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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Letter To The Editor: Government Grinches

It has come to my attention that Wicomico county employees may not raise funds for any charitable organization (actively or a simple flyer) other than United Way, which is forced on employees to participate in, they don’t get to choose where the money goes, they get to choose a focus area, and it has one of the highest overheads on the books.

This dilemma came to my attention when a friend of mine that works at the county jail stopped by to chat and was telling me that for the last couple of years or so the jail has been collecting and giving to organizations like Hallo, and several other local groups including ringing bells for The Salvation Army. Someone came up with the idea to try and add Bless Our Children to the list, mostly because they are a local group and are way behind their goal. The employees have now been told basically that they are done, no more solicitation at all unless approved by the Administrative Director. I know the county has rules on this but I would say that someone may want to revisit these rules. As an ethics teacher I have real issues with this situation and I’m sure that the courts will too if so perused. Not only is there a conflict of interest but it almost sounds like there may be ,,,, I’ll leave that alone. It is my understanding that the officers and staff have been doing this for may years and now it's illegal to do without the red tape.

Yes I know that all they have to do is get the authorization from the Admin. Director but from what I understand a lot of what they do is on the fly as with local groups (like Bless Our Children) when help is needed their EIC committee discusses it and how it will be done. Not only does it appear that the “red tape” would hinder any effort, but this type political behavior is in my opinion morally and ethically devoid of humanity.

Glad I’m retired, Wicomico, you have issues
Sandra D.


  1. Oh, really. Now we have an Administrative Director acting like a control freak & telling employees where they can donate their money if they chose to. Bad, Wicomico County, just bad!

  2. As a long time volunteer with "Hallo" (H.A.L.O.,Hope and Life Outreach) it is so refreshing being able to say:
    "..we do it all (homeless Women's and Children Shelter, day facility for the homeless, cafe that feeds breakfast, lunch and dinner 7 days a week/365, Bargain Center) WITHOUT government assistance. This organization demonstrates the wealth of compassion, care and concern that we as American citizens have within us.
    And even more importantly as the HALO motto says, "offering a hand up not a handout"
    And on a personal note with NO apologies to the Politically Correct crowd..yes it has a spiritual foundation...So Merry Christmas!
    For information about HALO, see:

  3. Glad I’m retired, Wicomico, you have issues
    Sandra D.

    Yes we do Sandra, yes we do. Too many to mention here.

  4. There are a few errors in the letter. The United Way has an average overhead cost, approx 24%. It is between the recommended 18% and the national average of 24%.
    Also, no one is required to give to the United Way. Donations are voluntary, and the United Way itself discourages employers from pushing for a 100% contribution level.
    United Way contributions can be designated for either a focus area or a specific agency. The Salvation Army is a United Way agency. (correction - it is Halo - Hope and Life Outreach, not Hallo)

    As to the central issue you bring up, whether or not it is ethical for the county to regulate or limit the charitable activities of its employees, that is a good discussion. It should be conducted and it should be factual. Bashing one charitable agency so as to make another one look better is no different that those who bully others so they can feel better.

  5. it is my understanding that HALO has an overhead of 0%

  6. United Way helps no one they tell you where you might find assistance

  7. United Way is a scam. The focus is always ignored. They just put the money anywhere anyway. 24% is unreasonable. The they do not want 100% a lie pure and simple.

    If you must give the minimum possible better than losing your job.


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