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Sunday, December 08, 2013

WBOC & Steve Hammond Defend PRMC Layoffs

I'm not sure if you watched WBOC last night but I seriously couldn't believe what I was seeing. Steve Hammond was defending PRMC with the layoff of some 25 Security Officers absolutely defending PRMC by stating each Officer would have the opportunity to regain employment IF they lived up to the standards and qualifications of the new company PRMC hired. 

This is absolutely why I created Salisbury News some 9 years ago. It was not so I could walk around like a celebrity forgetting where I came from. I started Salisbury News because I wanted the TRUTH out there. Clearly by my doing so I have ruffled a lot of feathers along the way and quite frankly I'm quite proud of what we've delivered.

If Salisbury and the Eastern Shore want a gay Mayor with absolutely no business experience, who is openly intoxicated publicly on a regular basis, allegedly exposes himself in the Ladies Room and throws hissy fits directed at helpless women, so be it. If you want a Council President who completely disregards the law as Jacob Day did just for the second time recently, so be it. Did anyone see any of this on WBOC? Do you feel you should be INFORMED with FACTS, OR, would you rather see news from other states, celebrities in the news and so forth.

The PRMC layoffs is a very serious matter. PRMC is a major employer who claims to be a non profit organization who is supposed to allegedly donate 1/2 of their profits back into the community. This is why they pay NO TAXES. 

What we as a community get from the local media is hype. The all mighty advertising dollar and influence seems to go a long way. 

My guess, I'd bet a lot of money YOU wouldn't feel the same way if Draper chose to hire a professional group of anchors to replace YOU. Salisbury News will be glad, (at that time) to announce Steve Hammond has the opportunity to put in his resume but the odds of his regaining employment simply on the professional level meeting their new standards wouldn't be very promising. Steve should also recognize that ALL of the years he had put in towards retirement would start all over again with his new employer. 

But the PRMC Security Guards will be just fine, right Steve???


  1. Along with the layoffs PRMC will no longer contribute to employee's retirement.

  2. Steve is a total suck up and we all know it. If he does an ounce of work a day, it would surprise me. Anyone can sit back and wait to see what comes across national news, the blogs and Delaware news then sit there and report it like you went out and got the story. He actually needs to go home and stay there.

  3. Hey boys and girls, listen up. Steve Hanmmond is nothing but a talking head, reading what the prompter tells him to say. He isn't a very good talking head mind you, but a talking head regardless.

  4. The WBOC TV news and some of the professional reporters leave a lot to be desired. Yesterday one of their lead stories was about the high speed chase in Delaware, although there was also a high speed chase that started in Dorchester County and ended with a personal injury accident on the bypass near the Northwood Drive exit. It did not happen in Delaware so it did not get covered. Yes, the owner of WBOC is from Delaware thus only Delaware news is completely covered. Some of their reporters are NOT from the eastern shore especially evident when they cannot even begin to pronounce some of the local names. Some recent winners have been Sinepuxent, Machipongo and yes even Worcester.

  5. I absolutely agree with 10:41am. It is so obvious that Hammond does not care about the area in which he grew up in. I'm so glad I've left this area. Folks like him gets paid to love the dollar bill. And, it shows on him. Look how fact he is. There are older folks that are more attractive. Hammond is old news. Time for new blood on wboc.

  6. I as one of the hard working Security Officers that truly care about the hospital and its employees am surprised this made the news also. But I forgot it is bad news and what else do they focus on . If they can't report gloom and doom they try and report World news. Such a joke.

  7. He is another down home boy who couldn't make it with the real braodcast news agencies and had to kiss butt to hold on to his job at this station.

    All he does is read, nothing special while others do the leg-work involved in getting the news stories.

    Butler is just as bad. He left once but couldn't hack it so they took him back and he still can't even read correctly from the prompter.

    Notice all the good reporters soon leave and move up, while the best of the worse are left behind.


  8. No clue as to how much the current guards are paid but they'd need to be getting almost 40K each to total to the biggest big-wig's pay.

    Why not out-source that one job instead?

  9. Companies can choose to hire and eliminate anyone they want! Security Guards are the thing of the past as far as business goes. Perdue contracted them out years ago and I did not hear any of you crying then! All companies contract out as much work as they can because lets face it the work force in Salisbury like other places is WEAK!! All Hospitals suck as employers as they have to deal with slime bag insurance companies and the people on the so called boards are all RICH SMUCKS trying to gain something for their name and family!!!!

