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Sunday, December 08, 2013

Tonight's WBOC Broadcast About Council President Jacob Day's Run In With The Law

 Laura Mitchell stated it was on his personal time so it should be left alone.
 Shanie agreed.
 Tim Spies, well, WBOC didn't interview Tim, go figure.
Terry Cohen, well, they didn't interview her either.
Our very own George Chevallier said,
"If they're going to make the laws they should follow them.

How did I know well before tonight's broadcast that they weren't going to interview Tim Spies and Terry Cohen. Yet they want to be recognized as Delmarva's News Leader???

Perhaps WBOC truly underestimates the incredible following right here on Salisbury News. With traffic in the MILLIONS, that's a huge mistake. 

Mayor Jim Ireton wanted to make it clear that Jake Day does not drive City owned vehicles. I guess between what Laura, Shanie and Jim stated, what Jake Day did by breaking the law was just fine. Did WBOC mention the kind of bad influence this places on younger people, no. However, I will give them credit when Paul Butler mentioned other traffic violations, (aside from this one) in which Day was found guilty driving 72 in a 55 and 78 in a 55. I don't recall what the third one in a 25 mph zone was but I do believe it was way over, something like 44 mph. 

I think what's also important is the fact that WBOC attempted to skirt the subject all together but was placed under far too much pressure by comments and our original article days ago. You can't claim to be Delmarva's News Leader when your some 48 hours behind in big news.

All I can say is, it must have hurt really bad for them to be forced to cover something they really didn't want to. 


  1. I am glad George spoke out about Fake Day he was right on point. Of course you could not get Sheilds or Homosexual Pansy Ireton to speak out against Day. Liberals and liberal media will do anything at all cost to defend what is evil. That is the problem with America now corrupt politicians.

  2. News leader my butt. Wboc copies everything you do here. Say a lie enough times and people will eventually believe it.

  3. Yes I watched this piece of crap news tonight, and Mitchell and Shields should also be recalled. Recall is in order for all of them.

  4. Ireton and Day wouldn't be where they are now if there was paper ballots.

  5. It doesn't matter whether it was on personal or business time. The point was he broke the law by driving on a suspended license and excessive speeding (multiple times) which makes him a liability and a danger to public safety. Period.

  6. We quit watching wboc 2 years ago because of their slanted and misleading newscast. Hula Plus works great! for watching your fav.TV shows.

  7. Why should I be held to the law when this POS isn't? Why should I even concern myself with the law at all? Why should you?


  9. He is a lawbreaker period. Is it ok to rob a bank as long as it's on your own time? Citizens lets ban together and recall Day!!!

  10. They don't care about it because they are democrats. Day could smash into another vehicle killing a whole family, children included and they wouldn't care unless there was some agenda they could attach to it. It's one of the many character flaws democrats possess. They are nauseating to put it mildly and who really cares what they think anyway. It's not like they are successful or anything. All 3 put together don't have a pot to take a leak in or any successes to call, so their opinions have absolutely no value.

  11. Driving while suspended is a form of dishonesty which should never be excused by a civil society. He's being deceptive. I don't know him, but I would guess that those that do, would say he has a problem with lying also. It's all intertwined. I have a feeling drinking excessively is also mixed in.

    1. It comes down to one word 9:48, "CREDIBILITY".

  12. I do not watch either local channel of tv news. They are and have been managed by Democrats. The real news is here on SBY news. Although I do not always agree with Albero, I feel he is trying to bring freedom back to the people and away from the MSM.

  13. Of COURSE they're "Delmarva's News Leader"! Who the hell is in 2nd place? WMDT?
    Agree or disagree with this Blog - or the administrator - you have to admit that you get the straight news here.

  14. Try not to watch WBOC all they cover is Dover, DE... I live in Salisbury and would like to know Salisbury news (as it happens not 48 hours later). That's why my wife and I frequent Sbynews!!!! Keep up the good reporting Joe! THANKS!!!!!

  15. ...and the mayor says he wasn't driving a city owned car. No, but he is a legislator, the president of the council. He makes decisions about our money (the budget, budget amendments) and our city owned assets like property and those valuable EDUs. I don't like having someone who behaves in a way that suggests that they think they are above the law in a decision making role for our city. Jake Day...I wish you would resign. Is this law breaking behavior something that the military approves of? I just don't get it. What's going on in Salisbury reminds me a little of Mayor Ford in Canada. No apologies, no connection to reality...just disregard for the laws that the rest of us obey.

  16. No respect for the law. He could become more disciplined & obey traffic laws. How many fines has he been forgiven? You might think he can't afford them. After all, what exactly what does he do? (for a paycheck, I mean)

  17. he isn't the only one being "forgiven" as far as fines are concerned.

