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Sunday, December 22, 2013

For What It's Worth, "My View"

Phil Robertson, founder of Duck Dynasty has been suspended by A&E for his beliefs against a gay lifestyle. 

"His personal views in no way reflect those of A&E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely."

While we have another article scheduled later this morning about the formalities of A&E's decision, it never ceases to amaze me just how scared these networks have become on this matter. 

Does A&E actually THINK a group of redneck hunters support a gay lifestyle? I could see them making the above statement/quote WITHOUT a suspension, no problem. I personally think the show is a bit stupid and dumbs down America, "but hey, Jack", it is what it is. 

First it was Dog The Bounty Hunter, then Paula Dean and now Phil Robertson. Just what did they expect when they hired on these people anyway? How's that queer eye for the straight guy working for you now, networks? I can assure you, Dog, Paula and Phil brought in a hell of a lot more viewers than that group of queers trying to tell other men how to shave, dress and cook.

Call A&E 



  1. What happened to his freedom to speak. if his words hurt then they must be truth, otherwise it shouldn't matter. Ok to be gay i guess but not christian.

  2. Just QUIT watching the network and don't support the advertisers and watch how fast they change their tune. We Have The Power!

  3. While I do not agree with his views, I believe in his right to his personal beliefs.

  4. Gays are stupid. If they think for one second this hurts the Robertson Family they are sadly mistaken. All this does is turn more people against gays. For years I've not ever given them a single thought other than to each his own. Now I feel as though they have worn out their welcome with their pettiness and I don't want anything to do with them.
    I think the problem is in their hearts they know they are misfits and can't handle when someone speaks their minds otherwise this wouldn't bother them.

  5. 8:08: Please actually go read the first amendment.

    He can say what he wants, but there will be consequences.

    That being said, A&E puts out low-brow, "macho" programming. I'm not sure the viewers would have been offended..but the advertisers will

  6. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil, and the systems of the world are controlled by the god of this world, who is the Devil. But the good news is that there is a day of reckoning coming up where we will all be judged according to our works and be rewarded for standing for the truth.

  7. I will only watch Duck Dynasty and not watch anything else on A&E.

  8. I could see them suspending him IF such statements were made on the actual show.

    But to take such an action because he was quoted elsewhere is ridiculous.

    A&E is cutting off their nose to spite their face with this action.

    You would think their disclaimer that they may not agree with the opinions of the people in their shows would be enough?

  9. Funny how the left is ok with personal responsibity in freedoms in these cases, but are ok with school dropouts, single parenting, and drug use not feeling the brunt of the consequences of those free choices.

  10. Call A&E

  11. A&E hasn't had any problems cashing the huge checks they draw in from the show .....bite me!

  12. Leave it to GC and the other rags to trap a regular citizen who says the truth, not what is politically correct. The above post said it best, it only makes people hate the gays more, it does nothing to advance their cause. I would stand with Phil and his family any day of the week! Not because of what they believe, but that they are real people with values.

  13. The queers and others out to promote liberalism are scared to death of this family. They don't want their wholesome American values to start spreading is the real reason for this. The Robertson's are very popular and the threat is great.

  14. Ask Jim Ireton if he still goes to the church he was raised in. Phil is a good christian and gays hate the church. Who has the phobia now.

  15. How could A&E expect anything else from these ignorant people?

  16. 8:14-Your 1st 3 sentences are precisely why A&E let him go.That enabled them to turn the majority against the gay community and save face.

  17. screw a&e and the queers along with all the rest of the leftist idiots in this country / world!

  18. Just a thought...but maybe boycotting the show is what A&E want. Wasn't it last season the producers didn't want them to talk about God, guns and hunting and they refused? So by this latest stunt if we boycott DD ratings will go down and therefore have to cancel the show!

  19. catjowill, very interesting thought. Perhaps their contract favors the Family too much and they're looking for a way out. Nevertheless, I'm sure another network would be willing to fulfill their contract and A&E should allow them to move to that network.

  20. I am totally against homosexuality. I also agree with everything he said. The human body was not designed for men on men. The term EXIT only should apply.

  21. Ok, I am gay/lesbian, call me what you want, I don't care. I don't think these people are offended, they just want a reason to argue and shout unfair. I love this show, and Phil is awesome! You know, there are jerks whether gay, straight, etc. The people who are hollering "offensive." need to get a life. Mind your own business and you won't have time to meddle in other's. Some straight people will hate me because I am gay, some gay people hate me because I don't see what Phil did that was so terrible.

