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Sunday, December 22, 2013

JUST IN: The Robertson Family Offical Statement

We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support. The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E's decision. We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word. While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm. We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty. Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.


  1. They are going to walk. Mark my words. The real losers will be the Thought Police A&E executives who are going to find them selves with pink slips.

  2. In a very politically correct way they just told A&E to kiss their butts. I'm not an overly religious person but I do believe in God and the Constitution. In point of fact I've never watched the show, but I do stand firm with this family.

  3. I sent my emails to A&E. No Phil = no watch!

  4. I don't see the show continuing in the same manner it has and since I like the show the way it is and though not liking statements I honor Mr Robertson's right to free speech and thought. I hope A&E can fill it the time slot because any modification would be a bad move.

  5. Amen Phil what is this country coming to you can't say the truth about the way you feel or believe. If you don't like wht he said don t watch it.i hope they stick tougher and tell a&e to kiss there a$$.

  6. I support them. map

  7. I find it wonderful that a family stands united in their faith and their beliefs. I fully support the family and I will not be watching any A & E programming.

    How dare A & E be so intolerant of chistian beliefs yet pander to a society of misfits who don't believe in any moral behaviors.

  8. Good for them! I hope they tell A&E to stick it! They will find out what Duck Power is all about. I wouldnt be surprised to see a retraction and apology to Phil soon. Well, ok, yes I would. But that is what A&E should do. I bet the Robertsons have 10 times the support tahn the gay and lesbian community. BTW, homosexuality is a sin. My opinion, my belief!!

  9. There is an online petition which I have signed in support of the Robertson family. I have also contacted A&E in support of the Robertson family. I watched Piers Morgan tonight just knowing that it was going to be a circus and it totally was just as I expected it to be. I even went to the GQ website to read the "original" article, not that I believe that they wouldn't have changed the content between the original and now.

    I am a "fifty something", non-gay, white Christian woman. I personally saw nothing in the article that "offended" me. Maybe he really didn't have to go quite so far as addressing the "vagina and anus" but, hey, he is a man. That is how they talk. Or, I should preface that by saying that has been my fifty some year "experience" with men's language. And technically, that is the name of those two items of our anatomy.

    Phil is a Christian man and was speaking of his beliefs as a Christian man. The interviewer was asking him about his beliefs. How do you lose your job over answering a question that you are asked, about your religious beliefs, in the United States of America. I thought we had the freedom to practice our religion, or is that another amendment we are changing.

    Now to go along with that, on the Piers Morgan show, they are also in an uproar because he said that when he was young, black people worked on the farms. He said "he" never saw a black person harmed. He did not say a black person was NEVER harmed. He said HE DID NOT SEE IT. He also said that he, coming from poor white trash, worked right out in the field with them, on the farm. He maybe could have worded that sentence differently. Like; Me, being equally as poor, worked the farm right along side of them. He said they sang as they worked. Gospel songs, not blues songs. Then he ventured to say, "Was that because they didn't have welfare or entitlement programs--HE DIDN"T KNOW." He just knew they sang gospel songs.

    Maybe Phil did not personally see a lot of racial things around him. I don't know as I don't Phil. I do know the show makes it look like they live back in the swamp. Maybe he was born and raised in the swamp. They don't get out much you know. I do know that I was incensed when Paula Deen lost so much over having used the "N" word one time 40 years ago and every rapper in the world says it 49 times in one song. I say BULLSH*T to that!!!!

    The point of the whole thing to me is that this was a man's personal opinion. Maybe you don't agree with it and maybe you think the man is a bible thumping idiot. That is your right--to have your opinion. It is even your right to voice it. It is your right to have religion and it is your right to not have religion if that is your choice.

    The LGBT wants to get all in an uproar when someone says something they don't agree with. Where is all that tolerance they are always preaching. That acceptance of "another's lifestyle." What, if someone doesn't agree WITH you, then you have the right to strip them of their right to support their family. Let them argue with GOD. Phil was simply stating his belief in GOD. He has that right!!!!

    I happen to like the Duck Dynasty show. I think they are funny. They aren't cussing. They aren't plotting to sleep with each others husbands. Are they back woods red-necks. Maybe. Maybe they live "not in this world" as the bible says we should.

    Now all of this is just my opinion but I shall state it. My name is Dawn Raines and if I get up in the morning and have no job, then the Lord shall provide. I have a GOD given right to my opinion and a constitutional right to speak it. Thank you for your time. I'm sorry I got a little long winded but this one really irritated me.

  10. They're done, in todays screwed up world, the liberal fags rule. Everyone is so afraid of offending anyone, hell, look how the stupid people even voted, they didn't want to be perceived as racist so they voted in the idiot!

  11. MSNBC is reporting that A&E is saying that Phil will be back on the show when they return Jan 15th. They apparently aren't filming now anyway.