  18. And I got a ticket for thirty4 in a 25.Ticketed by a camera.

  19. What is all this talk about Day being "above the law"? If he was above the law he would never have been charged. Also, does anyone have any actual evidence that he ever had a fine "forgiven"? He's broken the law, been charged and will have to account for it. Let's wait and see what punishment is meted out.

  20. I could be wrong , but it appears that this idiot has 11 traffic violations in the past . Speeding!!

  21. Millions? Albero you are so full of yourself it's a wonder you haven't exploded. Such a sad little man.

  22. anonymous 6:52, aka Jonathan Taylor, YES, MILLIONS. Would you like me to come to you personally and show you face to face. Be sure to bring toilet paper because you'r going to have an accident.

  23. "Homosexual Pansy Ireton to speak out against Day."

    Speaking of credibility, low brow bigoted insults like that take away any little credibility that your statement might have had.

  24. The mannish boy needs some growing up, time for him to pay his dues in the National Guard and get shipped to Afghanistan for a year or more for some grown up activities.

  25. 11:16PM - that's a very good comparison - Ford and Day, one in the same.

  26. WBOC-TV news runs several stories from distant places such as Minnesota or Utah. I want to hear local news not stories from other states and select local news that is usually days old. I come to Salisury News several times a day for real uncensored local news.

  27. 7:23 the liberal troll is out again.

  28. 11:16 said- "He makes decisions about our money (the budget, budget amendments) and our city owned assets like property and those valuable EDUs. I don't like having someone who behaves in a way that suggests that they think they are above the law in a decision making role for our city"

    Exactly. He exhibits reckless behavior over and over and behaves irresponsible when he continues to drive while suspended. Anyone who thinks this is a quality that should be ignored by elected officials has low standards. Elsewhere someone called Mitchell and Shields Welfare Queens. Both have publically excused Day. This is why they are both peons and at their ages not even a house to call their own nor 2 nickels to rub together. They have low standards and don't aspire to much.

  29. 7:23 No they don't especially since that’s how a majority of us feel. You liberals like to be thought police but most people have a problem with the homosexual lifestyle and their anti-family and anti-God views. Thank God for a forum where we can express our thoughts without retribution from the politically correct thought police. Please go back to WBOC and the MSM for your news then you will be so much happier and find O so much credibility there.

  30. geez give it a rest so the man drove on a suspended license and has a few speeding violations. I guess none of you have ever exceeded the speed limit or overlooked paying a ticket. must be nice to be so perfect! but then again listening to how most of you rant on here I would bet you are all just a total bunch of losers with nothing better to do. I think the word best describing you all would be TROLLS!

  31. Right on 7:23, they never pass up the opportunity to show their ignorance.

  32. 9:10 AM - We would never give this a rest - You don't drive on a SUSPENDED license - never. And....since he chose to get into politics and supposedly be a leader in the community, I certainly hope young people out here do not follow his lead. That is a very very poor example of a leader.

  33. Nope 9:10 I've not ever had my license suspended. Had one ticket back in 1981 for speeding and haven't sped since. Also in 33 years of driving has not even a drop of alcohol passed my lips and then I've driven.
    I'm really close to perfect if I must say so my myself-LOL!

  34. I'd bet a 30-year-old male driving 18 mph over the speed limit is a safer driver than all the blind old ladies I see all over the Eastern Shore going 5 under in the left lane on 13.

  35. Weather he works at the Daily Times or Wboc, it looks like Joe Carmean is still chasing the stories you've already reported!

  36. Jake Day needs to grow up and follow the laws of our society or pay the price. How does he have car insurance? You have to have a valid driver's license in order to have car insurance. If you lose your driver's license, you lose your car insurance. He is an unlicensed and uninsured driver.....right along with all of the illegal immigrants.

    I wonder how many speeding tickets he has gotten here in Salisbury with all of those speed cameras?

    He is always available for PR opportunities in the newspaper or tv....but is lucky to be on his "honeymoon" in Hawaii. His honeymoon in Salisbury is over and he can learn the stark reality of walking, riding a bike, or taking public transportation to work everyday.

    If he is now employed by Salisbury University (as the DT article said), and if he keeps SU in the negative spotlight, Janet Dubadubdub will have him fired.

  37. According to WBOC story, Day declined comment due to advice from attorney. A shrewd attorney would have him fall on his sword immediately and get it out of the way. A sharp attorney would have
    crafted up a statement and released it immediately that would have made even Day's harshest critics feel a tinge of sympathy toward him.
    Day's a public official if he wants to maintain an air of respect and be taken seriously that's what should have been done. If in fact, he is going by advice of an attorney his judgment in that choice is lacking. He needs one who is experienced in running interference for clients who are in the public eye.