    1. Thank you 9:11, you're a breath of fresh perspective. Being an antiquated straight male with a sufficient amount of real gay friends, both female and male, the haters always continue to hate. Why? Because that's the choice that they choose to make. Non thinkers listen to and are influenced by the masses, the media. Intelligent human beings think for themselves and do not allow the ill conceived logic of twisted thought to factor in. Gay people are simply one of God's creations, trying to live their private lives in peace, just as we all are. Judge not lest ye be judged. Live and let live. Happy day!

  22. I don't think anyone is surprised about his views. I'm not very interested in all these ridiculous reality shows.

  23. 14 million people plus watching each episode speaks for itself,but personally I'm having a hard time liking the show.They say it grows on you.We'll see.

  24. 9:11
    You are right, very thoughtful post.

  25. anonymous 9:12, Here's what I DO like about this show. It's NOT that these guys live to hunt, something I personally do not do. As most of you know, my Wife and I love animals and do not believe in hunters who simply hunt for the sport. We DO however believe in hunters who EAT what they kill.

    Nevertheless, what I personally like aout the show is the fact that it opens the mind and eyes to the "little guy" out there who has this "small" idea and knows that in America that "small" idea can in fact help you achieve the American dream.

    Think about it. A duck call has made this entire Family millions upon millions of dollars. IF you happen to buy their book, (which we do own and have read) they are an amazing Family and even better and incredible business empire. They marketed themselves! They came up with this show idea LONG before reality TV took off.

    They deserve more credit than A&E is giving them because they, (A&E) didn't make them. Go read their book, it's very interesting.

  26. 9:11 I just hit the like button for your comment! Very well said!

  27. Remember when Gays just wanted tolerance? Well it seems they don't offer the same courtesy.

  28. Good article. You are simply saying what most of us are thinking anyway but are too afraid to put a name to it.

  29. Just boycott A & E

    This is all we have left to fight with, is either have the service or don't... And most lazy stupid people can't live without TV or a phone in their hand...

    It's a shame american people will tolerate this crap and are willing to put up with it...

  30. To make another point, Monday Night football never had an intro like Hank Williams Jr. They tried with Faith Hill and Carry Underwood and both are quite pleasing to look at. But with Hank it was a kick ass attitude which is what football is all about anyway. Williams was fired for calling Obama a liar. It's a shame that you can loose your job in this Country for telling the truth. I'll bet if the network brought Hank back for one intro it would shatter the ratings.

  31. We called A&E. After a bunch of prompts it says to hold for a receptionist. After holding for a few minutes a recording comes on to leave a message.

  32. A lot of gays (among other issues) do have a phobia when it comes to anyone who is against their lifestyle. The bottom line is if anyone chooses to speak out against them it is perfectly okay. To take it a step further it is in anyone's right to hate them even. This social engineering against 'hating' anyone has gone too far. It is our right to hate anyone or anything we choose to hate. It is this pent up angry that causes violence I believe. People can not be themselves and it gets to them. This is especially true if someone is unstable to begin with. If violence occurs against a gay the gay community itself is to blame. They grew it by being offended at such as silly thing as words. They are pathetic and need to just crawl in a hole and let others say what they want and hate whomever they want to.

  33. It is a shame that so many people in the US have forgotten that this country was formed and built on the very values this family practices. I believe the US was a much better place with those values. If you research the family there was a time when some of them weren't "going down the right path in life" but they changed direction, they worked hard made a living and didn't suck off the government and others to pay their way though life. That says a lot compared to today moochers/dumocrats. So his opinion differs from some others. Get over it A&E. I will turn your channel off except for DD.

  34. Facebook page "Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson is Put Back On Duck Dynasty" already has 395,000 likes. Everyone needs to join and contribute to the conversations going on. Time to show the gay community THEY ARE NOT IN CHARGE. They need to get to the back of the bus, reassess their pettiness and only when they learn the principles of Free Speech will they be allowed to reemerge. We should not, nor will we pay any attention to a bunch of immature low life's who live in a dream world. It's time gays face reality. Some people always will disagree with the lifestyle so suck it up or continue to look silly for the rest of your miserable lives.

  35. I think the whole family should pull out of the show and go elsewhere. A&E would then lose a huge part of their audience. This show has made A&E millions. Think about the merchandise that you see everywhere in any store that you go in. Believe me all of the people who watch them and enjoy the show would follow the Robertson family.

