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Sunday, November 24, 2013


Trophy hunter and U.S. television host Melissa Bachman ignited controversy this week after posting a picture showing her posing over a dead lion she had slain in South Africa earlier this month.

“An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion…what a hunt!” she tweeted from her now deleted account, attaching a picture of her kneeling over the dead adult lion.

The picture was posted online Nov. 1, but only attracted attention this past week. Bachman has posted countless other pictures online showing her with other dead animals.
  Editor’s Note: This link contains graphic pictures of dead wildlife that may disturb some readers.


  1. But of course those same people calling for her head to be cut of for killing a lion could care a less about the Croc's! Typical!

  2. Murder with space aged weapons against indefensible prey. What sick pride can one derive from that?

  3. OMG, someone taking game legally during open season. OMG! Oh, God! What will we do?

    I'll tell you. Watch and deal with reality.

    Legal is legal

    Living here after illegally crossing my border is Illegal.

    Let's put our resources to work where they belong.

  4. Nice hunt, get over it you greenie weenie wackos.

  5. I don't have a problem with hunting as long as they eat it.

  6. "Space Aged Weapons"??? Looks like a Model 70 Winchester. Same gun my grandfather hunted with in the 60's. If he were still alive, he would be proud that he was hunting with such futuristic weaponry. I am sure that much of the wildlife in South Africa would disagree that a Lion is indefensible. Hope you don't eat burgers or chicken....they are truly indefensible. Raised in fences or houses only to be shocked to death or have your head popped off rather than be free ranging with at least the ability to run away. But I am sure you are a vegetarian and use nothing made with animal by-products.

  7. I'm all about chowing down on some deer, wild turkey, duck etc. I'm just not sure why one would think that gator provides such great "sport". Or lion for that matter. Jump out and take the lion on with spear in hand, then you will deserve kudos for being a great hunter.

  8. 8:14 "crossing MY borders"

    Please tell us what it was like to found this country. Tell us how you fought the British to gives us our independence. Go on....

  9. Did you then eat the lion, Melissa?

  10. Where is the outcry over abortion? Liberals scream about animal rights but millions of babies are being killed in the US every year and you don't hear a peep out of them. What gives?

  11. 10:57 To them, animal life >>>>> human life. Unless that human was bred by two other liberal, who donate to their cause. THEN, and only then, can the child live. If they slip through the cracks, they'll indoctrinate them throughout school. The End.

  12. Typically, the meat is given to the locals, who have the means to preserve it and the recipie to cook it! There's a big party/ feast and a good time is had by all! The trophy head mount is done and paid for in the country, so the host country/ tribe profits greatly.

    The Huntress gets a fantastic party and a head mount to take home.

    How is this a bad thing? I'm sure vegetables are also served...


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