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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Harvey Weinstein And Meryl Streep New Movie To Make NRA ‘Wish They Weren’t Alive’

Movie producer Harvey Weinstein announced for the first time on Howard Stern’s radio show that he is making a full feature drama to try to destroy the National Rifle Association.

Mr. Stern asked Mr. Weinstein on Wednesday whether he owned a gun. The Hollywood heavyweight replied that he did not and never would. “I don’t think we need guns in this country. And I hate it,” the producer said. “I think the NRA is a disaster area.”

Mr. Weinstein then revealed his secret project about the gun rights group. “I shouldn’t say this, but I’ll tell it to you, Howard,” he said. “I’m going to make a movie with Meryl Streep, and we’re going to take this head-on. And they’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them.”


  1. lmao what total fools and people keep paying for the garbage they put out!

  2. Meryl Streep? Guess he just wants to put people to sleep. Crap context, crap actress. Good luck on your money wasting goals, Sir Jew Winestein.

  3. I sure hope nobody breaks into his unarmed home.

  4. 1:58 - that's too funny!

  5. 1:58 - And I hope he doesn't bother calling the armed policemen when someone does breakin his home.

  6. 1:58 He'll just call the police, throw in a Digiorno for the home invaders, and discuss politics until the police arrive to sort the misunderstanding out. Isn't that how it works in the gun grabbers utopia?

  7. When the nazi's rounded his kind there was gun control also ,what a fool.

  8. Hollywood is overflowing with fools

  9. What an idiot. People like him need some lead therapy before they ruin the rest of the country.

  10. I'm sure the NRA are shaking in their boots!

  11. Two liberal a holes that think they know what is good for everybody. Streep said years ago she was bigger than the Beatles. To me she is below Carrot Top.

  12. 4:38-Or their cold dead fingers.

  13. the problem are the lemmings who follow these idiots and believe everything they say; no questions.

  14. This is funny, I should be laughing.

    Go ahead, make my day!

  15. Globalist scum taking orders from the illuminati controlled entertainment industry

  16. Good luck with that theme in the USA!


  17. Harvey produced Django Unchained

    He is a well documented bigot who knows how to patronize the patronizers who grab public funds then turn around and finance divide and conquer arrogance.

  18. OMG !! MARYL STREEP ?!?!? IN A MOVIE?!?!? I'm already starting to question my existence on this planet. That's it, the last straw! I give up here's all my guns and ammo please just DON'T make another movie with Meryl Streep.
    Oh the humanity....

  19. LOL!, Thanks, 1101, I agree!


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