  36. anonymous 9:56, I, (like many of you) was raised to never "hate" anyone.

    Speaking only for myself, I do not hate gays. I simply disagree with their lifestyle.

    I do not appreciate their lifestyle shoved down our throats simply because I happen to disagree with them. I also cannot believe that even when voters in California voted DOWN gay marriage, the Supreme Court reversed that decision and have allowed gay marriage to go through.

    America is no longer the America I was raised to believe in. Liberals have ramroded crooked laws against our wishes for a select few while the majority of Americans truly do not support or believe their way of life.

    Someone recently said, then why can't we have multiple spouses? We can have multiple girlfriends or boyfriends, why not spouses.

    Yet our laws on animal abuse are minimal at best. A guy can, (and did) go into the Salisbury Zoo and rape and kill a baby Llama and the biggest charge he got was trespassing!

    I'm sorry for rambling but come on now, it just makes no sense.

    When a human being takes advantage of a helpless animals or other human being, that is as close to hate as I can get. BUT, we're not supposed to hate.

  37. Those involved in homosexual activity know they are wallowing in sin and that's the only reason why Phil's statements bother them. It's called the truth hurts. If they didn't think what they were doing was unnatural this wouldn't bother them in the least.
    I am not a religious person. I don't go to church except for funerals or weddings and I get out of going to them if I can.
    When words like this bother someone then that person has the real issue and not the one whose mouth them came out of.

  38. I totally agree with this post Albero, you are 100% correct. There are very few things I agree with you about, but this is one of them. I have to admit that I have a deep, deep hatred towards you for things you have done and continue to do. However, thanks for being truthful and honest about this issue.

  39. How many of you bitching about Phil Robertson being fired were happy when Martin Bashir was canned after the things he said about Sarah Palin?

    What's the difference? Shouldn't Martin Bashir have had the same freedom of speech as Robertson should have had?

  40. Well we were raised to hate. I guess you can call it hate. We weren't allowed to socialize with other children who were considered beneath us. The kids who ran the streets unsupervised-the ones with parents who didn't hold the same values as our family. It served us well. Our extended family is around 30 strong. Not one name on the judiciary except a rare traffic infraction. No drugs, alcoholics, no illegitimate children. Only one divorce of a cousin I can think of. Everyone is self supporting and doesn't rely on the government.
    We were taught to look down on certain types of people. I'm not saying poor people in general because when we moved from the city to the country in the late 50's a very poor family lived across the road and my parents helped them out all the time, because they were good people. When we moved there the father told my parents if any of his children ever give them any lip or were up to no good to let him know immediately. When one daughter got married in the mid 60's my mother had the idea to give her a wedding which was held at our house because theirs wasn't so nice. I remember it distinctly because we cleaned for 2 weeks. Everything had to be perfect including the yard. Even our old Boxer had a bath for the occasion.

  41. anonymous 10:31, there's a massive difference here.

    Phil wasn't suggesting someone urinate in a gays mouth and so forth.

  42. I not about to weigh in on whether being gay is right or wrong - this is not an issue about gay americans! It is an issue about freedom of speech and how americans continue to lose their right to this basic freedom. If you don't agree with Phil don't buy his products, don't watch his show. Phil has a right to express how he feels! Just like Paula, Martin Bashir, etc. It is our right to choose whether we listen and how we support them or not support them.

  43. 10:31-No. Bashir's job description as a political commentator didn't include his opinion of what should be done to Palin ("a dose of discipline"-ie-someone crapping in her mouth.) It's ridiculous to even attempt to lump these 2 situations together.
    Bashir was promoting violence in the most crude vulgar of ways. Robertson did nothing of the sort.

  44. anonymous 10:40, I stand corrected, thank you.

  45. LOL 10:31. Are you for real?
    You need to be schooled. Let me have the pleasure. MB was a commentator/host/anchor for a news network. Are you following me so far? He wasn't being paid for his opinion. Are you getting it yet? PR was interviewed by a magazine and that's when he made these comments. PR was asked what he considers sin. He named off a multitude of sins as defined by the Bible.

