lack of evidence, and or good police investigations, that they can't convict. Arrests don't mean crap, in this county they arrest everyone they want, but do they get convictions, NO.
    A good sheriff would demand that his officers do good police work, it is time he was replaced! He is also such a Media Whore that it is laughable! He is as bad as Obama!

  3. He doesn't need a raise... He is never at the office!!

  4. We elected a full time sheriff and we're not getting it. Mike is out of town a good two days a week doing seminars and making bank in the process. I was told he makes around three hundred thousand dollars a year with those seminars. He has a pension from the state police too. No raises for anyone.

  5. It is no one business how much Lewis makes annually with the exception of how much money is paid from the Wicomico taxpayers coffers. I believe it has been a known fact even when he ran for sheriff the first term that he had the hustle on the side. It was a concern to many then but he made it clear he wouldn't give up that deal. He was elected and has been re-elected. So again the problem with this isn't whether he gets a raise or not, it is the process that is not being done properly.

  6. Joe: tough call - I have seen a level of crime in Salisbury and surrounding areas I have not seen in a long time. It feels like its getting worse instead of getting better, but I think the whole system needs to be looked out from police to convictions to punishments. I think criminals get away with a lot and there is no consequences. While I respect Sheriff Lewis I just think there is a breakdown in the way we deal with crime in this area. I got a feeling that something major is going to happen and a lot of these elected official i.e.: sheriff, states attorney, mayor etc… are going to unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with it.

  7. Better watch out Albero.......just sayin.

  8. I agree that this is more to benefit Rick Pollitt, the political payback.

    If anyone deserves a raise any more than Mike, they should run for that office.

  9. 10:55 nailed it....he was elected and re-elected 'as-is'. Someone else needs to run in order for him to not get re-elected again.....

  10. To those trying to state Mike's salary is set by the state legislators, you're wrong and that is not true.

  11. For those that criticize the Sheriff and his dept for crime. You can do great police work but if the justice system doesnt do its part the sentence and punishing doesnt happen. For those wanting to blame the sheriff and base his raise on the crime, take your blinders off it takes more than just the sheriff. Once again we have people who think they know everything and are quick to voice their uneducated opinion. If Mike truly made 300,00 on the side he would not worry about the wcso. So sorry for people who choose to write only negative comments when you think you know everything but dont. Make a contribution to society instead of sitting on the computer trashing others that are trying.

  12. Lets look at Mikes salary compared to those like Gary Mackes, and you want to complain!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. He should not get a raise. I thought he still has traveling gigs that pay him big $$. You took the job for x so deal with it.

  14. If Mike is only making 85K a year, he is WAY under paid.

  15. 1151am,
    If Mike is hustling on side, that is his business not county business. However, how much of that hustling is for the improvement of the criminal justice system in which Mike is a part of. If Mike is spending too much time show boating and not focusing on ideals that would reduce crime in this area, he don't deserve a pay raise. Let the seminars pay his salary. And, his county pay can be use to do what he do for crime in this area which is very little.

  16. Joe just puts this garbage out there to stir the pot. Then he runs and hides like a coward. Pussy bomb thrower lowlife that he is. Freaking idiot wonders why the cops and firefighters in this tow hate him. Hope you don't need a cop anytime soon Albero.

  17. Anonymous 12:31 that is completely uncalled for! Joe did put his name out there and is far from a coward! Do you have any idea how hard it is to do what he does day after day - who the hell do you think you are? As a business owner in Salisbury, I may not always agree with Joe, but at least he is providing a service for us and holding our leaders accountable. You have such a big mouth and think you can talk like that: put your name on it!

  18. The biggest thing on Lewis is his ego.

  19. Did Mike go see Sheriff Joe's pink sheets on his own time or did the county pay for that?

  20. Totally disagree with 12:31. This blog provides a service to the community by sharing news that our paid news medias should be providing. Fortunately, Albero has the back bone to publish items like this that helps provide transparency for the people. Taxpayers need to be informed about these things.

  21. Anonymous 12:31 Has J.T or J.R written all over it.

  22. 1:05. Great question. How can we find out?

  23. If he's receiving a pension paid for by tax payers he shouldn't receiving another paycheck funded by tax payers ! That's double dipping greed and should be illegal, If you are going to get a retirement pension then be retired.