  12. Totally agree it is nice to see a family that sticks together and believes in the good Lord. I love watching their show. The best part is seeing the family together and praying, giving God the thanks he deserves. The world needs more people like the Robinson s. God bless each and everyone in the Robinson family.

  13. 1:33
    Really? Which race are they being racist against? You shouldn't use words you don't know the meaning of. Go back to your closet.

  14. I really don't understand where this country is at right now. How many gay or lesbians actually watch this redneckery anyway? As a liberal I'm offended. Why would I care what Phil thinks? Whatever it is I certainly feel he is entitled to believe it and/or say whatever he wants, to whoever he wants. There two sides to every fence and although I may not agree with Phil, he has the right to be Phil. A&E is a cable network. Anyone who has ever watch this show has a number of other viewing options. Live and let live. From way over here on the left I just fail to comprehend the hoop-la. I don't think anyone would be surprised by how the gay and lesbian community felt about Phil's thoughts. It's all about Freedom and Equlity way over here. I actually appreciate Phil even more now. This fear of offending ANYone is absurd and it comes from the middle. Get a pair, laugh at little, and move on.

  15. Great comments on here so far; except for 2:13 who is probably very young and air headish. thank you dawn for your comments. spot on...

  16. This has got to be one of the dumbest shows on television. Who cares?

  17. 2:24 it is not the middle it is coming from! It is the left.

  18. Rise up and revolt! Take to arms , take your country back!
    Goodness sake , does the media run this America. I think so!

  19. 11:41PM
    If I watched MSNBC I'd never admit it, you shouldn't either.

  20. If gay people say, if you dont support gay relationships, dont be in one, then lets turn that around, if you do not agree with the program your watching, turn it! Your belief is too outrageous, but accept my belief! Liberals

  21. Ms Raines. Good job.

  22. Thank you Dawn , you go girl!
    Wayne Earp

  23. I thought I read a few months ago that Phil said he was bowing out of the show in the future. The show was to go on-- just without him being shown.

  24. I think they should switch to working for Glenn Beck.Any truly godly people like this can surely handle minimum wage.A&E made the biggest mistake of their lives.be surprised if even 80% of their previous viewers return IF Phil returns.

  25. 5:03 It has to be the middle. I have no problem with my position or yours and will gladly say so; not caring if I offend someone or not. Its those who lack the fortitude to voice any opinion. The fear of public scrutiny for being an individual or standing up for what you believe is whats destroying this great country. It's those in the middle who have a gay friend or relative that feel and obligation to portend picking one side or the other. They are the conflicted not you or me. On one hand they're defending a loved one and on the other they're gonna fry in the river hades, for not taking little Jimbo to church camp to cure him of his homosexuality. That's the one thing from way over here we do have in common. Although we would disagree on most everything, neither of us,on the far left or right, get offended by the words from the other. We expect them and many times find them to be extremely funny. For me that's why I check into this blog.

  26. In a few months ppl will say "remember duck dynasty". #lifegoeson

  27. Go slam your head in a car door you flipping idiot!!!!! Rednecks rule.

  28. Don't bet on that 6:30. DD has been one of the biggest Cash Cows in TV history. Nearly 900 million in revenue brought in for A&E in 2013. DD isn't going anyway except possibly to a new network. Fans and sponsors will follow. It's called Welcome to the World of High Finance.
    Oh and this revenue only includes sponsorship and cable TV fees. Another close to 500 million in DD merchandise sold this year. At this point in time A&E will get on their knees and kiss the rear ends of the DD cast if that's what it takes to keep them. It's all about the almighty dollar-always has been and always will be and don't you ever forget it! And if you don't think A&E isn't cursing the gay and lesbian community who started this you are sadly mistaken. They couldn't possibly hate them anymore now if they tried because their Cash Cows are leaving them in limbo about the future.

  29. Seriously the fact that you all are so silly about a dumb show on television shows the lack of any real brains. There are far more important things in life than what the star of some show has to say. Sure A&E was really dumb and so on but who cares, in a week or two something else will draw attention. As far as rednecks rule.... How'd the civil war work out for you? The DD was made for TV, these people are far from rednecks.

  30. 8:48-"There are far more important things in life than what the star of some show has to say."

    You are exactly right. Now go and tell that to the LGBT community and GLAAD who feel the compelling need to insert themselves for whatever reason into a situation every time even the most B rated celebrity voices an opinion that different from theirs. I'm not ever really given 2 thought to gay issues but is seems more and more these people for whatever reason have some kind of problem where if they aren't always front and center constantly they act up as a child would. At this point in time the world would be a much better place if they would shut up and crawl back in the closet. Get married, have freaky sex, do whatever you want but get somewhere because they have finally worn out their welcome. They are so hypocritical that used toilet paper has more value then their opinions. Hypocrites do not count.


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