  46. The Phil Robertson FB support page is getting more than 100.000 likes an hour.

  47. A&E contact info Ms. Abbe Raven, CEO A&E Television Networks 235 East 45th St. New York, NY 10017

    ABBE RAVEN (CEO) Abbe.Raven@aetn.com

    WHITNEY GOIT (SR. EVP) whitney.goit@aetn.com

    ROBERT DEBITETTO (EVP) robert.debitetto@aetn.com

    COLLEEN CONWAY (Director of Non-Fiction Programming) colleen.conway@aetn.com

    GENERAL EMAIL: ae.viewerrelations@aetv.com

    ABBE RAVEN (CEO) LINE: (212) 210-9007

    GENERAL TELEPHONE: (212) 210-1400

  48. The problem with these gays are they are dishonest. I'm not gay, but I freely admit I am a sinner according to Biblical principles. Try as you may God's Word does not change with whatever anyone perceives to be an okay thing. The bottom line is homosexuality is a sin according to the Bible and there are no ifs ands or buts about it. If these gays were honest people and admit they are sinners then they wouldn't be so uptight about things. They wouldn't be such miserable uptight people if they were honest with themselves.
    With things like this it's a deflection of their own inadequacies and it makes them feel better about themselves to shift the blame.
    This is what causes people to look at them with a new not very nice or tolerant eye.

  49. A&E is now on my "blocked" list. I hope he can now break his show contract.

  50. ", trying to live their private lives in peace"

    Really 11:03? You are kidding, joking right? And who do you think has made this Phil Robertson thing an issue? Let me clue you in-it's the gay community. Anyone wanting to "live their private lives in peace" does not bust a nut every time someone publically offers a difference of opinion. Anyone wanting "to live their private lives in peace" are tolerant of others w/differing views because controversy causes all beliefs to surface. If all they want is to "live their private lives in peace" then they are lacking in the intellect area to boot because their actions speak otherwise.

  51. Bill Baker mentioned this article on today's show.

  52. Looking for a way to contact A&E via email, (direct to someone in corporate). Anyone have anything?

  53. "Judge not lest ye be judged"

    You Arm Chair Bible Quoters always have amnesia when it comes to WWJD. FYI-When Jesus helped someone he would tell them afterwards "to go and sin no more." Jesus was well aware that in order for a civil society to exist, people must judge and show disdain and intolerance of sinners. It's where the practice of shunning comes from.
    You people who claim to not "judge" are nothing more than excuse makers and enablers and are all that is wrong with the country. A dose of good old fashioned public judging is the only thing that is going to get things back to a civil existence.

  54. Phil gave his opinion, A&E gave theirs. Simple. While their show doesn't cater to the gay community, A&E is a business and their advertisers expect protection in the publicity that comes out of the channel. He has every right to say what he said, and they have every right to suspend/fire him for saying those things.

    If you don't want to watch A&E anymore, great, that's your choice and you have the freedom to not watch.

    If Joe allowed EVERY SINGLE POST that floods this site, the advertisers would hold him accountable.

    11:36 That's how religion works... Pick out some parts, leave the others. Whacko

  55. The LGBT and GLADD communities are the true BIGOTS.

  56. Hard to believe the "hissy fit" that is being thrown. They are living the sterotype!

  57. Shouldn't be censored. But do you know this dummy also seems to think the whole "Blacks don't like Jim Crow" was a figment of the media's imagination

  58. Any normal christian knows that being a homosexual is wrong and a sin and just flat out sick. Homosexual is not about love not about family and not about civil rights. If god had wanted two men or two women to be together he had made it possible for them to have kids with out going outside of their homosexuality. Homosexuality is nothing but perveted sex. And homosexuals are really not comfortable with being gay that is why they try to shut down businesses and freedom of speech and they don't have a conscience they don't want to be reminded that they are sinning. They try to use black people and civil rights being a homosexual has nothing to do with someone being black nor can the account to the struggles that black Americans endured. Blacks were discriminated because they were black not who they were having sex with. Liberals don't believe in god or the principals of what our country was founded upon.homosexuals are going to burn in hell

  59. GLADD called Phil Robertson "vile" for saying what he did. There is NOTHING natural about where they choose to place their private parts!
    He did not wish any harm to gays. He didn't say he didn't like them or would be mean to them. He said it was not his place to judge. He simply gave his opinion on the subject. I looked at the A&E facebook page and it has 583K likes since 2008. The support page that was started 15 hours ago for Phil Robertson now has 488K likes.
    Phil Robertson has his views. A&E had a choice......now the viewers will have their choice. I somehow see A&E coming out of this with egg on their face.