  24. We need a full time Sheriff, not a man that jumps at every chance to get his mug on camera. he is degusting how he uses every tragedy to hog the spotlight, he even calls the Media to show up at places where he is going to be. He is using this office to further his political ambitions, (He wants to be Governor).
    Joe, is a hero in Wicomico county, he is the only person that is willing to take on the corrupt career politicians in local government, and also go after the truth in other matters that the network, and print news won't touch! Your bitching about Joe is because he probley found out something about you!

  25. Commenters thus far sound impoverished.A big elected official raise is always a hard pill to swallow when presented to a paycheck to paycheck blog following.I'm not setting the world on fire myself but I wish Mike well.Everyone has already forgotten how things were before Mike came on board.The WCSD has improved dramatically during his tenure.

  26. anonymous 2:21, I think we all wish Mike well. However, what does it say when someone like you profiles the majority of our readers as living paycheck to paycheck. While reaching 18,400,000 viewers in 2013, REALLY, SERIOUSLY?

    Well, let's just say your accurate. Is it NOT a slap in the face to the MILLIONS of viewers that a guy who's retired from the State Police getting a full pension, makes a lot of money doing seminars around the country and if re-elected will certainly receive yet another full pension. Do you really THINK Mike NEEDS the money, like presented to the County Council not long ago?

    Let me add. Mike Lewis is the Sheriff. The COACH of a Football Team, (as an example). The TEAM is what needs to be recognized, NOT just the Coach. I just wish we saw more of that because it's true.

    I happen to know crime is way up in the County. That being said, there's a LOT of territory to cover. I think the TEAM is doing the best they can with what they have. However, overall there's been some very good points made in these Posts and comments. Once arrested, are the criminals going to Jail?

    For those of you who know the answer to that question, getting to the one yard line and failing to get into the end zone and or kicking a field goal doesn't win games. The TEAM includes the States Attorney's Office, (special teams). EVERYONE should be graded because this TEAM is nowhere near going to a Superbowl.

    I want to hear from Sheriff Lewis that he's either here for the next 10 years as SHERIFF or forget about the raise. If he's a man of his word and he truly cares about this County, (in which I think we'll all agree, he does) then let him publicly say he has no other interests politically or elsewhere and I personally think it's a damn good investment to give him what he wants.

    Without such a verbal commitment, Fagetaboutit. What do you think?

  27. 1:24 So should retired military personel also not be able to get a job and just stay retired? I have an idea, why don't you just keep your stupid thoughts to your self. Man what if everyone that ever retired from government job could never get another job for the taxpayers. I don't think Joe puts stuff on here to stir the pot.

  28. To serve and protect.... for a fee.

  29. Justice is not a game Joe.

  30. anonymous 3:03, Is that all you've got? I knew when I moved here things would be slow but wow.

  31. For those of you who know the answer to that question, getting to the one yard line and failing to get into the end zone and or kicking a field goal doesn't win games. The TEAM includes the States Attorney's Office, (special teams). EVERYONE should be graded because this TEAM is nowhere near going to a Superbowl.

    Finally Joe: you get what I'm thinking!!!!! I cannot agree more with you!!!!

    Let's have some real accountability and an open discussion - right now in this county including the city of Salisbury - to me - law enforcement is failing on all levels and before we can discuss raises let's discuss crime rates and what to do about it!

  32. anonymous 3:17, Be very careful what you ask for.

    I have seen other police departments and public officials straight up LIE to the taxpayers faces about crime numbers and statistics.

    These numbers can be twisted like there's no tomorrow and we have called them out in the past with facts and figures directly from the FBI.

    I stated what I wanted to say and that is, crime is way up, period. In ALL of the years I have been doing this, (with all due respect) I have never once seen the Sheriff's Department deliver crime stats over the years, not once.

    Again, I'm NOT saying they're not doing a good job. In fact I stated they're doing the best they can in this economic crisis and with what they have.

  33. Just who the hell do you think you are Albero? You expect Mike Lewis to answer to you? What a POS you are. Why don't you go back to banging that whore wife of yours so the Deputies can get back to work.

  34. anonymous 4:23, Of course little man syndrome forces you to remain anonymous. Gotta love these little Eastern Shore rednecks. Next he'll be saying, (in his little girly voice) you'll never see it coming when I see you next Albero. Thanks for the laugh.

