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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dear A&E, Congratulations, You Just Committed Suicide

Dear A&E,

I read that you are indefinitely suspending Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty after he quoted the Bible and said that the homosexual act is sinful. I get it, guys. I do. You punished the Christian guy for being a Christian because you got some angry emails from a bunch of whiny gay activists who lack the spine and maturity to deal with the fact that there are still people out there who have the guts to articulate opinions that they find disagreeable. In so doing, you’ve kowtowed to a pushy minority of vocal bullies who don’t even watch your channel, while alienating the fan base of the one show that keeps your entire network afloat.

Makes sense.

You’ve got standards, after all. You wouldn’t want to be associated with tasteless and inappropriate things. The people on Duck Dynasty can’t be allowed to run around being all Christian-like. It might ruin the reputation of the network whose other shows include Hoarders and Intervention — programs that invite viewers to gawk at drug addicts and the mentally ill for their own amusement.


  1. Yup. Hit the nail on the head. Free Speech means free speech. Freedom to feel a certain way and to express that opinion if one so chooses.

    It does not mean the freedom not to be offended or to offend.

    I for one will no longer watch A&E.

  2. I find it hard to believe that A&E would allow an unsupervised interview. with the crazy amount of marketing that they do to sell items for the show, don't be surprised if this turns out to be a publicity stunt.

  3. Yeah, nice move execs!

  4. The problem with these gays who are all riled up over this is, they know Phil is right. All he did was simply point out, that homosexuality is a sin. He also pointed out, that so is drunkenness, idolatry, bestiality and a host of other sins as defined by the Bible.
    It's time these gays were slapped down a notch and told the truth. If you believe in the Bible and it's principles then you are committing a sin. Those that believe know in their hearts they are sinners but are embarrassed that someone dare to point it out publically. The fact stands, that everyone sins everyday and if you don't admit it then it leads to pent up frustrations like these gays have and causes all their anxiety towards anyone who speaks the truth.
    Situations like this makes me find myself less tolerant of gays, because they lack the backbone to admit they are sinners and that is what makes a person big, admitting you are imperfect.

  5. Yes, because being "Christian like" includes talking about vaginas and anuses.

  6. Best ever! BANG! They're dead!

  7. The Bible says that all will get a chance to hear the Word. Whether or not someone LISTENS to the Word will be their own choice and they will be judged accordingly.
    Don't worry about, or judge, those who refuse to believe. They have made a choice and will answer for it later.

  8. right on they have shot themselves in the foot on this one. the other networks wil grab up the the duck guys in a heartbeat. thanks sjd

  9. Where are the Christian. Democrats???

  10. Just dropped cable lineup and saved $30:

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  11. Remember when Dog the Bounty Hunter was the most popular show on A&E?

    This show will come and go just like that did and A&E will be fine.

  12. its funny how I bet most people that watch the show are against gay marriage in general and were not offended by the comments.

  13. Homosexuals don't like to be reminded that they are wrong and when anyone disagrees with them they attack you. Homosexuals make a choice to be gaythey were not born that way. Homosexuals do not believe in god either. Homosexuality is a mental disease. Christians know that if everyone in the world were homosexual the human population would die of. That was the whole reason why god made a man for a woman. Not 2 men not 2 woman that is not a marriage.The only way that homos can have kids is to outside of their homosexuality. The media and liberals and president should not be encouraging these homos to try to pass the immoral behavior off on people that don't believe in it.

  14. For a long time now, it has been commonplace for people who make statements or engage in actions which are absolutely guaranteed to offend certain individuals or groups to claim, after they're taken to task, that "they didn't mean to hurt anyone" or they were "just expressing an opinion." You can't separate intent from obvious, foreseeable consequences -- it's like firing a gun at a crowd and saying you didn't mean to hit anyone. The truth of a statement (or one's belief in the truth) doesn't mean the statement should be made. It's true that a 400-pound person is fat, and it's true that someone with an IQ of 60 is what used to be called a "retard." Does anyone think it's OK to say these things?