  60. 12:12 The same "christians" who follow the writings about homosexuality, probably eat shrimp, or crabs... both of which are also an abomination, according to the bible.

    Christianity is based on an adulterous mother giving birth to jesus. Adultery is a sin, correct?

    Religion is going to be the end of Earth... and not because some god is going to part the clouds and do away with us all... it will be a world war, with religions being the root, and causing a nuclear pitch and catch.

    I guess if you are christian, you are so above every one else. And, I'm sure you don't sin at all... oh wait, you can, because banging your boss to get a raise, while your s/o is picking up the kids is "forgiven"


  61. 12:31
    WOW!! Boy are you misguided I won't even take the time to go into all the things you said that are incorrect, it would only fall on deaf ears. The only thing I can do is pray for you and there is nothing you can do to stop me from doing it. Enjoy your day!

  62. It says they have suspended Phil Robertson. Does that mean the rest of the cast will continue on the show? Phil is my favorite and I think he speaks eloquently. It's the rest of the cast that acts like a bunch of country hicks but I still love the show.

  63. EXACTY 12:12! Only those who are ashamed of their sins get offended when their sins are pointed out. Homosexuals who find this offensive are not fooling anyone and are ashamed of their behaviour. An honest person admits they are sinners. I am a sinner and I hate it when someone points it out. It burns me up and I'm embarrassed when someone points out how "bad" we were back in the 1980's.
    Homosexuality takes sinning one step further because whether any gay chooses to believe it or not they have disappointed their family esp their parents. It's a blantant lie when parents say they have "accepted" the lifestyle. What they really mean is they live with it. An honest parent admits they would have preferred the male husband/female wife, picket fence/grandchildren scenario. The homosexual community would best be served by a dose of honesty. According to Bible teachings YOU ARE SINNERS and you can't change the Bible.


  64. "Christianity is based on an adulterous mother giving birth to jesus. Adultery is a sin, correct?"

    Where in the world did you come up with this one? It's clear the definition of "adulterous" is unknown to you. According to the Bible Jesus' birth was the result of the Immaculate Conception. Now your lesson for today is to go and look that up because at this point all you've managed to do was embarrass yourself by your lack of knowledge. I pray you've never said this publically. People would think you were a half wit or something.

  65. We are ALL born with sin and being homosexual is just one of those sins so Jesus said you must repent your sins.

  66. Oh you stupid little pathetic gays. Too darn stupid to see you are being used. Here's a newsflash for you all. A & E could care less about gays. It's called the Golden Rule-He with the gold rules. Mark my words-Phil Robertson will be reinstated- because everything the family touches turns into gold- AFTER A & E makes a few 100 million more off of Duck Dynasty merchandise (which at this very moment is selling like never before) which they own the rights to. If you choose to not support A & E then buy Duck Commander merchandise.
    Those making the $'s off of this are laughing their butts off at the stupid little gays and wanting them to keep making an issue out of this-it's spectacular for business.
    They are cheering on the gays-saying come on get mad and madder at Phil because it equates to $'s. And the dumb putrid peon gays fall hook line and sinker for it everytime.

  67. Right 1:36. I was at a funeral in August and one person thought it would be great to bring up what we did in our younger years, which included sex, drinking, tinkering with drugs. I wanted to punch this person in the mouth because I was so humiliated and that's the thing. If I didn't know and believe I did bad things I wouldn't have been humiliated. Only people who are embarrassed and mortified by their actions, are offended when someone speaks out against or about the actions. This is not a gray area. Any and all homosexuals who find Mr Robertson's words offensive feel that way only because they know what he says is true and they are mortified someone dare call them out on it and embarrass them. Again there is no gray area with this. When you are secure and happy with your decisions or lifestyle no one can nor will ever make you feel offended over what they say about it. It's high time these people need a dose of reality and told the way it really is and not what they want to hear.

  68. Good article Joe!! What is stated is true and is Bible based! The question I have is how do the networks establish what is right and wrong???? The 3 you mentioned versus all the CRAP Sharpton and Jackson can openly spew out on the air waves and we are suppose to "allow" it because their ANCESTORS were oppressed??? A WHOLE bunch of hypocrisy!!!!

  69. Homosexuality has nothing to do with God or Jesus or Mohammed or buddha...
    It is a PERVERSION of nature, a crime against natural law, an indecent proclivity and a sign of weakness for all those that perform the act or support those that do...
    Nothing to do with religion at all.