  35. 3:00 pm It's greedy to take two paychecks from the tax payers go to work in the private sector if you want to get rich where you have to perform.

  36. Lewis is TOTALLY overpaid. He should get a DECREASE in pay. And, deflate his super-EGO while you're at it too!

  37. I vote no pay raise, I should have a say as a tax payer.

  38. Before he gets a raise he should get some of those lazy deputies that are useless doing their jobs.....and that I might add would be even the management deputies. Don't solve anything, can't get a return call from anyone. It is disgusting! But Mike probably would say he isn't aware of this and he may not be if he isn't in his office taking care of Wicomico County issues.

  39. 4:23, you shouldn't call any wife a whore, especially when Mike Lewis is a real Whore, he lays down and spreads bull with the camera's all the time, he is a real Media Whore!

  40. @ 85k, he can sit tight. Life sucks right now. Period. This is where we are.

  41. Lee Stevens is the best Deputy I know. Great job Lee. Keep up the good work We love you.

  42. 9:07, just stating the facts, ask any WC deputy Sheriff.

  43. I am going to run for Sheriff. First few things I'm going to do is turn over that black tahoe to the regular patrol vehicle for deputy. WCSO has an aging fleet and is going to need that vehicle to serve the citizens. Ill use my truck and pay all expenses to operate it from my salary. Secondly Ill reduce my salary so the deputies can have better equipment for the job since not much is going to be needed for me to live on and operate. I am going to fight for the best of the best of anything for our deputies and. Am going to be patrolling Sheriff as well. I will come forward on here later on who I am and I would like to spealk with the citizens of Wicomico County.

  44. Hey candidate 105, are you going to secure disability benefits for the Deputy's?

  45. Candidate 105 here. Those deputies need secure disability benefits and if elected I will look into what can be done about securing benefits for our deputies.

  46. I'm sick of these greedy people who get a full retirement plus a full salary from their current job all on the tax payer dime. You should only be eligible for one paycheck at the expense of the public.

  47. Candidate 105, it's a good thing you don't need the money because you or anyone else don't have a prayer in beating Mike Lewis!!

  48. Anonymous said...
    He doesn't need a raise... He is never at the office!!

    January 7, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    How do you know?

  49. Comparing a salary of a Wicomico County Sheriff to one in Arizona is Asinine. Sheriff Joe is not a celebrity commanding big bucks for every photo op he attends.

  50. Anonymous said...
    If he's receiving a pension paid for by tax payers he shouldn't receiving another paycheck funded by tax payers ! That's double dipping greed and should be illegal, If you are going to get a retirement pension then be retired.

    January 7, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    If it's happening it is legal. Who cares and if you are jealous then you should run for Sheriff. Quit being a whiny puss.

  51. Anonymous said...
    We need a full time Sheriff, not a man that jumps at every chance to get his mug on camera. he is degusting how he uses every tragedy to hog the spotlight, he even calls the Media to show up at places where he is going to be. He is using this office to further his political ambitions, (He wants to be Governor).
    Joe, is a hero in Wicomico county, he is the only person that is willing to take on the corrupt career politicians in local government, and also go after the truth in other matters that the network, and print news won't touch! Your bitching about Joe is because he probley found out something about you!

    January 7, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    Mike Lewis is a full time Sheriff and if you don't like him don't vote for him. Ironically your anonymous comment is like your vote. It doesn't matter because more people support him than don't. Happy Whining.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Before he gets a raise he should get some of those lazy deputies that are useless doing their jobs.....and that I might add would be even the management deputies. Don't solve anything, can't get a return call from anyone. It is disgusting! But Mike probably would say he isn't aware of this and he may not be if he isn't in his office taking care of Wicomico County issues.

    January 7, 2014 at 9:05 PM

    How do you know they are lazy and not doing their jobs? Are you stalking them or just running your mouth because you got a ticket? Or did you get arrested by one of those lazy deputies?

  53. Anonymous said...
    I am going to run for Sheriff. First few things I'm going to do is turn over that black tahoe to the regular patrol vehicle for deputy. WCSO has an aging fleet and is going to need that vehicle to serve the citizens. Ill use my truck and pay all expenses to operate it from my salary. Secondly Ill reduce my salary so the deputies can have better equipment for the job since not much is going to be needed for me to live on and operate. I am going to fight for the best of the best of anything for our deputies and. Am going to be patrolling Sheriff as well. I will come forward on here later on who I am and I would like to spealk with the citizens of Wicomico County.

