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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Will Americans Put Up with Americans Being Trained To Attack Them?

As evidence mounts that the U.S. military is being trained to engage citizens domestically, the lack of outcry from the American people has been astounding.

Exactly why the military is undergoing training in this regard is still unclear.
It could be related to a potential welfare state collapse, which could be triggered by cuts to food stamps or social security benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, “9 out of 10 individuals age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits.”

The arms buildup could also be in response to the slow motion financial collapse, which can only be accelerated through the implementation of Obamacare and which banks have already been warned to prepare for.

Another possibility is that the military is gearing up for another type of staged false flag event, which is desperately needed to relieve Obama’s flagging approval rating, and which will in turn help further instill fear in Americans and keep them looking to government for solutions.



  1. :" hey where is the party man...what game is on Sunday?November 9, 2013 at 2:18 PM

    Sheep being led to slaughter..

  2. Attacking, or attempting to control, en masse, the citizens of the USA means they would have to deal with 180 MILLION armed men, many with training in military tactics, and a lot of dissension within their (the military) ranks. They would take a SERIOUS ass-whipping. It is, however, inevitable, as history has proven again and again. STAY ARMED AND READY --- when it pops off, its going to pop off FAST. They ain't practicing for the fun of it.....

  3. I'm not wanting this, but I am ready in case. We need to collect neighbors together to talk and relate our feelings, know what homes are without self defense, educate each other on our resources whether they be foodstores, weapons, watch times, and contact information.

    That would really bulk up a neighborhood's camaraderie and ability to protect each other.


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