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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Zero Herd Policy: Obama’s War On Wild Horses–Gone In 20 Years

This story seems like something from the 1800s. Since the 1970s, the federal government has balanced the rights of ranchers and railroads with those who enjoy the wild horse herds in the West. While there have been disputes on herd size and management, this story isn’t about that. The Obama Administration’s policy is one that find incredulous: U.S. policy is now aimed at zeroing out wild horse herd. It is one thing to manage them, but quite another to zero them out. While the focus of this article is on the Salt Wells group and the mistreatment that is currently underway, the White Mountain herd and the Great Divide Basin herd are also scheduled to be eliminated.

This is a planned extinction event.This is something your grandchildren will not see.

The wild herds will be no more. Your grandchildren will never see them, only read about them. The man who claimed to heal the oceans has waged war on wild horses in America’s West.

It is bad enough that the herds are being zeroed out. The treatment of the animals in the Spring Hills facility is just another sad chapter to this ongoing tale of how these iconic animals of the west were lost.



  1. There are still a few wild horses left on Assateague ...

  2. It seems to me that gov't has intruded far, far beyond it's intended existence when it begins planning the extinction of an animal. I marvel in dismay at the idiocy I see permeating leadership today. Armed militia is going to be the only answer.

  3. This is a crime against the American citizenry. It can still be stopped by those with the resources. Look inside yourself and ask if you are one, then act.

  4. I wonder how the liberal animal lovers feel about this.

  5. do you clowns even know anything about this issue beyond this opinion piece?

  6. "Planned extinction" is a bit over-dramatic considering that Horses aren't native and only the wild ones will be moved (presumably).

    We could get rid of ALL the horses (Wild and Tamed) and it still wouldn't be extinction since there are plenty of horses alive elsewhere.

    Unless you truly DO believe that Obama is the Messiah and that he can produce miracles and make the impossible happen?

    1. You should study up on the American wild horse a bit.

  7. If Jefferson were alive today, we would already hip deep in the Second American Revolution. This is no longer a representative government. It is a collection of the wealthy elite and corporate barons, exercising their will and dominating our politics. All to the great detriment of "we, the people". And , no, "your guy" is NOT going to change things, no matter how much you think so....

  8. It's all because someone is passing money under the table to get his hands on the property, probably to build a mosque or a Chinese city. Money is what it is all about.

  9. I agree with you ginn but when you have halff the country praising our Muslim president and getting everything for free it will be hard to get a militia together ...

  10. 8:37
    I didn't know it was a requirement to be a liberal, simply to love animals.

  11. 9:33, If horses are not native to North America, where did the Indians get them? They certainly all had one when we got here. Did they have them imported from China or something?

    I think you need to go back and read up on this...

  12. Hello??? The Spanish brought them from Mexico and we brought them from Europe...They are NOT indigenous. The indians used dogs as pack animals!

  13. Hmmmmm.... Isn't Mexico in North America? I'm pretty sure Mexico was also in what is now about 4 of our states? Did the horses move south when the border was changed to honor their "Country of Origin"?

    Please, expound!


  14. I hate this. Ever since he and his little "administration" came into the picture they've done nothing but ruin. And just f.y.i. the horses the Natives rode were ones that escaped the Spanish. BUT there WERE horses in America before hand.


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