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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

10 Easy Crock-Pot Freezer Meals

A couple of months ago I started meal planning with crock-pot freezer meals. They have been a huge help and make dinner time not only easier but stress free. I no longer have to worry about what I am cooking last minute, or run to the store to grab take-out since we have nothing prepped at home. When we come home from sports or other activities, I know there is a warm meal all ready in the crock pot.

We recently used up all of our crock pot freezer meals so I decided to compile a new list of recipes to try. I tried to use ingredients that we already had in the pantry or fridge/freezer, and made a grocery shopping list of ingredients that I needed to pick up. I separated all of the ingredients on the counter, got all of the meat and veggies prepped, and prepared all 10 meals at one time. We have already enjoyed the Sweet & Sour Meatballs and Pineapple Chicken Burritos this week, both were a HUGE hit, and I can’t wait to give the rest a try.


  1. The problem with crock pots is that you don't really get any flavor from the cooking process.

    I've found that browning your ingredients in a saute pan, and then deglazing to scrape up all the fond (brown bits) really take your crock pot to the next level.

    So for these recipes, brown your meats. Pull the meat and add it to the bag. Throw in your veggies and stir very little to get some char on them. Add them to the bag. Then deglaze with some stock, wine, or water and cook for a few minutes until the fond is incorporated into the liquid. Let it cool in a bowl and then add to the bag.

    It's a bit more work, but I promise you'll get a lot more flavor.

  2. Most recipes I've seen and followed for crock pots call for browning meat, deglazing the pans, and incorporating that into the dish.

    Like 301 said, a bit more work, and crock potting is excellent.

  3. Thanks for the tips 3:01 & 7:15.


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