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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Despicable: MSNBC's Bashir Wishes Sarah Palin Would Be Defecated, Urinated On

MSNBC’s Martin Bashir on Friday closed his show with likely the most disgraceful rant against former Alaska governor Sarah Palin you’ve ever heard.

Besides calling her “America’s resident dunce” and claiming she has a “deceased mind,” Bashir suggested that someone should defecate in her mouth and urinate in her eyes (video follows with transcript and commentary, vulgarity warning):

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  1. what a creep. Someone should glue his mouth shut.

  2. Put her on him one on one and she would probably beat the hell out of him. That is the mentality of MSNBC.

  3. seems like a career killer to me.

  4. I would love to hear her respond to him in person.

  5. He needs to be fired for encouraging violence against women. If MSNBC does not get rid of him it shows that they hate women also.

  6. He is so full of hate and malice. What a dead soul and empty heart this person has. Mrs. Palin has more common sense in her little finger than the interviewer will ever hope to gleen.

  7. Bashir is one of Obama's gay lovers. I read it on the internet.

  8. He is disgusting and needs to be fired. Time to boycott the sponsors of his show. Total disgrace as a human being.

  9. That's how they treat women where he's from.

  10. I love MSNBC for their completely unamerican anti constitutional hate mongering perspective. Makes me realize how to understand our current "president"

  11. She is a dunce for sure. The sole reason the republicans lost that election.

  12. Camels have more rights than women where he comes from.

  13. If I were Palin's security detail I would put a watch on this character. He seems to have a fetish driven fantasy towards her. I would also hope the FBI looks into his past. Someone like him is a behavioral analysts dream.

  14. I liked that picture in back ground of a community worker pervading employment for the needy.

  15. 9:11 - not the sole reason....the RINO McCain didn't help his own cause at all by alienating the Republican base!

  16. These liberal producers with these shows keep hiring "English" FOOLS?

  17. 9:11 you don't like Sarah Palin but she draws a bigger crowd than your own president .

  18. 11:19-Is that you Martin?

  19. Does anybody even take him seriously? I can smell the curry from here.

  20. How can anyone that has heard Palin speak take her seriously

  21. 511, Yes, I do, and if you don't, it's okay. We are on different buses.


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