  70. If a white person defends their pride in being white they are racist. If a heterosexual prefers and defends traditional marriage they are a bigot. If a white Christian defends their religous beliefs they are redneck hillbilly racist bigots. There is a war on White Heterosexual Christians and we better start defending ourselves.

  71. 12:12 The same "christians" who follow the writings about homosexuality, probably eat shrimp, or crabs... both of which are also an abomination, according to the bible.

    Christianity is based on an adulterous mother giving birth to jesus. Adultery is a sin, correct?

    Religion is going to be the end of Earth... and not because some god is going to part the clouds and do away with us all... it will be a world war, with religions being the root, and causing a nuclear
    Below is a poor example of someone who is very childish in life, nature and morality. Pitch and Catch before you slam a belief please read it, understand it. I challenge you to do this. I challenge you to take time to read it. I am sure you won't because you are afraid it may actually draw you closer to a belief.

    What a shame that you would put the spin on this you did. Wow, how racist you look, how stupid and how lost you must really be.

    Ill Pray for you...

    pitch and catch.

    I guess if you are christian, you are so above every one else. And, I'm sure you don't sin at all... oh wait, you can, because banging your boss to get a raise, while your s/o is picking up the kids is "forgiven"


    December 19, 2013 at 12:31 PM

  72. Bottom line is he has in some way breached his contract. A&E has the legal authority do do what they did. Nuff said.

  73. Not what I hearing 2:46. Quite the opposite is true and A&E has breeched the contract. A&E is shaking in their shoes right now and that's is why they haven't released any official statement on this yet. They know they've stepped in crap because now the entire family will walk laughing all the way while A&E are left holding nothing but their weinies in their hand. The Robertson's unlike Deen and Dog have the upper hand and bringing on a breech of contract suit won't hurt them like it would have the other 2 I mentioned. This show is the only thing holding A&E together anymore. Without DD they will be obsolete with very few viewers.

  74. 2:36??? WHA? How is he in breach of contract? Or is that just liberal wishful thinking on your part?
    The interview he gave was in no way involved with A&E. That does not constitute breach of contract.

  75. "I guess if you are christian, you are so above every one else. And, I'm sure you don't sin at all... oh wait, you can, because banging your boss to get a raise, while your s/o is picking up the kids is "forgiven"

    No 2:32-What part of everyone sins don't you get? The only reason anyone would be offended when their sins are pointed out is because it humiliates them. Any gay who is offended by Robertson's statements only proves one thing and that is in their minds they know what they are doing is disgusting and abnormal and a sin otherwise it wouldn't bother them. It's not rocket science. It's all about the conscience. When something is pointed out to you, about you and it makes you uncomfortable then your conscience goes into overdrive and you get offensive because you know you are wrong but lack the honesty to admit to it. If gays were honest they would freely admit that "yes according to Bible teachings we are sinning and Phil Robertson is right."

  76. I don't usually comment but I'm done with A&E but I'll continue with DD. If the Robertson's stop praying with Jesus, I'm done with them too. Simple solution.. nuff said...

  77. This is Paula Dean all over again. Look people. When you are PUT on tv by a network then you in someway represent that network. When you start throwing your own conflicting personal views around then that network has a right to separate their views from yours. It would be like one of the advertisers on here advertising for a different news blog. I'm pretty sure Joe would take down an add for a rivalry blog. A&Es rivalry blog just happens to be an entire community. The LGBT community. Phil was wrong to voice his opinions to GQ in the manner that he did. He does have freedom of speech. He also has the freedom to choose his words more carefully when he is speaking for more than just himself. Unfortunately, with all the millions of dollars, comes the burden of always having to be careful of what you say to the public. Poor, not so poor, Phil. I think he and A&E will be just fine.

  78. No he should have kept his big fricking bearded mouth shut.even stupid politicians know that when you are a public figure you need to watch what you say.If he had made a racial slur,people would want his head on a platter,but its okay for him to talk smack about gays....

  79. And in related news, today, New Mexico becomes the 17th state to have same sex marriage.

  80. The Demonic Obama Crowd are in love with SATAN himselfDecember 19, 2013 at 4:25 PM

    "They Shall Not Inherit The Kingdom of God"

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11

    Sorry Gay folks...God said this is your World with SATAN and you will not enter our World after this life...