  38. I grew up with George.He always told it like it was.No more,no less.

  39. Anonymous said...
    And I got a ticket for thirty4 in a 25.Ticketed by a camera.

    December 5, 2013 at 11:24 PM

    Your speedo must be off. They allow you 11 mph over. Or so they say anyway.

  40. A legislator albeit a local one, should have a code of conduct that they sign, pledge, and are sworn to uphold. Speeding, and driving on suspended license doesn't abode well for someone who flaunts his unwillingness to uphold the law. Obviously, he lied when taking the oath of office based on his reckless behavior.

    The honest, and most professional thing to do would be to resign his position at this point because he has lost all credibility with the citizens/taxayers.

    He has proven he is a public safety hazard to all innocent people on the roads.

    If he isn't mature and wise enough to set an alarm clock and be proactive and get up and on the road on time instead of always rushing and speeding how can we ever trust him with the work of the city? He has already demonstrated on way too many occasions he is a reckless wild card and poses an endangerment to others.

  41. OhBama Crooked BastardDecember 7, 2013 at 3:40 AM

    What MSM? A far as Im concerned they should be called LAME STREAM MEDIA - WBOC, WMDTV, ABC, NBC, CNN, WBAL all of them. If I wouldnt read SBYNEWS I would be lost. Thanks to Joe Albero for keeping us informed.

  42. I saw the so called news broadcast and wasn't suprised by so called edit job. The comment about what influence this will have on younger people reminds me of what I have said about the mayor. How can someone who teaches conduct themselves like a child in city government and have a council that is out right rude and disrepectful in their meetings?
    Alarmed, yes but surpised No.

  43. Anonymous said...
    "Homosexual Pansy Ireton to speak out against Day."

    Speaking of credibility, low brow bigoted insults like that take away any little credibility that your statement might have had.

    December 6, 2013 at 7:23 AM

    Does the truth hurt Mr. Homo. Forcing us to feel guilty isn't making something right. Being a Homosexual is a mental illness. Just because they took it out of the DSM doesn't mean it isn't. Calling someone homo doesn't mean bigotry.

  44. Anonymous said...
    The mannish boy needs some growing up, time for him to pay his dues in the National Guard and get shipped to Afghanistan for a year or more for some grown up activities.

    December 6, 2013 at 7:56 AM

    He already pretends he is a hero from Afghanistan. Look at his FB page he is always posting fake camo pics of himself. He even posts selfies with his camo's on.

  45. Anonymous said...
    geez give it a rest so the man drove on a suspended license and has a few speeding violations. I guess none of you have ever exceeded the speed limit or overlooked paying a ticket. must be nice to be so perfect! but then again listening to how most of you rant on here I would bet you are all just a total bunch of losers with nothing better to do. I think the word best describing you all would be TROLLS!

    December 6, 2013 at 9:10 AM

    I bet the real TROLLS like this one who support Fake Day also voted for Obama. These people allow the illegal alien from Kenya to trample all over our Constitution.

  46. Anonymous said...
    I'd bet a 30-year-old male driving 18 mph over the speed limit is a safer driver than all the blind old ladies I see all over the Eastern Shore going 5 under in the left lane on 13.

    December 6, 2013 at 10:27 AM

    What an ignorant deflection from this Dumbocrap Day supporter.

  47. What do you bet he drove a rental car when he was on vacation in Hawaii!

  48. How can the taxpayer's ever believe anything that comes out of Day's mouth? His word is meaningless. He has broken his oath, and flaunted his recklessness in all the taxpayer's faces.

    Saying I'm so sorry, I've learned my lesson...and then turning right around and doing it again, and again, and again.

    We are suppose to believe and trust him? Are we suppose to put our faith in him when he suggests any project or wants citizen support? The taxpayer's need to be reminded of the liability Day poses to all of us.

    Day destroyed whatever faith or trust when he broke the law. He did this not once, not twice, but multiple times. Are we to believe he is trustworthy, honest, and reliable? Is this the shining example you want our children to see and be glorified??
    He has some very serious issues that need to be addressed and treated before innocent people get hurt.

  49. Personal time or not. He is supposed to be a community leader and set a positive example for all. His military training should have taught him discipline and the meaning to "Lead by Deed". Apparently he thinks he may be above the law just like our current president believes. But I guess that's a trait reserved for just community organizers and not true patriots. Come on, Jake, you're better than this!!!


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