    January 10, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    OH BOY THIS REALLY EXCITES ME AS A TAX PAYING CITIZEN AND VOTER!!!!! LMFAO Many have said the same thing before you and lost the election and time and money spent. By the way your grammar is horrible. Were you educated in the Wicomico County Public School system?

  54. Anonymous said...
    I'm sick of these greedy people who get a full retirement plus a full salary from their current job all on the tax payer dime. You should only be eligible for one paycheck at the expense of the public.

    January 12, 2014 at 8:06 AM

    Are you jealous? There is nothing you can do about it and it is perfectly legal. To bad your little pea brain can't comprehend that.

  55. This is a message to the Wicomico County council members.
    If you vote to approve Mike Lewis a pay increase you are setting it up so the FOP will push for a huge pay increase.


  56. Think the sheriff is paid fairly. He knew the pay when he ran. If he wasn't drawing another public pension already there might be more sympathy for a reasonable increase.

    Regular citizens and other public employees have been adjusting to living with less, and most don't have a fully paid, fancy company car!

    If/when he's out scarfing up additional cash at seminars, etc and it causes him to not put in a full week at work he should be turning back those days' pay.

    Appearances count, and while overall the department appears to be functioning better than under his predecessor, the impression that it's being used as a personal piggy bank is displeasing.

    Re: Sheriff Joe. Apples v Oranges. He has been in office much longer and has a different set of responsibilities. Not a valid comparison.

  57. Anonymous said...
    We need a full time Sheriff, not a man that jumps at every chance to get his mug on camera. he is degusting how he uses every tragedy to hog the spotlight, he even calls the Media to show up at places where he is going to be. He is using this office to further his political ambitions, (He wants to be Governor).
    Joe, is a hero in Wicomico county, he is the only person that is willing to take on the corrupt career politicians in local government, and also go after the truth in other matters that the network, and print news won't touch! Your bitching about Joe is because he probley found out something about you!

    January 7, 2014 at 2:03 PM

    Then why don't you go to the next County Council meeting and go to the podium to tell them what we need? Don't you think that is a better idea?

  58. Anonymous said...
    This is a message to the Wicomico County council members.
    If you vote to approve Mike Lewis a pay increase you are setting it up so the FOP will push for a huge pay increase.

    January 12, 2014 at 12:23 PM

    Oh Boy!! I bet they are going to be scared now.

  59. I have a tip for Candidate 1:05.

    Save your money.

  60. Anonymous said...
    He doesn't need a raise... He is never at the office!!

    January 7, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    Go to the next County Council meeting and tell them. I bet you don't have the nads.

  61. It seems like many of the people posting comments on here are resentful of a person that has devoted his time/life/career to law enforcement. How many of you have put the time in at any one employer that in the public sector would provide a pension? Even better, how many have done it twice? For the record, I'm not a fan of LEO in this day and and age, but I respect his dedication to the job. As for the topic of this post, yes the proper procedures should be followed.

  62. Having been associated with Mr. Lewis , I know his work ethics and his beliefs.
    He is one of the few who earns his wages.
    Does he need a raise , maybe not , does he deserve a raise , I think so.
    Has he stepped up to my expectations , yes.
    What gets measured , gets done , think about it people.

  63. Sheriff Lewis does an awesome job for this County and deserves a pay raise! You say he isn't in the office much, well he is out on the road where he should be. Look at how many traffic stops and arrests he has made by patrolling the County Roads. No other Sheriff took charge and made traffic stops or arrests. You CAN NOT blame Sheriff Lewis for the crime in Salisbury. The City of Salisbury and the Police Department have never wanted help from the Sheriff's Department, they want to handle everything themselves. All the City Police are worried about are the college students! Let the Campus PD handle the college students and they would have time to fight the real crimes. If the City PD would work with Sheriff Lewis and his Deputies maybe the city crime rate would drop drastically!!!

  64. Stop the double dipping of tax payer dollars so a few can get rich while our taxes are being raised to pay for their extravagant lifestyles.

  65. Double dippers cost tax payers more than welfare recipients.


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