  81. OH please 3:43. YOur thinking is so convoluted. It defies logic to even suggest that his views represent those of A&E. It's like saying the NFL approved of dog fighting because of Michael Vick. The country has gone to hell in a bread basket because of people like you who are too cowardly to speak up on your beliefs. You all have created a nation of weak minded people who are spineless and get offended at the drop of a hat or pretend to get offended because they don't want to hear the truth.

  82. and just why should anyone have to "watch what they say", 3:56? Your way of thinking is so un-American it's amazing. No one should ever have to "watch what they say" unless they are threating someone. Have people become such mindless robots not entitled to hold their own beliefs and speak about them anymore? I can not believe anyone would want this for their children. You politically correct people have been reduced to nothing but slaves, good for nothing else but reproducing more mindless follower slave children that the establishment can brainwash into submission and silence. Your head should be hanging in shame over what you've allowed yourself to become.

  83. Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty Facebook now has 688,000 likes. I bet it gets a million before the night is over. I also bet it's the fastest growing FB page ever, but you know we'll never hear about that.
    I think who is going to end up with the walking papers are the A&E upper management. I heard through a good source that the sponsors are reaming them a new one. How I know this is someone cancelled a new fleet of trucks they were buying from a DD sponsor and the dealer was all upset and had a manufacturer official call the person and that person gave an earful to the former buyer and their self spoke some vile words about A&E management. Now A&E management is in hiding and not taking calls or emails.

  84. What the most disturbing about all of this is that A and E's executive is a woman. A strong woman would have said "sorry all, but that's Phil Robertson." Instead what we are seeing is a weak shell of a woman who is nothing more than a slave to the liberal establishment. No doubt she is a democrat because weak minded little women are par for course for that party.

  85. The real laugh is on the dope activists from the gay/lesbian groups. They suspended Phil from the show and the homosexuals are jumping for joy and actual think they've done something. Well guess what, the joke is on them. The show will go on and is to go on and won't skip a beat with or without Phil. Anything meaningful would have been to suspend the entire show.

  86. 3:43-Then say if a council member breaks the law, does that reflect on the mayor and council at large? does breaking the law and being a criminal reflect on their values too?

  87. DD marathon on tonight. As hard as it will be-don't watch. Instead join "Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty" and contribute to the conversations going on there.
    Likes are now just shy of 800,000! For comparison's sake the A&E Facebook (which has been around since the inception of FB) has only 585,000 Likes.
    Join Phil's site now, if you haven't already.

  88. They did this same thing to Kirk Cameron. Piers Morgan had him on his show to promote a book or movie, it may have been Fireproof. I don't remember the specifics of why he was on the show, but everybody knows that Kirk is a Christian man. So what does Piers ask him? "How do you feel about gays and gay marriage?" Well of course, Kirk gave basically the same answer as Phil. That he "believed" it to be a sin. That is because he "believes" Gods' word. So what happens. A hugh stink was raised by the LGBT community because Kirk was against gays. If you don't want to hear a Christian man's beliefs about gays--don't ask him the question. I will not watch another show on A&E and have let them know such.

    I don't when LGBT took over and decided what we can and can't say or believe but apparently it happened and I missed it. Personally I could care less if they are offended. I'll believe what I want to believe. Just my opinion of course. Everyone else is welcome to believe as "they" choose. I won't try to shove my beliefs down anyone's throats.

  89. Signature Series Duck Call available (with Phil's picture on it) at duckcommander.com

    Buy now. $250 and production limited to 500. You will be able to resell this for much more of you choose, as it's expected they will be gone by tonight.
    Don't buy any Duck Dynasty merchandise. That is owned by A&E. Buy Duck Commander.

  90. Maryland's own Under Armour the biggest Duck Commander business sponsor are now saying they stand behind Phil.

  91. Gosh, they don't seem to be answering their phones! Huh! Never got the connection!

  92. A and E 7:09? I called earlier and after listening to push this push that was told to hold for next available representative. Waited a few minutes and recording came on saying to leave a message. The cowards are obviously not standing behind their decision otherwise they would have a prompt to lead people to a statement on this. Some goofy woman's running the show over at A and E and she's realized she's stepped in a pile that is going to take her forever (if at all) to wipe off.

  93. Join---- "Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty" Facebook and contribute to the conversations going on there.
    Likes are now over 912,000. Will reach a million before long! Show A&E that they will NOT BE TOLERATED until they wise up!

