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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Bush Legacy: Protecting those behind 9/11

WASHINGTON. December 15, 2013 — The most crucial date of George W. Bush’s presidency was September 11, 2001.

George W. Bush’s legacy has been cast in the colors of the global war on terrorism. Those who support him cheer his “victories” in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Did George Bush know when he attacked Afghanistan in 2001 that there was a nation with more culpability for 9/11 than Afghanistan? Did he know Al-Qaeda did not act alone? By the time he geared up for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, did he know these things?

According to a report in the New York Post, the answer is yes.

According to this same report, based on the leak of classified documents, Al-Qaeda had help in the 9/11 attacks.

Where did this help come from?

Saudi Arabia.



  1. if, if, if, if, if oh please come up with something to blame bush

  2. We have a terrorist in the White House.

  3. By 2000 the presidency was completely out of the presidents control.If anyone hasn't noticed yet there is no practical purpose for weeding out a potential president and laboring over who to vote for.The person in that office no longer matters.It's way beyond his or her power to control this country.Therefore,how can anyone blame Bush or anyone else for what they were powerless to avoid?

  4. True 10:45 we all know Cheney was pulling the strings on the puppet.

  5. I agree 10:45. You delude yourself if you think your vote counts. We voted to get rid of Obama Care. In return the GOP gave us it's inventor Mitt Romney talk about screwing us into a room with no exit.

    Obama has gotten all the funding he wanted with large GOP votes.

    We have a Tyrant not a President and the Congress is just a fiction. They are a gravy train.

    Meanwhile median wage is now less than minimum wage after inflation of 45 years ago. Furthermore Obama Care now steals even more from the Middle Class (what little remains of it).


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