  10. anonymous 11:36, Perdue is NOT a non profit who OWES the community for their investment and participation by allowing PRMC to be tax free.

    A big part of what EVERY ONE seems to miss is the fact that PRMC is in desperate demand for better qualified security because SALISBURY has become so dangerous. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  11. Yeah I heard about the dangers working in the emergency Room!

  12. hey WBOC, please replace steve hammond with Aisha Khan and/or Leanne Matlach, i find them both to be VERY easy on the eye and i don't think they get nearly enough time in front of the camera. somehow the news always seems much more interesting when a pretty girl is reporting it!

  13. Hey they are trained and armed. The hospital took away their pepper spray handcuffs and ability to do anything to disruptive people. They would rather bury their head in the sand and hand out smiley face stickers. When the incident happen with the inmate the VP yelled at the correctional officer how he talked to an inmate....hello he was trying to escape. They are blind to the city and the potential for violence in the hospital.

  14. If the people who patrol the parking lot of the Cancer Center lose their jobs, I will picket the PRMC. They're some of the kindest, most diligent people I've ever met.

  15. wmdt doesn't have the spectacular set, with fancy ipads. but, it does just tell one the news. no opinions that i see. and lots of weather! boc thinks it's nbc. they are a joke.

    plus, wmdt gives away $100.00 gas cards and friday freebies, plus, just the news.. and lottery tickets once a month!

    wboc just gives out trash on the air.

  16. Good lord people! Calm the hell down. Steve is doing his JOB. Do you really think he has a choice what gets aired. It's his job. HELLO. His boss tells him what to do and he does it.

  17. hammond comments are suppose to mean anything? wboc is state run and the state dictates what stories run. if you watch any of this boc hammond garbage you are just part of the indoctrination of our country. PRMC is nothing more than a piggy bank for the ireton, conaway, pollict, votes.

  18. Real journalism is dead at the DT and local tv news stations prove it.. they don't do any investigations they just don't care ....take heed you advertisers!!! my dollars will not support such shady reporting..sbynews advertisers i'll support you....the local msm is no longer the watchdog for the underdogs they are just corporate water carriers ...all total useless jokes...sby news kicks your asses for info and real news..guess it hard to see that since your heads are were the sun dont shine..hows it working for ya..i already cancelled my DT and wboc i turn the channel...

  19. They must be comping meals for the anchors. I know they say cameras add ten pounds but have you seen them lately. Hammond should stop trying to button his coat because he's gonna hurt someone when that button comes flying off and pegs someone in the eye.


  21. Tom Anderson told a bold face lie on WBOC last night. Yes the security guards are losing their jobs if they have to re-apply. As long as you have kiss butt supervisors and department heads working for the matriark nothing will change. The board of directors that hide behind their suits and fancy dinners are allowing this all to happen. Now we found out yesterday that as of January 1st PRMC will no longer contribute to our retirement package. We are steady building a "new" trash complex on hospital grounds though !!!! They even took away our $20.00 gift card for Christmas. Like that went far but it was still the thought. Start at the top and MOVE some dead weight out before we are so far under we won't be able to get out.

  22. No, I did not watch WBOC last night, or any other night. In fact, I hardly ever watch them or ANY t.v. There are much better ways to get news and information than watching a television set.

    I have news feeds on FB, this blog, and other means to be informed than watching a small town/time personal propaganda machine.

    Why would a newscaster defend any business' decisions or actions, especially when those decisions or actions do not adversely affect it's audience?

    To each their own but no skin off my nose.

    1. Perhaps Draper or one of his cronies have an interest in security contracting

  23. Anyone can sit back and wait to see what comes across national news, the blogs and Delaware news then sit there and report it like you went out and got the story. He actually needs to go home and stay there.

    December 5, 2013 at 10:41 AM

    So I would guess you have no reason to watch WBOC, is that correct?

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yeah I heard about the dangers working in the emergency Room!

    December 5, 2013 at 11:55 AM

    It may be more dangerous being TREATED in the emergency room than working it.

  25. Hammond looks like he spends to much time at the feed bag -- a bloviated bloviator.

  26. hey leave stevie alone, he's just waiting to be called up to the majors! We are so fortunate to have such a celebrity like him here on the shore to report on all the things no one else wants to report on!

  27. CEOs MAKING MORE€$$€$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  28. Folks...let me break it down for you. The board is disengaged, the execs are milking the place dry for their personal benefit and the hell with the patients, the rest of the employees, and the community. This place is so screwed up. You would be amazed at the amount of corruption,incompetence, and nepetism in this place. It's absolutely disgusting.