  94. Join our friend Wayne Dupree Show at 8-9pm EST as we pay tribute to Phil Robertson and give him the credit he's due.
    Link to show - http://www.spreecast.com/events/wayne-dupree-show-1219

    ....and remember to only purchase Duck Commander merchandise and/or Under Amour (DC business sponsor who is standing behind Phil) which is the ultimate in hunting gear. Just ask Phil. It's all he wears.
    The rights to the Duck Dynasty brand are owned by A&E.

  95. Let's get this movement going! Let's show the Thought Police that we will NOT TOLERATE THEM. Time to slap them down to where they belong. Time to send them a message. We are people-all different types and individuals who are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. Show them that only 2nd class citizens will fall to their demands and not express themselves honestly.

    Join---- "Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty" Facebook and contribute to the conversations going on there. Now over 949,000 Likes-WooHoo!

  96. Not right at all 4 a man stating what he thnks. A little thing called the freedom of speech! People r so thin skinned and worried about what people say its pathetic! Grow a set and worry what our world is coming 2! Need 2 worry more about the economy, health care, and some kid shooting someone at a school do 2 lack of discipline at school and at home since u cant bust there asses cause its wrong also nowdays! But we nowdays want pick at some guy calln somebody a fag or homosexual?? Isnt christian they say? I dont thnk the bible meant love one another as sodomy either.... Dnt thnk what he did was wrong at all. Public affection of the same sex isnt right and shouldnt b seen around children. It isnt right at all. Children are confused then. If they are gay theyll figure it out. They dnt need a award 4 it either.

  97. More people have supported Phil on the Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty" Facebook page in 18 hours then have signed up for Obamacare-LOL.

  98. Hold on to your horses! The family is about ready to release a statement. It will be found on their site duckcommander.com

  99. Just bought duck commander calls for stocking stuffers!

  100. Lol this says a lot about where we stand in the USA today. A man can't speak what he believes In for fear of losing his job but, president Obama can flat out lie to you people yet he still sits in office . hmmm something is just plain wrong .

  101. I guess Phil fears God, more than he fears man or a TV executive

  102. Queers and Lesbians are an Obama-nation, and this is why God brought down upon them the AIDS virus, to rid the world of these freaks!

  103. Nearly 1,300,000 signatures now on Facebook SUPPORTING Phil Robertson which is more than have signed up for Obamacare and nearly as many as the total number of queers in the whole country!
    This is so funny now. The homo's should just stay in the psychological closet.
    They have made complete fools of themselves and admitted their weakness and perverted behavior is knowingly wrong. These are the people that brought us AIDS and numerous sexually transmitted diseases.
    Gay is NOT okay. Show no mercy toward
    their deviant behavior or their childish reactionary tantrums.
    The LGBT community should be incarcerated in psychiatric facilities for treatment and rehabilitation to regain normalcy.
    They are mentally ill people that have become a strain on society.

  104. FUUNNY how your so Called competitor the. GRINCH is standing up for Phil and against gays But he helped get our Gay Mayor relected he sounds like a Hypocritical Fool.

  105. Don't you all realize that drama at this excessive level is evil? Put your energy into living your own life right.Phil can take care of himself.In the time it took all of you to hack out 100+ comments you could have done something Christian yourself,like volunteering at a homeless shelter.

  106. As of 12:55 the phone number is down. You get a pre-recorded message and then your call is dumped. I guess someone has been burning up their lines.

  107. 12:19 You are wrong. People must stand together when someone is wronged and there is absolutely not a thing "evil" about it. There is power in numbers. If everyone thought like you slavery would never have been abolished! You are clearly not a results driven person otherwise you would be on board and not criticizing.

  108. The first was Anita Bryant,in 1977.

  109. The gays really overshot on this one.

    Now they are hated by most Americans that used to accept them. Now they are considered evil by most Americans. Not becuase of their evil lifestyle. But because of their hatred for anyone who disagrees with their evil lifestyle.

    This hate of gays will never be overcome. They are now in a far worse situation and there is no way out.

    It is quite possible they could find their behavior once again illegal when the dust settles. That is if the Muslims have not killed them by then.

  110. I agree 4:56. They have shown their true colors which is also a gross lack of integrity. Instead of valuing a man who speaks the truth about what he thinks of something, they would rather he lie or pretend. It's actually not rather they lie, but they want people to lie and encourage lying.

  111. Together we can defeat the homos and their disgusting agenda for America.

  112. I like the gays, they leave more women for the rest of us!!!


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