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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Consumer Comfort Plunges To 13 Month Lows

Another day, another collapse in a measure of the 'peoples' confidence. Despite the animal spirits of euphoric dot-com bubble betting that is the new-normal US equity markets, it seems both rich and poor are not loving it. Bloomberg's consumer comfort index dropped to -37.9 - its lowest since October 2012 having dropped for the 6th week in a row. The last time we saw a collapse of this size, the Fed saved us all with QE3... what this time?


  1. Joe,
    I am very curious as to where these numbers, facts, and figures are coming from and how they are collected and calculated. I am retired and do a lot of daily chores running from store to store and every Friday night for the past Umpteen years my wife and I choose a local restaurant to dine in. I have never seen the store so busy with people buying non-essential items like decorations, nick-knacks, and other house beautification products. The past few Friday nights at local restaurants have proven to be just as busy. It used to be the normal wait time was about 20-30 minutes, now it’s 45-60 minutes. If things are so bad and people are truly economically deprived then what is with the surge in retail and restaurants. When I was growing up we had very little so going to the store has a huge treat. Raising a family I taught my children responsibility and obligation before excessive spending. Somewhere somehow people are making enough money to purchase “Things” they want and desire.

  2. Christmas club checks came out mid October.


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