  29. Folks..take it from an insider. There are a majority (yes, more than 50%) of the employees that would leave tomorrow if they could find a another job. The environment is NOT pleasant. The level of internal pressure is very high. Meanwhile we keep hearing rumors about the execs and their private retirement accounts, memberships to country clubs, big annual bonuses, hospital paid cars.....meanwhile, they take away our 403b match, they outsource security...do you really believe the execs and board care about the community? No way!!

  30. Peggy, Cindy, and Bruce have NO problem taking everything away from employees while they feather their own nests. Monty Sayler, Marty Neat, Bill McCain, and Herb Geary are complicit in allowing this travesty to occur. It is disgusting.

  31. Tom Anderson is nothing more than a has been politician marking time until he retires...that can't happen soon enough. He is a shadown of Bruce Patterson.

  32. really people... criticizing the anchor on WBOC vs WMDT? Ha WMDT people dont even know how to read!! Hammond is much better than anyone on WMDT. The only people here touting WMDT must be loser men because they ancors are better looking... but much more stupid!
    And really, getting back to the point... The security people getting fired sucks. But it is the way all business is going. Out source if you can so you dont have to pay benifits or retirement. Dont blame the anchor who brought you the news... just because you dont agree with it. I bet many of you if you owned your own business would do the same thing. You would also Joe... it just makes sense. Let the new security company hire them... I worked for a company for 17 years and made good money and had great benefits... 5 years ago bad times they fired me for BS reasons... yes I was bitter still am but understand why they did it. Since then the stock I had in that company has tripled, so not as pissed/? Still am but crap happens. Deal with it and move on.

  33. The PRMC executive staff certainly knows how to take care of themselves but it doesn’t appear that they care much about their employees. A $20 Holiday gift card for every PRMC employee would cost the hospital less than $60,000. Not a big investment to show some appreciation for the hard work of the staff. This is a mere pittance in comparison to the almost $3 MILLION paid to ex-CEO Alan Newberry in the less than three years AFTER he retired! It is disgusting that the board tries to defend this! It is an insult and does not appear to be consistent in any way with the mission of a non-profit.Someone needs to be accountable for this travesty.

  34. whats going to happen with Alonzo Tull (head of security) get rid of him since he does nothing anyway. That could be the beginning of trimming the fat - no pun intended....

  35. Gee..looks.like Roger and his cronnies are now trying to.spin the narrative. Hang on folks...more bs to follow

  36. 9:15pm...you're an idiot. You have no clue.what that man has given to PRMC.

  37. They've done the same thing with specialty nurses, anesthetists. hired out of towners, MD's too.
    Always have told workers who wanted a little more from them as an employer, "if you don't like it, go somewhere else.".They'd rather pay the locum tenens than the locals. Always have!

  38. @11:49, yeah & when I was there there were no "Bennys". a % of your BCBS was it, (group rate)

  39. That is a mighty fine hair piece!

  40. tired of hearing all the complainers on here. if things are so bad then either unionize or leave. no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to work under those conditions. so stfu already!

  41. wonder how much money the hospital Exec. Christmas party cost.... not to mention it was out of the hospital but catered by the hospital cafeteria.... but they cut our measly $20 food ticket

  42. Very important to have blogs as long as personal attacks of individual aren't a personal agenda and done without evidence.

  43. I've always like Steve Hammond presents the news.

  44. Very disappointing. The security guys & gals do a great job at PRMC and Alonzo Tull is perhaps one of the finest and most honest in his field. Rent-A-Cops are just that. You get what you pay for and since they will not be PRMC employees the one priceless commodity that cannot be bought is loyalty. The administration of PRMC, inclusive of the board, must have had ancestors on the bridge of the Titanic because they are very clearly sinking in the eyes of the community even though they may think themselves unsinkable. What a shame to watch a beautiful once useful part of our community become so corrupt with power and greed.

  45. Why does a nonprofit have to run it's business any different from a for-profit business? Outsourcing is a growing reality today, and any responsible business should be allowed to consider it if it means keeping the doors open...while still providing an opportunity for people to have jobs.

  46. I have lost a lot of respect for the mgmt of prmc. They need to GIVE their nurses respect, show how much their respected!!!! Give them extra help . If the patients don't get complete care due to the fact your putting so many patients to one nurse. You will be sued over and over if something happens to them.!!!!!! Its not right... realize this your nurses ARE IMPORTANT!!!!!!!


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