    One other point: 9:34 a.m., freedom of speech applies to GOVERNMENT regulation of speech. It doesn't apply to this situation.

  15. Where do you get FiOS around here?

  16. The bible was written by people who believed the world was flat.

  17. As far as advertising if you didnt know Duck Dynasty,you do now!

  18. To be Christian we are to love the sinner and HATE the sin. I have no ill will toward the people he spoke about but I hate the way they spend their lives. I think 11:29 is probably correct.

  19. @1059 Are you in Salisbury and you get Fios

  20. (1 Cor 6:9,10) "What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom

    (Romans 1:27) "That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error."

    See also account about Sodom and Gomorrah at Genesis chapter 19

    Good Day..

  21. 12:09-For starters here's one-

    Leviticus 18:22 )
    “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin

    I can and will post more if you would like and there are many many more. There is no gilding this lily. The Bible clearly and explicitly states that homosexuality is a sin. If and when the homosexuals admit it, they will feel much better about themselves and won't get themselves all riles up like a bunch of nervous maniacs when someone points out their sinful ways.

  22. Oh please queensgirl. You are so way off base with your comparisons. PR did not call anyone a name. All he did was answer a question about how he felt about homosexuality. He quoted from a Bible verse (verse also included multiple other sins) and offered his preference of a female rather than a male. That is it and that was all.
    If anyone finds that offensive then they have the problem-a real serious problem and quite frankly that person should just go and shoot themselves in the head immediately because being bothered by the least little thing like this is going to drive them nuts.
    anymore I have no use for anyone who is so weak minded that they find this offensive. I refuse to be in their company. I want to surround myself with people who turn lemons into lemonade so to speak. If you find something offensive don't seek to destroy but seek to turn it into something positive. The gay community is out of control and are so miserable they are seeking to drag others down.

  23. 10:21--Are you serious? If you correctly name genitalia when describing intercourse you are not Christian? It is about time people understand the nature of male homosexual intercourse and that it involves penetrating the anus. Seems to me that homosexuals would be absolutely crowing about the fact he mentions "anus"--they do love their special starfish!!!!!

  24. Bottom line-two roosters don't make a chicken.

  25. And the black "remarks", some have called "derogatory"! Really? He told a story of working side by side with them, and they were happy and singing religious songs along the way. The worst thing he did in that story was to call himself "white trash"!

    WHOA, BUDDY! how bad is that?

  26. Well I have read the King James Version of those versus it's not called a sin. No were in the Corinthians verse does it say completely what you claim. It is called an obomination not a sin. Not one verse clearly states it's a sin case closed and I think the Old Testament would be the best to follow

    1. God didn't make man on man or woman on woman if that was the way None of us be around.

  27. CEO of A&E made the dumbest decision of her life. They have lost the Robertsons. No more seven figure paychecks for her. Cooperate america... wow!!! Best wishes to Phil.

  28. To all of you claiming you believe in the whole Bible, all of the verses, not just the PC versions that make it okay to be gay, I present you with Leviticus 19:19 (NIV)-

    "Keep my decrees. Do not mate different kinds of animals. Do not plant your field with two different kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."

    Unless you've gone your whole life wearing everything only 100% wool or cotton, looks like we're all going to Hell, you sinners.

  29. 1:02 and that's the point. Sane people who also believe in the Biblical principles know and admit they are sinners and are constantly sinning. Gays can't be honest about much of anything and refuse to believe what they are doing according to Biblical teachings is an abomination, a perversion and that they are sinning. There is no gray area in this. They are sinning-Period-End of Story. When and if they ever decide to admit their shortcomings and sins they will feel much better about themselves and will stop with their silly nonsense of trying to silence those who are doing nothing more then telling the truth. So far the most successful thing they have done to promote their "agenda" is to turn people into liars for fear of offending them. They promote and condone lying and that is what makes them a real problem and not something that any civil society should tolerate.

  30. Will never watch it again. It is an officially blocked channel. Got to love modern technology.


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