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Monday, November 04, 2013

Robert Kiyosaki Talks Prepping, Anarchy In America, And Issues His Biggest Warning Ever

“Pretty soon the government has to start printing in mass. They’re only printing a trillion a year right now, but they will start printing more because, very simply, they can’t handle Social Security, Medicare…If they stiff those people, we’ll have anarchy.” Unfortunately, Robert’s view of the future of America is bleak. He believes that within the next five years, the entire system will collapse, ushering in a period of American chaos and poverty the likes of which have never been seen in the Land of the Free. “I think the biggest thing I can warn people is this, from my indication, the people in the stock market – the guys with 401(k)’s, and IRA’s full of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, they’re the next target; they’re going to get wiped out. The last target was 2007 and it was the homeowners. Now, they’re going to get the retirement plans.” More


  1. Ive said that all along,they will issue some kind of government bonds in place of 401k's,etc.

  2. I disagree that if "they stiff those people we'll have anarchy."
    SS and medicare recipients are predominantly elderly. They really have no fight in them. This is in keeping with the Obama regime tactic of assaulting the most defenseless of Americans.
    Obama knows this and like Obamacare
    his response is basically "what are you going to do about it?"
    The Democrat response is, "it's the law of the land, get over it!"

    So far they've managed to demonize anyone that opposes it through gestapo like tactics and off topic accusations and until they start paying the price for failed policies nothing will change.
    Americans will revolt then they will blame them as radical when in fact the Obama hypocrites as well as democrats are the true radicals seemingly hell bent on destroying this country with failed policy after failed policy.
    BUT, their day will come. They will pay, and dearly.

  3. The elderly on SS and medicare may not be able to fight however, there is a whole generation willing and able to fight for them. Didn't you see all of those 'Nam and younger vets come to the aide of the WWII vets? I believe in Americans, true Americans. They will stand and fight for what is right in this country and they'll stand strong, together.


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