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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Step Away From That Soda: Sugary Drinks Raise Cancer Risk For Women, Study Finds

Here’s another reason for ladies to just put down that sugary soda – it raises the risk of endometrial cancer.

Women who drank the most sweet soft drinks had a 78 percent increased risk of the cancer, researchers found. But other sweet treats, such as baked goods, didn’t have an effect. Nor did natural fruit juice, even though it’s full of naturally occurring sugars.

The findings fit in with other research linking sugar intake, obesity and a lack of exercise with the cancer, which kills more than 8,000 U.S. women a year.

“Other studies have shown increasing consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages has paralleled the increase in obesity. Obese women tend to have higher levels of estrogens and insulin than women of normal weight,” said Maki Inoue-Choi, who did the study while at the University of Minnesota and now is at the National Cancer Institute.


1 comment:

  1. If you can't pronounce something can you still get it?


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