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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Citing ‘Unfair System,’ Obama Commutes Sentences For 8 Crack Offenders

President Obama on Thursday commuted prison sentences for eight people convicted of crack cocaine offenses, including a cousin of Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, one of the president’s staunchest supporters.

The president pardoned 13 others, surpassing in the fifth year of his presidency all the acts of clemency from his entire first term.

“I am commuting the prison terms of eight men and women who were sentenced under an unfair system,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “Commuting the sentences of these eight Americans is an important step toward restoring fundamental ideals of justice and fairness.”


  1. How many are related to him?

  2. Yes, it's an unfair system alright... starting at the top!

    In my world, when you break the law, you do your time... In his world, the same is true, except if you were a lucky sperm, you get off!


  3. the question is how much of this is political payback and oh yeah they are all black

  4. Par for course for this 2 bit ghetto hustler. Totally clueless when it comes to what is going on in the departments and agencies he is tasked with overseeing, but when it comes to things like this he's right on it. These dealers will be right back out in their black communities selling black kids crack. Obama is all that is wrong within the black communities and those residents are blind to it for whatever reason. Their worship of Obama boggles those of a sane mind because it's so clear the black community is nothing more than his slaves and a vote for him.

  5. From one drug addfict to another.

  6. 816 i doubt many would consider 15 yrs 'getting off"

    820 were they big time obama donors before or after they were locked up?

  7. Was one Mayor Barion from DC again

  8. Connections make the world go 'round. And connections have no concern for right or wrong.

  9. And a question to Obama - why didn't any white crack cocaine dealers/users get commuted? Just wondering. I mean if you're gonna be fair, then be fair.

  10. Ob' now has 8 more "activist" soldiers devoted to him. Watch the people who do not agree with him.

  11. Ohhh rev al are u happy now you're boy let some of you're peeps free.

  12. No one mentions the additional manpower needed to monitor this bunch.Obama has never acknowledged the consequences of his actions.He just does these things and lets the chips fall where they may.

  13. Cronies. 'nuff said?

  14. "Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend".Looking at his picture I recalled that song from the 70's.My god I'm old.


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