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Sunday, January 19, 2014


WASHINGTON – Maryland is a state with a serious marijuana arrest problem, according to the FBI’s 2011 annual Uniform Crime Report.

With 22,043 arrests for marijuana possession producing an arrest rate of 378 people per 100,000, Maryland ranked among the top five in marijuana possession arrests according to the most recent data available. This is not new for the Free State.

Since 2007, Maryland has been in the top five states in marijuana possession arrest rate.

“I have no idea why these numbers are so high,” said state Sen. Bobby Zirkin, D-Baltimore County, who is an advocate for marijuana decriminalization in Maryland. “The numbers are shocking and staggering.”


  1. We know that most of the dope is in Annapolis. Just look at the laws they pass. And it's dopes that voted for them.

  2. Actually, most of the arrests are in Worcester County.

  3. Pot busts keep the lawyers paid, and keeps those work release customers paying their room and board at the jail. Follow the money!

  4. not just the lawyers but the cops, the probation officers the jailers the wardens the correction officers the judges the clerks there's a whole industry built up making money off people for nothing more then lighting up a weed.

  5. Pot busts keep the police and prisons paid. Lawyers can always find other work.

  6. That's why if they legalize Marijuana here that would make it so the town's full of marijuana smokers and you'll have to deal with it every day.

  7. 728-Hmm..legalizing pot in an area that's dependent on the service sector. Could be a winning combination.

  8. Police make nothing off weed arrests. Prosecuting MJ only costs money.

  9. Gerald, retired Detroit copJanuary 13, 2014 at 11:10 PM

    8:56 you are a little right, but federal monies come into departments for the so called , "War on Drugs", and with arrest numbers you get more money!

  10. 856 Police have jobs because of the "need" created to arrest the scourge of weed smokers. Court appointed lawyers are employed at tax payer expense from the created "need" defend these public enemies. Jailers have jobs created from the "need" to house these hardened criminals. Probation officers have jobs created from the "need" of the huge numbers of criminals in need of extended surveilence. Drug addiction specialist have jobs created from the "need" of court ordered rehabilitation. So to say that police make nothing off weed arrest is although literally true; there is a good chance their job wouldn't exist if the "need" created didn't exist either.

  11. In 1980, someone I knew got caught with 30 lbs of weed at the Houston airport. In Houston 30 lbs isn't much weed but he was convicted and received 4 years probation. When his probation was transferred to Maryland his probation officer told him that he didn't understand why he got 4 years probation for possession and released him from probation early. Here in Maryland that is all they knew about was a possession charge. He did learn his lesson and gave up. He was lucky I guess or that $5000 lawyer did a great job!

  12. The marijuana plant thrives in this Maryland soil and disguises itself surprisingly well.

  13. Pot funded 401K. Bet no one has ever heard of that.Very similar to gold fortified retirement accounts.It works the same way except it is moved to where it can be legally sold.A very well kept secret that packs one heck of a return.We around here think only about the police equipment and vehicles it purchases.Pot turns a dollar when all else fails.


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