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Sunday, January 19, 2014


John T. Cannon announces his candidacy for Wicomico County Council At-Large. An Eastern Shore native, he is a graduate of Salisbury University and owner of Cannon Management & Rentals, LLC, a residential and commercial property management company.

He has always taken a very active role in his community while working with civic, business and governmental leaders - locally and throughout the State. Cannon’s history includes the following:

Nutter’s Crossing Homeowners Association - President
Salisbury Jaycees - President
Salvation Army and Optimist Little League - Coach & Manager
Epilepsy Association of the Eastern Shore - Executive Board Member
Wicomico County Recreation & Parks Commission - Board Member
Governors Executive Advisory Committee - Chair
Wicomico County Charter Review Committee - Vice Chair
Wicomico County Republican Club - Past Board Member
Wicomico County Republican Central Committee - Representative
Wicomico County Council (at Large Representative) – President
PAC 14 - Board Member (Current)
Chamber of Commerce - Vice-President (Current)

A key campaign message is to ensure that Wicomico County continues to promote a pro-business environment. Cannon states, “Our focus and attention needs to be centered on promoting commerce and job growth. We need a multifaceted approach such as enhancement of educational opportunities, public safety and business incentives; while limiting regulations and taxation.”

Cannon is a strong advocate of fiscal responsibility. “Wicomico County has demonstrated a strong resolve in maintaining a conservative fiscal policy in the face of pressures from the recent recession. Likewise, financial pressures have been exacerbated by the State’s attempt to balance its budget on the backs of local governments, counties and municipalities. Wicomico County needs to continue to work with the State of Maryland, our local legislators and other counties in Maryland to preserve the autonomy of local government. More specifically, Wicomico County needs to advocate for restoration our local highway user funds, limited oversight of our land use plans in the agricultural areas, and limited regulatory measures in our agricultural/poultry industry. We need to develop and promote a healthy, pro-business environment with a realistic solution in support of commerce, education and public safety.”

Cannon sums up his philosophy as such, “You have to approach every issue, with an even temperament, a willingness to listen and the integrity to follow through with conviction. I will offer open and honest leadership to build consensus when possible and stand our ground when necessary. I’m prepared to meet the challenges ahead and look forward to the opportunity to serve the citizens of Wicomico County.”

Contact: (C) 410 251-3282

Email: cannon4wicomico@gmail.com.

Friends of John Cannon - By Authority David Ennis, Treasurer


  1. OMG, is there NEVER any change in this town????????????????

  2. One more slumlord - h o o r a y!!!!

  3. same face different year

  4. I don't see any need tp put another RINO on the council with Matt Holloway and John Hall. I'm glad Stevie will be gone, why replace with like and kind?

  5. I'm with you John. Go get them.

  6. we already had a bite of that apple vote no

  7. Don't get fooled again!

  8. John Cannon NO NO NO

  9. Does he think everybody forgot? No way I'll vote for him!

  10. When he wins, you guys can always fall back on that stolen election mantra.

  11. I'll not vote for this "democrat"
    His voting record and and are high taxes and fees speak for themselves. He may call himself a Republican, but his voting record says liberal democrat! I fear if elected again, we will have more stagnation and higher taxes and fees.

  12. How does one have time to be on so many committees/boards?

  13. 7:12 it's called time management. Get off you parents couch in the basement and try it.

  14. He has a HOT looking sister who was a Ms. Maryland a few years ago! Gift to be a winner!!!

  15. Wasn't once enough??

  16. No vote here.

    I could respect honest disagreement.

    But don't smile in my face and say one thing, then do another.

  17. 606, this, again, will be an electronic election. Whoever controls the "switch" controls who wins. We go back to paper in 2016.

  18. Conflict of interest ...$$$

  19. Oh the life of Riley. I for one am exicited to have another rich, entitled, country-clubber to vote for this election day. I really feel he can identify with someone who works for a living. I'll sleep well knowing that I'm properly represented and that my interest will be protected.

  20. From what I know of John, I like. I don't think that he's a RINO per say- I think that as a legislator he is thoughtful and practical.

    I do think, however, that his vast holdings in local rentals presents a clear conflict of interest as the people's representative.

    I cannot support his election bid.

  21. 801-You're a funny guy. Most people don't waste their time on boards and committees who accomplish nothing but pad thin resumes(ahem, Jake Day). That's fluff, nothing more. What has he accomplished in the real world, not a boasting about a homeowners association or a public access station.

  22. I think I'm going to vote for Muir Bota this time.

  23. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    No vote here.

    I could respect honest disagreement.

    But don't smile in my face and say one thing, then do another.

    January 13, 2014 at 9:09 PM


    No to flip-flopper find-the-popular-position Muir Boda either.

    Hope decent people file!


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